In the crevices of the stone below, under the glow of the glow.

Suddenly, a green-haired …


That thing has a strange shape and cannot be described, it is a special creature born in this special environment.

Look closely, this thing has no eyes.

Think maybe it’s the environmental impact here.

Living in an underground environment that does not see light all year round, not only vision, I am afraid that this guy has even degraded his sense of smell and hearing to an extreme point.

After all, by sight, there are no other creatures here except for it.

This little thing is extremely greedy and eats the blood bait.

After a while, the blood bait in the ground was eaten up, and the blood-red flowers withered indignantly and turned into a cloud of ashes.

Even the luster of the vine was a little dim.

But fortunately, blood bait is poisonous, as long as it comes into contact with human blood, it is easy for some strange things to happen.

“That was… Tortoise shell?

At this time, as soon as Huba looked down the gap in the vine, a well-preserved tortoise shell caught his attention.

It was a hollow turtle shell with black stripes on a red background.

Half of it is pressed under the boulder, which is old, and the turtle inside has long been decayed by time.

“This is… Molting turtle”

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes and looked carefully, his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but say in surprise.

This thing is really rare to see, rare in the world, and only many coincidences can form this treasure by extreme accident.

“Molting turtle, what is that?”

Several people were stunned and asked in a low voice.

“All poisonous turtles can be cured, it is difficult to find in the world, this whole turtle shell, is not sky-high can be described, it is priceless!”

“This thing, at a critical moment, is a life-saving baby!”

“And… There are also some symbolic texts on this crystal stone, which should be some information about the Demon Kingdom, I think, we have to go down. ”

Saying that, Jiang Nan had already put down the climbing rope, and without waiting for them to block it, he had already turned over and swung down.

Helplessly, several people can only keep up with Jiangnan’s pace.

When I got below, I couldn’t help but alarm the green-haired creature.

No matter how degraded the five senses of this thing are, but the four people in the group are stunned to its face, no matter how dull it is, it should also be noticed.


Unexpectedly, the barking of this little thing that looks like a dog is infinitely close to that of a mouse.

Through the pitiful to the extreme senses discerning the direction, the dragon teeth grinned.

In particular, this thing had just eaten the blood bait, and its mouth was full of blood-colored liquid.

Not to mention… Fishy smell, the person speaks the mouth.

In short, the first time it howled, the air in the nearby space was polluted.


Jiang Nan’s face turned dark, and the sapper shovel in his hand flew straight out.

The sapper shovel they used in Jiangnan is a good thing specially ordered through special channels.

Extremely sharp.

Only a strong wind was heard, and the thing had been shoveled by the sappers, and the howling stopped abruptly.

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But fortunately, the blood of this thing is different from its breath, except for the strong smell of blood, there is no other odor.

After dealing with this strange creature.

Look back.

Half of the huge black-striped turtle shell on a red background was pressed into the ground by the boulder.

It’s hard to do.

“Otherwise, if we had chopped up the shell, it would have been less than a quarter or so under the stone.” ”

“Although it’s a pity that you can’t get all the things like this, it’s better than not getting anything, right?”

Seeing this scene, Huba was a little embarrassed.

When I was just above, I didn’t see this situation because of the angle.

Fools know that no matter what it is, it is always worth a complete comparison.

But now…

“It’s okay, of course you have to get all the good things. ”

“Whether you take it out and sell it or keep it for your own use, this thing is worth an endless, how can there be a reason to keep a quarter?”

Jiang Nan shook his head, rolled up his sleeves, and began to move.

This huge iceberg crystal stone, not to mention also weighs a thousand pounds.

Before you want to let it go, Jiangnan really has a hard time.

But now…

“I lift up the boulder, fatty, you look at the time, remember Mari pulled it out completely. ”

Jiang Nan bent down, hugged the corner of the boulder along the gap, and ordered in a deep voice.

“Okay, Jiang Ye, you knock well, don’t say anything else, this touching baby, fat master I am first-class!”

The fat man immediately smiled, and whether it was dirty or not, he directly lay on the ground, his eyes staring at the turtle shell without blinking.


“Give it to me!”

Jiang Nan drank in a deep voice and exerted his strength fiercely.

Forcefully poured all over the body, the face was stretched, and the muscles of the arms were knotted.


In the confused gazes of the three people, Jiang Nan really plucked up enough strength and hugged this thousand pounds of boulder Shengsheng!

However, the fat man did not pull his crotch at this time, his eyes were quick, and he quickly reached out and pulled out the turtle shell.


Seeing this, Jiang Nan let go of his hands and let the boulder hit the ground with a bang.

Clapped his hands, as if he was a nobody.

Once again, the handsome young man with a gentle smile on his lips could not see that he had just made such an amazing move.

In particular, Jiang Nan himself belongs to the type who dresses thin and strips flesh.

This thin body and the iceberg boulder are simply two extreme contrasts!

No one could have imagined that it was such a thin boy who had just lifted a thousand pounds of boulders!

“Hey, what’s the daze, back to your senses!”

Jiang Nan looked at the shocked expressions of several people, and couldn’t help but pout.

As for what, it’s rare and strange!

It is clear that Jiangnan’s free-wielding black gold treasure knife weighs two hundred pounds, and it is worth surprising when lifting a thousand pounds of boulders?

No, it doesn’t!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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