“Broken worm road? I’ve heard of this thing, but it’s still far from the main tomb of the tomb of the king, and there is no trace of the main tomb at all. ”

“Why did you start burying the broken insect tunnel here?”

Shirley was stunned and asked Jiang Nan curiously.

Her intuition told her that she could get the answer from Gangnam.

“In order to change the feng shui pattern!”

Sure enough, Jiang Nan only thought a little and gave the answer.

“Such a large-scale king tomb, not only the main tomb should be a fairy treasure cave, but also some kind of auxiliary cave hole will be set up nearby.”

“As long as these cave holes and star positions of the main tomb are changed well, they will simply add wings to the immortal cave of the main tomb and will be of great benefit.”

“The art of sacrificing the king essence to ventilate the water, and the ambition to become an immortal, naturally it is necessary to do the best within the allowable range of ability, and the divine increase in the buried immortal cave is extremely high!”

Jiang Nan took a few people to deviate from the original road and forcibly follow the broken insect road.

At the same time, he continued to explain: “And there is a record in the Yi Dragon Sutra that the dragon vein changes shape and shape, and the wind and water change, at least nine related main acupuncture points around the earth vein need to move. ”

“As long as you change these nine acupuncture star positions near the main vein.”

“It can keep the feng shui lock tightly entangled, and the acupuncture point situation will not be broken for 10,000 years.”

“The specific way to do this should be every nine turns in the valley.”

“Build a shrine, ancestral hall and other buildings to add momentum and show the context of this water dragon vein.”

While speaking, Huba nodded his head from time to time, listening with relish.

A look of sudden realization.

“No, old Hu, what are you doing? Kowtows? The fat man asked depressedly.

“Hey, what Jiang Ye said is the content of the ‘transformation’ scroll on my half-book of the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique.”

“It’s just that I haven’t been able to study it thoroughly, it seems to understand whether I understand it or not, and now that Jiang Ye talks like this, I have a feeling of sudden realization.”

“You and Staff Officer Yang may just listen to it, but in my opinion, what Jiang Ye said is simply a teacher preaching to solve confusion!”

“There is a way to listen to Jun Yi’s words, better than ten years of reading, which is probably how I feel now.”

Huba Yi didn’t care what the fat man said, but looked at Jiang Nan gratefully.

He knew that he was a half-way feng shui master, self-taught, and although the sixteen-character Yin and Yang feng shui secret technique was broad and profound, he really did not study it thoroughly.

Now Jiang Nan explains these methods, which is really a lot of benefits.

In this regard, Jiang Nan just smiled and didn’t say anything.

“Eh, Jiang Ye, what you said does make sense.”

“However, what does this have to do with the broken insect path we encounter now, what are we looking for along this broken insect path now?”

The fat man was not interested in learning and the like, but just asked Jiangnan suspiciously.

“Jiang Ye means that if it is a building such as a mountain temple, most of them are civil structures, and wood is the most afraid of insects and ants, and some insect repellent measures must be taken.”

“Just like Counselor Yang said, we are still far from the tomb of King Xian, and the broken insect road we encounter now is nine times out of ten to protect the mountain temple used to change feng shui nearby.”

Huba’s eyes lit up, and he hugged the fat man and explained cheerfully.

“… I still don’t understand, what you said is too difficult to understand. ”

The fat man shook his head blankly.

“… This means that the toad mark carved on the tomb of the town, the passage used for sacrifice, must be one of the nine mountain temples. ”

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“And there is a mountain temple near us, and the probability of one in nine is worth looking for!”

Jiang Nan didn’t care, he knew that the fat man was a reckless personality.

It’s a bit too much for him to think about this.

Not… In fact, if you think about it, maybe the fat man is more suitable to be a hair-hill heavenly official than touching Captain Jin?

After all, there are no taboos, and recklessness is over.

“So it is!”

“Hey, Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, you said it earlier! To put it bluntly, don’t I understand? ”

The fat man said abruptly.

“No, Jiang Ye has already said it bluntly enough, it’s just that you are stupid…”

“Fatty, you have to remember that inverted bucket is also a technical job, you must learn to use your brain!”

Huba sighed speechlessly, obviously there are two feng shui masters around him, why can’t the fat man get close to Zhu Shichi?



“Don’t argue, look over there, I think we’ve found our destination!”

Just when Hu Bayi and the fat man were noisily exchanging feelings, Jiang Nan interrupted the communication between the two.

Looking in the direction pointed by Jiangnan, in a grass, it was a large fiery red gourd carved from red ochre.

“Gourd? Jiang Ye, this is not in line with feng shui. ”

“Judging by the feng shui topography here, if you want to completely release the shape and momentum here, you should build an altar or ancestral hall here.”

Huba looked at the surrounding feng shui terrain and said suspiciously.

“This gourd, I’m afraid it’s just a logo…”

Jiang Nan’s eyes flickered, and he knew that they had found the right place.

This gourd should refer to the gourd-like sacrificial passage!

On the rugged and steep mountain wall at the edge of the valley, countless vines hang down, all of which are covered by vines three steps away.

“Come here and take a look, Jiang Ye is right, there are really toads and mountain temples!”

The fat man was anxious, took a few steps forward, used the sapper shovel to cut away the vine that was blocking the way, turned around and shouted.

When the three of Jiang Nan heard this, they hurriedly stepped forward to check.

Directly opposite the red gourd, a temple dedicated to the mountain god was built along the mountain.

This temple has gone through thousands of years, it has been dilapidated, and some of the tiles and wood at the front door have collapsed.

But after all, this is the cave of the water dragon’s eye, hiding the wind and breath.

Thanks to it, although the wood of this temple is rotten, it still maintains a general framework and has not fallen.

Walking around the back door of the temple, at the very end of the temple, several people saw nine huge toad stone statues arranged horizontally.

Continuing inside, the main hall enshrines an expressionless black-faced deity.

On either side of the statue are two clay mountain ghosts with green faces and fangs, one holding a red gourd and one holding a large toad.

The four looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

Looking at the toads that frequently appear here and the gods in the relief, you can know that this temple is the one-in-nine probability that Jiangnan said.

The sacrificial passage leading to the tomb of the king should be inside this mountain temple!

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