This big catfish doesn't know how long it has lived, and the scales on its body are hard and scary.

Ordinary things really can't pierce its scales.

Jiang Nan held a long knife in his hand, and jumped on the spot with a run-up, and jumped on top of the big catfish's head.

Bajiquan's luck trick was used, and his feet were stuck to the top of his head as if he had stuck to 502.

No matter how the big catfish swings its body, it can't shake Jiang Nan down.


No matter how hard the scales are, in front of the black gold ancient knife and in front of Jiangnan's brute force, they can play a limited role.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the blade of about 80 centimeters is submerged.

This is not over, Jiang Nan's eyes flashed coldly, the muscles of his arms bulged, and he held the handle of the knife with both hands.

Rotate 90 degrees sharply to enlarge and tear the wound

In between, a large handful of blood gushed out with a small gray-white unknown substance.

It's like the fountain in the square.

An eighty-centimeter blade is enough to hurt the brain of a big catfish.

The figure flashed, and he easily pulled out the harpoon in the eyes of the big catfish.

Remove the three prongs, hold the wooden handle with both hands, aim at the wound on the top of the head, and stab it hard!

The wooden handle, which was more than one meter long, was stabbed into it by Jiang Nanshengsheng.

Only leave the palm-length tail in the air.

After doing all this, Jiang Nan put away the black knife and jumped into the river to avoid the dying throes of the big catfish.



After about two or three minutes, the big catfish completely lost its breath.

"Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest!".

"Ding! The quest reward has been distributed, please check it with the host!".

"Ding! I hope the host will continue to work hard and achieve better results!".

At the same time, Jiang Nan only felt a sudden flow of heat emerge from his body.

Come fast, go faster.

It's just a moment.

In terms of wateriness, Jiangnan used to only be able to swim.

But now, Jiangnan feels that the turbulent water surface of the Yellow River is so kind.

It's as if he grew up on the sea, from a small river, to the water, to the extreme.

As for being proficient in firearms, it's okay to say that controlled knives are too sensitive, after all, there are outsiders here, and it's not the time for experiments.

For this reward, Jiang Nan thinks it's okay.

At the very least, working underwater will be indispensable in the future, and being proficient in water will help a lot.

With the help of Hu Bayi and the fat man, Jiang Nan climbed onto the boat.

Calmed his breathing with a slight rapidity.

It's strange to say.

As soon as the iron-headed dragon king died, within a moment or three, the pouring rain stopped.

Even the dark clouds on the horizon dissipated as quickly as the tide receded.

It's as if the change of heaven just now is just an illusion of everyone.

"Master Jiang, you are really this!".

With the support of the fat man, the big gold tooth trembled and walked over.

Give a thumbs up to Jiangnan.

"I heard the fat man talk about your deeds before, and I thought the fat man was blowing it again. "

"I didn't think about it, such a big monster, you can solve it in three or two clicks, you are really amazing!".

When he heard this, the fat man was not happy.

Feelings, the things he said to the big gold tooth.

This grandson should be bragging about him?

That's right!

The fat man remembered that he and Lao Hu's fake touch gold talisman was given by him.

The fat man's eyes when he looked at the big gold tooth instantly became unkind.

"Master Jin, come with me, I'll talk to you about something. "

As he spoke, he picked up the big gold tooth like a chick and ran to the back of the cabin for a friendly exchange.

The thin appearance of the big gold tooth, compared with the size of the fat man, is really not much different from the chicken cub...

"Thank you boss, thank you boss!".

"If it weren't for you, boss, my son and I would have lost our lives!".

At this moment, the captain of the ship ran out of the cabin.

When you come to Jiangnan, you have to kneel.

"Don't, don't, I'm also from Guanzhong in our Qin Province, we're half a fellow countryman. "

"Fellows help fellows, shouldn't that be?"

"Besides, if you don't get rid of that fish, not only you and your son, but all of us will have to die here. "

"Go take care of your son, don't scare the child out of the ordinary. "

Jiang Nan hurriedly helped the boat boss up, and blurted out fluent Guanzhong dialect.

After all, Jiangnan is a young man from the new era in 2020, and he is really not used to kneeling at every turn.

"Master Jiang, are you still from Guanzhong in Qin Province?"

After seeing the boat boss leave, Lao Hu couldn't help but ask.

He used to think that Jiangnan was from the capital.

"Well, yes, didn't I tell you? My ancestors have been from Guanzhong for several generations. "

"Now that I have come to this Loess Plateau, I really feel a little kind when I listen to the northern Qinbei dialect that is somewhat similar to the Guanzhong dialect!"

Jiang Nan said with a chuckle.

"By the way, Lao Hu, do you remember what the boat boss said about the fishbone temple today?"

Suddenly, Jiang Nan remembered what the boat boss mentioned before the wind started.

"Remember, that fishbone temple, didn't the boat boss say that a rich merchant built it to worship the river god?"

"Sacrifice to the god of the river?".

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows and said, "Old Hu, have you ever seen a river temple built in the deep mountain wasteland?"

Jiang Nan reminded him like this, and Hu Bayi suddenly reacted.

He probably understood what Jiangnan meant.

"Shhh "

Jiang Nan shook his head and signaled that Lao Hu understood.



After the big catfish died, I didn't meet any moths along the way, and the wind and waves were calm.

It wasn't until the evening that they arrived at their destination, Gulan County.

Gulan County is located in the northern part of Qin Province, close to Jin Province.

At this time, several people from Jiangnan followed Li Chunlai and came here.

In the guest house, a few people asked for a quadruple room, which is actually a narrow room with four single beds.

"What kind of place is this, you can't even take a hot bath?"

Inside the guest house, the fat man took off his clothes and couldn't help complaining.

"Be content, fatty, this is a small remote county. "

"It's nice to scrub some hot water, but you think you're still at home?"

Jiang Nan took off his trench coat and wore only a vest, revealing parts of the ink-colored tattoo.

Immediately attracted the attention of the big gold tooth that I saw for the first time.

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