Needless to say, the power of yellow explosives.

In an instant, it was as if a sun had exploded in front of the eyes of several people, and endless light and heat bloomed out from the gap in the stone wall.

This was followed by a deafening explosion, countless stones blown away, mixed with huge sums of dark green blood and charred flesh and bones…

The power was so great that the entire cavity shook three times.

Fortunately, the power of yellow explosives did not stop there, and did not cause a worse situation.

For example, the entire underground cavity was blown up…

Wu Xie had a black face…

This time, his face was really completely dark, not to describe the mood of the egg, although at this time, Wu Xie really knew the husky in his heart.

Remove the broken bones on the brain door, wipe off the smelly dark green blood stains on the face, Wu Xie can’t care about the pain of the brain door being smashed by the bones, and he wants to vomit disgustingly…

The explosion just now, if he hadn’t run fast, wouldn’t it be as simple as being smashed into his head by broken bones.

I’m afraid that the whole person is the same as the things in the stone wall, and it has been blown up into meat foam!

“Am I…”

Instinctively retched, subconsciously, Wu Xie wanted to scold.

However, Jiang Nan looked back with a smile, and the martial evil withered…

Can’t afford to mess with…

“I’m wondering, how did this thing get into the stone wall?”

With a smile, Wu Xie bluntly pulled away the topic.

In front of him, a large hole was blown out of the stone wall, and in the deepest part, countless scorched black fragments were lying there quietly.

Mithara is long gone.

Strangely, in the space where Mithara is located, there is no such thing as a passage.

It’s as if this thing is like a fish in a rock, born to live in rock formations!!

“You guess?”

Jiang Nan smiled slightly, and walked to the iron figurines that were shaken in the corner.

Pull out one, aim at the direction, and the sharp blade of the black gold treasure knife tears the air and slashes vertically!

Laugh at~~~

The pig iron was like butter under the blade of the Black Gold Treasure Knife, and it was easily split in two from the neck.

At the incision…

Look closely, the inside of this thing, in addition to the outer layer of iron, the inside is simply a rotten creature!

In addition to a relatively intact skeleton, the flesh and blood organs have rotted into a lump of mush…

This is not the key, the point is that there are really sealed corpses of creatures in this iron figurine!!

“The little brother’s family, salvaged from the lake from the Wenjin suitcase, those pieces of iron have been specially sealed after being divided. ”

“So it seems to you to be a piece of iron, it’s hard to see what, but in essence… That’s what I told you. ”

“The essence of the Iron Figurine is the Mithara dug up by workers from the mountain, which is a special creature transformed by humans!”

Jiang Nan explained lightly.

In ancient times, starting from nothing, or wanting to re-develop an immortal method, the price was countless dry bones.

This tentative biological experiment that moves ahead of the times in the fog is often behind the dry bones of countless innocent people.

But then again, the Zhang family… It wasn’t a great force in the first place, right?

Those who are involved in the inverted bucket line still want to say that they are good people?

Dreaming too!

“This one, probably left in the shallow layer of the rock wall to monitor our movements and prevent us from escaping. ”

“Deeper in the rock formations, there are thirty-six other mitharas slowly approaching us. ”

“These things knocked us out and brought us here not without purpose…”

“This is a mysterious sacrifice, here, they choose the place of sacrifice, and we are the sacrifice they choose!”

“When thirty-six Mitharas came to this cavity through the rock formation… And guess what?”

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Jiang Nan put away the knife, wiped the black ash from his face, and said with a smile.


The Martial Evil Fat Man gasped.

The strength of this thing was almost seen by them in the water before.

Although it is certainly not so fierce on land, it is comparable to big rice dumplings.

But that’s it… There are thirty-six more???

The martial cult fat man only felt that his scalp was numb.

Thirty-six murderous rice dumplings were killed together… Just thinking about it makes me feel a chill behind it.

The picture is so beautiful!



At the same time, on the edge of the Yaozhai forest protection area, a group of people and horses were stationed here, and tents were piled up in the flat land.

“Sister, Panma has already spoken. ”

A week ago, he took the Jiangnan people to the lake where the archaeological team inspected and ran away, and after that, Panma didn’t know anything about them in Jiangnan. ”

“It’s just that it’s been a week… Although I don’t want to admit it, I’m afraid Jiangnan has already found the entrance, right?”

Jiang Zishu pulled open the tent of the command camp and said softly to Anning, who was studying the map with a frown.

Saying that, he came to the corner with his own care and washed the blood stains from his hands with water from the basin.

Panma, who escaped from the lake, was unlucky enough to fall into the hands of Aning, who was always watching…

This time, Jiang Nan didn’t snatch him from Aning’s hands.

Whether it is Anning or Jiang Zi, these two siblings are not good people!

Torture to extract confessions or something… This is just the basic practice.

“As expected, Jiang Nan is not leaking in his work, how can he give that old guy of Panma a chance to spy on their secrets?”

“It’s just… What was he planning when he came back?”

“This guy is not a good person, and Panma is not a good thing, in terms of his personality… You should have slashed the plate after using it, right?”

Anning nodded, his good-looking eyebrows furrowed together, and he couldn’t figure out Jiangnan’s plan.

“Why think so much, anyway, now that Panma is in our hands, with him leading the way, we will find out what happened.” ”

Jiang Zi was unimpressed.

He admitted that this person in Jiangnan is an old conspiracy, but with so many of them and so many guns, they are all professional mercenaries, and they are afraid that the four of them will not become one?

“You don’t understand… I’m afraid that Jiangnan’s goods are waiting for us here, waiting for us to make cannon fodder for him to explore the way…”

Anning explained with a headache.

“Then why don’t we just go home?”

“Nope… Only this, I can’t do it by giving up the task!”

What is there to be entangled in, there is always going to go, what are you afraid of…”

Jiang Zi rolled his eyes helplessly, woman, just thinking too much!

“Then again, sister, what about the two ‘fakes’ who took the initiative to find the door?

“God knows what kind of moth these two are going to do, just to be on the safe side, or just shoot it down? ”

At the mention of those two “fakes”, a trace of disgust flashed in Jiang Zisuan’s eyes, and he put his fingers into palms and made a gesture of wiping his neck at the neck.

“Keep it, maybe it will be of great use, at least, it will also scare that guy a lot when the time comes.” ”

“And, Sasha, I have a hunch, that nasty guy… Eighty percent know those two guys!”

“He will definitely love the gift I brought him. ”

As if thinking of some interesting scene, the corners of Aning’s mouth turned up slightly, revealing an intoxicating smile.

“… Woman, what a duplicitous animal. ”

Jiang Zi sighed.

He swore that in all these years, his dear sister had never smiled so nicely at him.

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