Wang Ming stared blankly at the scene in front of him and almost didn't react.

This group of people all turned their backs to him...-I couldn't see why they came for a while, they just didn't feel like a simple corpse.

"Could it be that these people are the 'inhabitants' in the tomb passage room just now?"

"In fact, the half-open room with the copper door was not opened by Huo Ling, but by some idiot who forgot to close it when he went out?"

"Then do these count as living or dead, or :-: living dead six?"


Chapter [-] is weird!Ancient ancestors who survived to this day? (please customize)

Wang Ming stood at the exit of the tomb passage and carefully observed the scene in front of him.

Although I don't know if these people are dead or alive. But they certainly won't be in a sober state.

Otherwise, he would come out so swaggeringly that no one would be able to find out.

Moreover, there were hundreds of people standing in the square, and there was no movement for a long time.

One by one is like a humanoid sculpture.No action.No words were spoken, nothing happened from beginning to end.

Could it be that this is a special "decoration" in the imperial mausoleum?

For example, the Japanese body of the buried person is kept fresh and not rotten.then so fixedly gathered in


Although it sounds a bit strange to hear "[-]", Wang Ming thinks it is not impossible.

After all, the customs and tastes of the mysterious bereaved.Seems like it's always been weird?

After waiting for a while, JL..2 still did not see any changes.

Seeing that Taiqun Jiazhong flew straight and was about to disappear into the darkness.

Wang Ming didn't hesitate, and Yu Cian walked over directly.

Whether these guys are living or dead, or monsters like Zongzi.He can handle it with ease.

The only thing that is rather strange, 2 why such a large group of people.those neutrons

Not interested at all?

Could it be that these are all wax figures, or there are only skins left, the insides of which have been hollowed out 2

Stepping forward with doubts, and soon came to the edge of the crowd.

From this angle, he has already circled around these people. Seeing that there is still no response, he can basically determine that he is not a living person.

At least, it will never be a simple living person

Think about it, how could ordinary people live in such a place.

Regardless of the necessity of life or the source of food.This weird imperial tomb has no place to get it.At most I can drink some groundwater.

miss you

Then, Wang Ming carefully looked at the nearest "person".

Suddenly, his eyes focused on the opponent's back, and there was a hint of surprise and awe in his eyes.

I saw this group of standing guys, on the surface, they did look like ordinary people wearing Western clothes. Everyone's eyes in i0s are round, it seems that Ping won't wake up

But Wang Ming noticed something strange.That's why each of these people has a weird "device stuck in the back of their head"

No careful study is required.Wang Ming immediately recalled a familiar tomb in his mind.

He had seen similar dead people them

The stuff stuck in the back of the head is even more familiar

If you guessed correctly, these guys are indeed not simple corpses... but sleeping zongzi.

And the bronze fragments stuck in the back of their heads.has some special effect.Most likely a remote control device.

Wang Ming had this thought in his heart the first time he saw this thing.

It's just that after taking an adventure all the way, and never encountering something similar again, I automatically ignore the past.

Suddenly bumped into it.If there is no curiosity in the heart, it is absolutely impossible.

What is this Guangyang used for?

Such a large group of mysterious zongzi gathered here.Could it be some kind of "wooden alley" trap?

What made Wang Ming even more curious was whether these guys were standing here from the very beginning.

If the bronze room in the tomb passage behind him is really the residence of these guys, things may become more complicated.

Just thinking about it, Wang Ming's eyes narrowed slightly again, and he carefully observed the other's face.

It's not that I know the people here, but I noticed a slight change in the tip of my nose.

To be precise, it was the inaudible whistle

These guys get together.actually

Still breathing weakly?

how can that be?

He didn't care that the other party might "turn into a corpse", he reached over with one hand and put it on the tip of his nose.

Sure enough, the subtle and inconspicuous breathing was driving the air, passing between his fingers.

It's not the same as what I guessed just now. Although these guys had a scoop on the back of their head, and a bronze fragment was inserted.

But essentially.They are not corpses, but living "people".

"Did you guess right. These guys are the legendary living dead?"

Wang Ming was extremely astonished and hard to understand


The legendary living dead must be sealed with something like a thousand-year ice continue.

And the number is absolutely scarce, and the most affordable ones must have at least the "Emperor rank".

Before eye 5.6 these guys in normal clothes.Not to mention the emperor. Even the dignitaries are not counted.

Besides, even if you don't mention the issue of conditions, it is theoretically impossible to reach the level of immortality just by being exposed to the air like this.

Since these people are still alive.Certainly not like a mummy. z Hollow out the internal organs for preservation.

The more you think, the more you feel

It was weird, and Wang Ming had a bad feeling in his heart.

these guys.Maybe he can really wake up, but there is a key condition.

If you continue to follow the bugs, you will most likely wake them up: ..


Chapter [-] The plan in the plan (please customize)

The copper meteorite fantasy, _outside the imperial mausoleum.

Thick smoke and dust drifted around, filling the broken moat.

The already mysterious fantasy world is now even more hazy.

The old Khan team, who was left behind by Wang Ming, slumped on the ground, each one like a dead dog.

Everyone has injuries, and a few have even lost their arms and legs.

The old man with a rotten body was sitting on the ground, his old face showing fatigue, and he was wiping the wounds on his body.

Exactly.It is to tear off the festering dead skin little by little, revealing the corpse-like purple skin,

Surprisingly, not much blood flowed out.

Just now, Wang Qi and others were forced to be helpless.Detonated the explosives he was carrying.

The results of the battle are quite rich. Not only did they kill the Tuba fairy shrimps in an instant

Even the Shrimp King was severely injured, _04 lost one eyeball, and the tentacles were also broken.

The surviving fairy shrimp panicked instantly. She ran back to the abyss in despair, but successfully resolved the crisis.

But relatively, as Wang Ming expected.

These guys are so close. Detonating the explosives is simply a lose-lose.

While severely injuring the fairy shrimp group, he also suffered heavy losses.

Old Khan glanced at the surviving subordinates, his expression indifferent. ;

Compared to before, only half of the people who are still alive are left. Among them are several L disabled people.

Wang Qi and Wen Jin each huddled in a corner, but they managed to survive.

Everyone was extremely depressed, with a vague daze in their eyes.

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