“Third Master, I said that we should return the same way, right?”

“There are more than thirty spiders here, just with these little pistols of ours, how to fight?”

Seeing this scene, the big golden tooth immediately froze, and two trembled.

Just this little pistol, it really can’t give him a sense of security.

Moreover, Lao Hu and the fat man only left him two magazines on the grounds that the big golden tooth had not been shot and would be wasted.

“Jin Ye, what kind of are you talking about?”

“Inverted fighting, the Hades Temple is in front of you, and you even want to retreat?”

“This is another disgrace to the grandmaster!”

Before the fat man could speak, Huba couldn’t help it.

You let a tomb robber go to the Hades Temple, and return directly without going in to take a look?

Dream it!

Isn’t it just a spider, just do it!

Saying that, Huba Yi and the fat man had already shoveled with their left hand and ran towards the spider group with their right pistol.

Bang bang bang!!

Along the way, the pistol fired one after another, and the cloudy green blood began to splash.

“But I’m not a tomb thief, I’ll see it for a long time!”

“Old Jin, if you are really afraid, find a place to hide. ”

Jiang Nan patted Big Golden Tooth’s shoulder in understanding.

He understands the big golden tooth, after all, with this small body, you can’t win a fight, and kill the big spider?

After a simple instruction, Jiang Nan turned the treasure knife in his hand, and the corners of his mouth grinned.

Lightning rushed over.


A knife, just a knife.

With the gushing turbid green blood, the big spider head rolled to the ground.

The huge body twitched, and there was no movement.

Jiang Nan didn’t even look at it, twisted his waist, turned sideways, held the knife in both hands, and slashed vertically with full strength.

The human-faced black-faced ant that sneaked up from behind Jiang Nan was directly stabbed in half by Jiang Nan.

Killing this spider, Jiang Nan did not stop.

The whole person is like a god of war in the world, charging wildly on this battlefield.

One sword, each slash, is cut off by covering their heads.

Every time the knife fell, a spider died.

This scene really looks stupid to Lao Hu and the fat man.

Suddenly, they felt that the small pistol in their hands was not fragrant.

“I said, Lao Hu, or this is over, let’s also practice our bodies?”

The fat man shot a remnant blood spider and looked at Jiang Nan stunned and said.

“Then you must also be able to practice Jiang Ye’s kind… Fat man, be careful!!”

Old Hu sneered, but in the next moment, a spider circled behind the fat man, and Old Hu’s pupils shrank and exclaimed.


However, without waiting for the fat man to react, a black knife tore through the air, and the carrier flew over with the momentum of wind and thunder.

After penetrating the spider, he actually flew out several meters away with the spider and nailed it to the stone pillar!

“MD, desperately, dare to be distracted, fat man, you haven’t died, have you?”

In the distance, Jiangnan’s voice came.

Woke up the fat man, a cold sweat behind his back, that big spider, just now really almost killed him!

“Jiang Ye, fat man, I owe you a life!”

The fat man swallowed a mouthful of spit, and did not dare to be distracted anymore.

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Trotting to the stone pillar, the fat man tried to pull out the black knife and return it to Jiangnan.

After all, without the weapons at hand, Jiangnan is not so easy.


“Lying groove, Jiang Ye, what kind of material is this knife, why is it so heavy, let alone have two hundred catties, right?”

As soon as the fat man pulled out the knife, he was carried by the heavy blade body, and the black knife fell to the ground, and he couldn’t lift it.

(ps: In the theft pen, there is a description: The weight is extremely heavy, and Wang Yueban (Wang Fatty) has twice failed to raise this knife.) )

“Fat man, you have good eyesight, just two hundred pounds!”

From afar, Jiang Nan grinned and said.

At the same time, the figure dodged and dodged the chela in all directions.

“Do you really think that you Jiang Ye can’t clean up your group of beasts without weapons?”

Annoyed by the chase, Jiang Nan jumped sharply on the spot, adjusted his figure in mid-air, and landed on top of a spider.

The kung fu of two-finger probing is used, and the two fingers are like a knife.


The terrifying strength combined with the two fingers of cutting gold and breaking jade, Jiang Nan actually stabbed his entire hand through the top of his head!

“Gee, it’s disgusting to death!”

Jumping down deterimately, Jiang Nan looked at the turbid green blood stained on the black gold gloves, and grinned disgustingly.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in my ears.

Jiang Nan didn’t turn his head, his muscles surging, his waist twisted, and his right leg was pumped like an indestructible steel whip.


The terrifying physical fitness, coupled with the luck skills of Bajiquan, Jiang Nan’s leg actually killed the big spider!

After all, he couldn’t let go of his hands and feet, and after a few ups and downs, Jiang Nan came to the pillar.

In the fat man’s thoughtful gaze, he easily picked up the black knife.

That fluttering posture looks almost like holding a wooden sword!

But the fat man personally experienced that he couldn’t lift that knife!

“Jiang Ye, the kind of exercise method you said last time is really effective?”

The fat man looked at this scene enviously and couldn’t help but ask.

“… It works! It really works!”

Jiang Nan nodded, not wanting to say anything more on this, after all, Saitama-sensei only has one.

Saying that, Jiang Nan swung his knife and killed again.

After about twenty minutes, there was not a single large spider alive here.

Seventy percent of them were killed by Jiangnan alone, and the rest were killed by Lao Hu and Fatty Man.

The barrels of the pistols are all hot, and they can almost fry eggs.

As for the big golden tooth?

Ya didn’t shoot a shot from beginning to end, so she hid behind a pillar and shivered.

But it didn’t matter, no one was counting on him in the first place, and the gun just let him protect himself just in case.

It’s good that people are okay.

Sitting at the gate of the Hades Temple, several people drank saliva, just a cigarette, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Hades Temple is close at hand, there is no hurry, at least you have to recover some physical strength to deal with the situation inside.

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly slowly climbed down from the cliff wall overhead.

It was an oversized human-faced black ant!

It is at least three times larger than the average human-faced black-faced ant!

At the same time, the system prompt sounded intimately.

Congratulations to the host for triggering the side quest. ”

“Mission Requirements: King of the Murder-Faced Black-Faced Ants. ”

“Mission reward: 1000 redemption points, taste the tomb!”

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