“In fact… This matter, after Jiang Nan came out of the bronze door some time ago, he told me. ”

“Oh, it’s worth mentioning that his tone at the time was very stunning… I want to beat him. ”

However, to everyone’s surprise, Chen Wenjin did not have any major emotional ups and downs!

In the past ten years, although they have not met, Chen Wenjin and Jiangnan have also kept in touch.

Not… Speaking of this, I can’t help but feel a little sorry for Wu San Province again.


This unexpected answer made everyone stunned and confused about the situation.

Even the three provinces of Wu were stunned!

He also thought that Chen Wenjin would have a conflict with Jiangnan, and even, he was still thinking about whether to take the opportunity to help Chen Wenjin beat Jiangnan out of anger!

But what kind of reaction is this?

Is the father’s revenge so rash?

At the scene, only the little brother showed his expression.

“My dad… He is pursuing something that is destined to be fruitless, and that thing is destined to end badly. ”

“What’s more, before my father and Jiangnan clashed, my father died a long time ago… What has been revived is just a monster whose body has been occupied by desire…”

Chen Wenjin sighed lightly.

What happened half a year ago, Jiang Nan had already told her in detail.

She knows that Jiang Nan is a very strange person, sometimes really bad personality, people can’t help but want to beat people, but there is only one point——

Gangnam never lies!

“In addition, my father’s consciousness at that time had been washed away by desire, intending to kill Jiang Nan and the little brother to seize their peculiar bloodline to continue his life…”

“Three provinces, you know, I’m a person whose reason trumps emotion, and I can’t be angry, or let emotion dictate my behavior. ”

At the end, Chen Wenjin looked meaningfully at Wusan Province.

Hearing this, he was already approaching, and his hands slowly approached Chen Wenjin’s Wu San Province’s figure froze.

The whole body exudes a strong sense of decadence.

He knows, how could he not know?

But no way, even if he hasn’t seen him for ten years, he still loves this woman deeply and goes deep into the bone marrow.

For her, Wu San Province can pay any price, including his life.

Embark on the difficult road of resisting “him”, not so much because of the nine gates, because of the sense of mission, because of the situation… It’s better to say that it’s for Chen Wenjin!

“I know… I know…”

Old tears slowly dripped from the corners of his eyes, and Wu San Province muttered sluggishly, repeating a sentence all the time.

“Three provinces, you shouldn’t come, you know, I go, whether it is success or failure, you and I are destined to never see each other again, why bother?”

Perhaps the soft flesh in his heart was touched, Chen Wenjin stood up, gently hugged Wu San Province into his arms, stood on tiptoe, and rested his chin on Wu San Province’s shoulder and sighed softly.


Just then, a burst of shining lights came on.

It was Gangnam taking pictures.


The blind man looked at Jiang Nan dumbfounded.

Your uncle, such a touching scene, you actually secretly filmed?

Big deal, when I go back, I wash out a picture and give you one. ”

“The black history of Wusan Province is rare, and lo and behold, they all cried!”

Jiang Nan looked at the black blind man inexplicably, and said casually.


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The black blind man said decisively.


Sorry, he fed the dog a hundred years ago!

Moreover, as Jiangnan said, the black history of Wusan Province! or the black history of shedding tears!!

Don’t change it!

“Little brother, do you want it?”

The two looked at the little brother.

Little brother: “… Born to be human… Bah, I know you two, I’m sorry. ”

For the first time, Gao Leng’s little brother disliked these two sand sculptures.



Half an hour later, under the strong onlookers of Jiangnan and the black blind man, Chen Wenjin and Wu San Province finally separated.

It is worth mentioning that toxic miasma comes and goes quickly.

At this time, the miasma had dissipated, and the sight of everyone who had been taken away returned to normal.

At first glance, I saw seven blue-black corpses lying neatly on the ground.

Jiang Nan is a fastidious person, and being neat and tidy is the minimum respect for them.

Even more frightening, these “corpses” … Alive!

The chest is slightly undetectable bullying, and there is a faint air flow in the nostrils.

Peel open the eyelids, and below are the bloodshot eyes frozen in the terrifying eyes.

“Those snakes…”

Anning leaned over to Jiang Nan’s side and asked in amazement.

No one is a fool.

It is impossible for the snakes to target these seven people alone and let the rest of them go.

Before the plane, Chen Wenjin’s voice was enough to deduce many things.

Although this result is unbelievable, Conan said it well –

After eliminating all possibilities, no matter how bizarre it is, it is true!

Therefore, the answer is already obvious – Jiangnan, able to manipulate the chicken-crowned snake here!

“That’s right, don’t pretend, I’m in a showdown, I, Jiangnan, is actually a true god who walks in the world and has the authority to manipulate thousands of snakes – snake god!”

Jiang Nan felt out a pair of sunglasses from the black blind man’s arms and put them on the bridge of his nose, forced Ge to the highest, and said in a deep voice.

“… Huh!!”

Hearing this, everyone snorted expressionlessly.

The pronunciation of the end of this topic, they still learned it with Jiangnan!

The simple word contains an inexplicable meaning, which is enough to easily end the chat.

In fact, to some extent, Jiang Nan is right. ”

“Jiangnan is the second generation of ‘snake god’, the title ‘snake god’, two or three thousand to five thousand years ago, in the depths of Kunlun’s ancient demon country, there are indeed people praise. ”

“Although the essence of a deified human being, there is no problem in being called a ‘snake god’. ”

Suddenly, the little brother spoke out faintly.

Hearing this, Jiang Nan’s waist straightened, listen, the little brother has spoken!!

With an endless lifespan and many incomprehensible magical powers, this existence, no matter what era it is placed in, is enough to be called a “god”.

Behind the bronze door, the first generation of “snake gods”, that is, the snake gods who slept in the imaginary space in the belief in the Demon Kingdom, slept in the world behind the door.

To put it bluntly, it was just an unlucky egg who followed the footsteps of “Fuxi” and opened up the road to immortality…

The boundless demon pupil is a strange ability formed by many coincidences and the mysterious power of ancient primordial bronze.

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