Immediately, several lights hit the tree.

There was nothing on the branch except a faint stain of dried black blood.

Apparently, this is Panma climbing the tree and leaving the bloody clothes behind.

The group searched around the tree for a long time, but still found nothing, only barely saw some blood stains, in all directions.

“Hell, this plate of mama is sick, why do you run into this deep mountain and old forest?”

“Is this insincere to cause trouble? Where does this make people go to him? ”

Seeing this, the fat man lowered his voice and complained in a low voice.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were too many hunters in the village, with the temper of a fat man, they might have all ripped their throats and started it.

“So these hounds come in handy…”

“Be careful, this deep mountain and old forest, the last thing to lack at night is jungle hunters.”

Jiang Nan chuckled and instructed uneasily.

In this kind of late night dense forest, Jiang Nan and Xiao Brother needless to say, it is like a fish in water.

What kind of predator targets the two, it is all self-defeating.

But fat people and martial arts still have to be more or less careful.

During the conversation, the hunters of the village had already loaded their shotguns and scattered with the hunting dogs, looking for traces of the panma.

“Follow Ah Gui.”

Seeing this, Jiang Nan groaned slightly, and according to the information brought by his intuition, he pointed to A Gui and his group.

“Gui, them? Good boo! Jiang Nan, you can be regarded as saying this, fat master, my heart is in the heart! ”

The fat man immediately smiled.

Isn’t Agui’s pair the cloud team?

“Go and go, go aside, this spring is long over!”

The corners of Wu Xie’s mouth twitched, and he looked at the fat man with disgust.

This dead fat man with thick eyebrows and big eyes looks like a sincere person, and he thinks carefully in his heart!

Said that everyone went to the clubhouse to find the little sister to spend the rest of their lives, and as a result, this product turned around and was about to smash the little girl?

The fat girl is to betray the pure friendship!

However, several people did not object to getting into Ah Gui’s team.

After all, this black sky is blind, and the devil knows that Panma ran in that direction.

Moreover, it is not wise for several people to act separately and follow different hunter teams, after all, it is necessary to choose a team to follow and find.

In that case, why not choose Ah Gui, an acquaintance?

Moreover, everyone was clear in their hearts, and Jiangnan’s intuition was simply miraculously unreasonable.

It can almost be called an alternative foreknowledge of the future!

The Buffalo Head Ditch is long and deep, and no one has ever walked to the end.

The middle section of the ditch is the mountain pass where Giethoorn Mountain meets Zhoudu Mountain, showing the momentum of a tropical forest, similar to the feeling of Tamto.

In the night, there is a continuous “gurgling” sound.

The psychological quality is almost that staying in this primeval forest night is afraid that I will not be scared to pee.

Although the hunting dogs in the village are all miscellaneous dogs, they are not good dogs with pure blood, but they are well-trained, and after a while, they smell the traces left by the panma.

It wasn’t until the crescent moon descended to the top of the mountain in the middle of the night that the hound seemed to have found its target.

This is a slope location in the Giethoorn Pass, and because of the mudslide, the nearby vegetation is sparse and the soil is slippery.

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The dog pulled several people to bark at the grass under a large tree on the hillside.


Several people subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit, glanced at each other, and stepped forward to use branches to pluck away the weeds, and behind them was an irregular shadow.

The light hit, and the thing was a broken stone stele, and looking at the traces, it was at least hundreds of years old now.

The inscriptions and carvings on the broken monument have long been worn clean under the erosion of the wind and rain.

Jiang Nan stepped forward with wet mud, and the middle finger of his right hand was no different from ordinary people, but the middle finger of his right hand was slightly slender, and he carefully probed it.

“This is a broken tombstone!”

After a few moments, Jiang Nan said resolutely.

Tombstones are very different from ordinary stone monuments.

Although the above text sculpture has been smoothed out, the feeling of the two is completely different.

This point is clear in the eyes of a knowledgeable “teacher” like Jiangnan.


“When I see the grave in the middle of the night, I must wash my eyes when I go back.”

A Gui and the other hunters were stunned, subconsciously shivered, looked at the moonlight cold shadow, and the indescribable diaphragm in his heart.

At night, I found a deserted ancient tomb in the old forest of Huangshan…


Mountain people are superstitious and believe that such things as graves represent bad luck.

And washing the eyes means washing away bad luck and ominousness.

“Well, looking at the traces of wind and rain erosion, it is about the tomb of the late sunshine period.”

“Along the way, I paid some attention to it, this is a mountain pass, the feng shui here is not suitable for burying people, and burying people here will be moldy in a few days.”

“In ancient times, it was impossible for the big families and aristocracy to be buried here, and this eighty percent was a barren mountain ancient tomb, where an unknown poor person was buried.”

In a short time, Jiang Nan speculated clearly about what was hidden behind this broken monument.

There was a little that Jiang Nan did not say.

The evening sun is very interesting.

The relocation of Zhangjia Ancient Building here is about the matter of the late Qing Dynasty.

What was buried here is probably a craftsman who died accidentally at that time, right?

There is indeed a big dragon in the mountainous terrain around here!

But what is Zhangjia Ancient Building?

It was a very large tomb complex!!

Part of the reason why the Zhang family relocated the ancient building here was because they saw the dragon vein here and absorbed the dragon qi to achieve some kind of secret goal.

In that case, how could the Zhang family allow the craftsmen to be buried on the treasure cave of the dragon vein?

There must be many barren mountain tombs in the late sunshine period, and there must be many more on the nearby hills.

“Come here, there’s a coffin here!”

At this moment, the figure of a hunter who scattered to look for the traces of Panma suddenly fell shorter, and at the same time he couldn’t help exclaiming.

Several people hurriedly ran over.

Deep in the grass hides a mud puddle full of mud, and at the bottom of the pit there are several sections of rotten wood wrapped in mud.

From the shape, you can basically tell that this is a fragmented coffin.

PS: Came back late… Almost missed pigeons for a day. But think about small money… Get it up!

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