Laugh at~~

As soon as the blood-stained treasure seal was imprinted on Ah Xiang’s eyebrows, bursts of black smoke came out.

At the same time, after A Xiang subconsciously swallowed the blood into her abdomen, her expression became more and more hideous, and her voice became more and more poignant.

Obviously, those dirty things in A Xiang’s body are being suppressed by the Blood Seal.

In the blink of an eye, Ah Xiang was almost enveloped in black smoke coming out of her eyebrows and mouth.

Sheng Sheng has turned this place into a ghost on earth, especially like hell on earth.

It is also thanks to these things that can only rely on people who have ghost eyes, otherwise except for Jiangnan, everyone else, one counts one, will all suffer.

After a long time, A Xiang’s face softened, and the harsh and strange cry dissipated.

The black curtain in his eyes slowly receded, and his eyes were black and white.

It is clear that everything has been settled.

Without waiting for Ah Xiang to say something, she rolled her eyes and simply fainted.


“How do you feel that this girl was born to recoil with the Evil Luo Hai City, almost fainting all the way…”

Jiang Nan scratched his head and said with a black line.

“Nope… Jiang Ye, it’s just that you knocked out twice …”

“I just saw clearly, A Xiang’s consciousness is already clear, I want to say something, but I fainted directly, the eight achievements were killed by the knife you just had…”

Huba Yi took his gaze away from the marks of old and new hand knives on both sides of Ah Xiang’s neck.

It’s really better than saying that Jiangnan’s hand is really dark enough.

A Xiang is also a beautiful girl, and as a result, Jiang Na has no intention of pitying Xiang Xiang and cherishing jade.

Those two snives were completely merciless.

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to this sentence.

He is Jiangnan, like a man with feelings like a pigeon.

He is Jiangnan and is not interested in women!

Of course, Jiang Nan did not dare to say this, after all, Shirley was close at hand.

Jiang Nan moved his gaze to the black wall next to him.

The resentment that was visible to the naked eye just now clearly emerged from the wall.

Looking closely, on the black wall, some pictorial symbols are depicted.

Looking closely, even with a guess, you can roughly see some of the above meaning.

These nicks were portrayed here in despair by generations of mutilated ghost mothers.

The above meaning is probably the cruel origin of the ghost mother, and the miserable end of the mutilated ghost mother.

And what occupies the most space is the curse of the mutilated ghost mother who died tragically here to the boundless demon pupil, to the ghost cave, to the snake god, and even to the demon country.

For many years, countless innocent girls have been reduced to food for Jomi Ahan in despair.

It is no wonder that Jiang Nan reacted so much when he appeared here with a pair of boundless demon pupils.

“After all, it’s just a bunch of poor people, it’s not them who are at fault, they’re just victims of ancient religions.” ”

Shirley smiled wryly and sighed softly.

Saying that, Shirley had folded his hands in front of his chest, crossed his fingers, closed his eyes and silently recited the eulogy.

Although religions are different, mourning for the dead is regardless of religion.

“That’s not right… Something is wrong here, this wall!”

Suddenly, Jiang Nan frowned and looked at the very center of the black wall.

His intuition told him that behind this wall, there was something!

“Something wrong? You mean?”

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Shirley was stunned, finished reading the last eulogy, and subconsciously asked.

“I don’t know, but it feels very wrong here, I’ll see…”

For intuition, Jiangnan has always been convinced of it.

Closing his eyes, when he opened them again, Jiang Nan once again put on a pair of boundless demon pupils.

Communicate some kind of connection between the Unbounded Demon Pupil and the black stone statue.

As if melting snow under the scorching sun, the black wall in front of me began to slowly melt.

It’s like a scroll erased by an eraser, and it’s as if this black wall doesn’t exist in the first place.

Within three or five seconds, the very center of the large black wall completely disappeared.

“Sure enough, there is a problem…”

The corner of Jiangnan’s mouth twitched.

The black megalithic statue exists on the mountain.

After Jiang Nan used the Unbounded Demon Pupil to dissolve part of it, a gray-black rock formation was revealed.

It depicts an open eye.

It was red, as if it were carved in blood.

Jiangnan gently pulls on the rock formation.


There was a hollow and dull voice.

Everyone looked at each other, and it was difficult to hide the surprise on their faces.

They’re all battle-hardened people.

Naturally, I know what this echo represents, behind the gray-black rock formation, there is a secret passage!

“Back off!”

The corner of Jiang Nan’s mouth grinned, took a few steps back, ran a run, and stopped abruptly in front of the rock formation, with his left leg as the axis, and his right leg rotated 360 degrees in midair.


Gang kicked fiercely on the rock wall, and Sheng Sheng kicked this rock formation out of a big hole.

In an instant, smoke and dust filled the air, and rubble splashed.

Fortunately, the gas masks on everyone’s faces had not been taken off, and they were far away, so they were not accidentally injured.

When the smoke cleared, the searchlight went on.

Behind the broken rock formation, there is a square secret passage built artificially!

Even, faintly, from the depths of the secret passage, there was a burst of underground water flow.

“Born to the north, born when it meets the water…”

“Sure enough, the real masters in this world are buried in the people!”

The joy on Huba’s face grew stronger.

Before coming, he met a high-ranking man on the outskirts of Sijiu City, a descendant of Zhang Sanlianzi.

The master’s instruction to him on this trip was: born to the north, born when it meets the water.

At this time, this is the north-northwest of the sacrificial space, and the sound of water flowing deep in the secret passage confirms the criticism.

“Do you think it’s all Mr. Chen leaning his head on the street to fool him?”

Zhou Yi’s gossip, the way of divination, can exist from ancient times to the present, naturally it makes sense, let alone the descendants of Zhang Sanlianzi. ”

Jiang Nan was noncommittal about this.

Before coming, he himself calculated for Shirley, and the trigrams were much the same.

Thinking of this, Shirley looked at Jiang Nan with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Although he had already seen the trigram of Jiangnan once in the trip to the Exquisite Ancient City, when it came true again.

She still couldn’t stop being surprised.

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