“This neurotic driver drives like this, TM’s non-crushing is hell!”

The fat man couldn’t help but scold, and that moment scared him a lot.

“Okay, less nonsense, go down and take a look. ”

Several people glanced at each other, and then got out of the car with the flow of people to see how the situation was.

I saw two striking green marks pulled out of the tires behind the bus.

“It’s okay, green, it’s good if it’s not human!”

Seeing this scene, Huba Yi and the fat man let out a long breath.

They are not sad and thankful that no innocent people have been victimized.

It’s just that they are afraid that if there is a human life, it will be uncomfortable to be delayed here.

Jiang Nan walked in and took a closer look, and on the road behind, there was a humanoid stone chrysalis that was broken by a car.

The shell resembles a stone shell and is filled with densely packed grubs.

Countless bugs were crushed by the wheels, and disgusting green juice flowed from the dead bugs.

See this disgusting scene.

The fat man, who was already a little motion sick, was so disgusted that he almost didn’t spit out his breakfast.

“Look, doesn’t this stone chrysalis statue modeled after the Han Dynasty?”

“Could it be the work of the king’s sacrifice?”

With a disgusted glance at the fat man, Shirley said.

“It really looks like, but why is there only a shell in this stone chrysalis?”

“It’s full of these disgusting bugs?”

Huba frowned, unable to figure out how this thing came from.

“Ever heard of the Zombie Technique?” said Jiang Nan with a chuckle.

Huba was stunned one by one, and looked at Jiang Nan, who seemed to have some understanding: “Jiang Ye, how do you say this?”

“This technique, along with poison and lowering the head, is called the three major evil methods in southern Yunnan. ”

“According to legend, the technique of convulsions uses the undead as a medium, and the greater the number of unjust souls, the greater the power of this convulsive technique. ”

“With a pill called ‘Pyeon’, after being swallowed by a living person, it will be sealed to produce eggs in the living person’s body. ”

“In about three to five days, the eggs are laid more and more, and the flesh and blood organs in the human body become all the nutrients of the larvae, and the body is hollowed out in a short time. ”

“Because it loses moisture quickly in a short period of time, human skin will dry up quickly, hard as bark and stone shell. ”

“According to ancient records, this king was exceptionally good at this kind of conjugation. ”

Jiang Nan shook his head and replied.

“Gangnam, what do you mean?” asked Shirley.

“If nothing else, we have indeed found the right location, and here, it must be inseparable from the tomb of the king.” ”

“And you see that this Chaolong Mountain, surrounded by the Snake River, a tributary of the Lancang River, is indeed a rare treasure of feng shui!”

Looking at the Dragon Mountain looming in the distance, Jiang Nan nodded.

“Jiang Ye, according to your words, how cruel is the sacrifice of the king?”

“This human chrysalis turned out to be made of a living person, how painful was that person before he died?”

Huba Yi and the fat man listened to the cold hair standing up.

That kind of pain, they can’t stand just thinking about it.

“Hmph, do you think that the lives of ancient feudal dynasties are worth a lot?”

“For high-ranking nobles and emperors, human life is really just a number. ”

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“However, considering the public anger and the problem of dominance, I am afraid that these chrysalis are made with prisoners of war, criminals, slaves and the like. ”

“So, fat man, you are lucky, with your size, if you live in this dynasty, you are a good scab material!”

Saying that, Jiang Nan couldn’t help but make fun of the fat man.

“… Jiang Ye, don’t scare me!”

The corner of the fat man’s mouth twitched, and there was a chill behind his intuition.

“By the way, don’t mention this after you get in the car. ”

“The ethnic minorities on this bus all know a little Mandarin. ”

“Especially you, fatty, don’t think that people don’t understand Mandarin, don’t leak your mouth. ”

Seeing that the driver is already beckoning to get in the car, it is time to drive again.

Jiang Nan instructed with some unease.

“No, Jiang Ye, how do you know about this?”

Huba Yi and the fat man looked at each other and asked curiously.

“You think I really went all the way to see the scenery with Shirley?”

“I had a brief conversation with the tea farmer sitting next to me and learned some of the nearby situation. ”

“Later, we will get off the bus with the two tea farmers, who are also going to Chaolong Mountain. ”

“This car is not going straight to Chaolong Mountain, and following them can make a little less detour. ”

While speaking, several people had already returned to the car.

It’s just that when this happens, the driver is obviously driving much slower.

On the road after that, Jiangnan chatted with the tea farmer who sat next to him and understood Mandarin.

It didn’t take long for several people to get off the bus with the tea farmer.

It is full of mountains and deep valleys and dense forests, and it is sparsely populated.

There are faintly paths in the forest.

After about two hours, the group finally arrived at Shaolong Mountain.

“Jiang Ye, this time is really thanks to you and the tea farmer to get information. ”

“Otherwise, we really have to take a lot of detours, and we may not be able to find this place.” ”

“If it weren’t for the locals, I wouldn’t have found the forest path, let alone this place to stay.” ”

“Otherwise, we’ll probably be sleeping in the wilderness for a few nights.” ”

The fat man looked at the “Caiyun Inn” in front of him and sighed with emotion.

There are no villages nearby, only an inn that provides accommodation for the merchants who collect tea here.

Except for Jiangnan’s group and a few tea farmers, there were no other guests.

The innkeeper was a Bai woman, and there was a fifteen or sixteen little girl named Peacock, who was her husband’s sister.

After the group settled down, it was getting late.

“Lady, we are from Four Nine City and are going to Worm Valley to catch butterflies for the museum. ”

“Do you know if there is a shortcut to the worm valley?”

After dinner, Shirley asked the hostess.

With the mountains towering into the clouds, the mountain is steep and majestic, and it is a big problem to climb over to the Worm Valley.

“I know I know that there is a tunnel under Chaolong Mountain, and you can take a bamboo raft to go down the river through the mountain without having to climb the mountain. ”

“But there are a lot of dead people over there, often haunted. ”

At this time, the little peacock cheered and said.

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