Just when Jiangnan and they rushed to Gulan County.

Far away on the other side of the planet, Shirley's home.

At this time, according to various clues, Shirley has opened the secret room at home.

Saw some intel left by Partridge Whistle.

It tells a few things about the Curse of the Devil's Eye.

After reading it, Shirley's first reaction was not shock or despair.


“... That bastard in Jiangnan, that charlatan's fortune-telling method didn't expect it to be really interesting, did he get it?"

"Is the dust bead really existing, is it recorded in the second half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book..."

Shirley shook her head and couldn't help but chuckle, a little excited in her heart.

However, she doesn't hate this feeling.

Pick up the two golden talismans left by the partridge whistle on the table, the vajra umbrella, and the upper part of the dragon bone heavenly book.

Shirley knew she couldn't stay at home anymore.

She was going to leave for the Celestial Empire at once.

There are reasons because of the news of Yun Chenzhu, and there are also reasons to go to Jiangnan.



Jiang Nan fooled around and sent away the curious big gold tooth.

After all, Big Gold Tooth is not the same as Fat Lao Hu and Shirley.

There are a few of them, but they are all lifelong friends, and they are all straightforward and trustworthy.

But the big gold tooth is different, Ya's essence is still a businessman.

If only I had told him.

Maybe one day he will do business with others, and he will pout and talk about it.

Who knows if someone will find trouble with Jiangnan because of this?

After all, this kind of bloodline that can ward off evil spirits is too tempting for those who fight backwards.

Several people hung towels around their necks, picked up the basin, picked up the kettle and walked to the water room.

Along the way, after everyone saw Jiangnan.

All of them trembled in their hearts, their eyes shrank, and they quickly lowered their heads and ran.

The tattoo under the Gangnam vest is so eye-catching!

Again, in this era, people are simple.

In the eyes of most people, tattoos are not good things!

Not to mention the lifelike real dragon tattoo on Jiangnan's body.

Ten people, eight people saw it, and they probably thought that Jiangnan was mixed with black, and it was still a boss...

"Hey, Jiang Ye, you still have this effect with this tattoo!"

"One stop in this water room, we all slipped out, just right, our brothers don't have to squeeze with people, wait in line for the faucet!"

The water room, since the south of the Yangtze River, the crowd that is washing inside immediately dispersed.

When the fat man saw this scene, he was happy and couldn't help but joke.


"I'm a scholar in Jiang, a Sven person, really, isn't it just a tattoo, one by one, it's like seeing a ghost!"

"Don't you see that my face is clear-eyed and kind-eyed?"

Jiangnan only felt a toothache.

Jiang Nan thinks that he is still a good person in essence.

Although, he robbed the tomb and fought backwards, but he was still a good person.

"Okay, it's okay if everyone has run away, vacate the space, and save time in line. "

"Hurry up and wash up, rest early, and work early tomorrow morning!"

Jiang Nan mixed the boiling water in the kettle with cold water, adjusted the water temperature, and began to wash.


mentioned that he was going to work and make a fortune tomorrow, and the fat man was in good spirits.

"Eh, fat man, why is there a red mark on your shoulder?"

Just as the fat man turned around, the big gold tooth suddenly saw the red mark on the fat man's shoulder.

Look... Like an eye?

"Master Hu, don't move, why do you have one here?"

Just when Lao Hu looked over curiously, the big gold tooth saw the same mark on Lao Hu's shoulder again.

"It's exactly the same!Hu Ye, fat man, what's your situation?"

Watching Lao Hu and the fat man look at each other's imprints.

Jiang Nan shook his head secretly, he knew that this was a ghost-eye curse.

It's just that it looks like it's just a prototype now.

As for Gangnam?

With the Blood Seal Protector, Jiang Nan didn't think that this curse could affect him.

Moreover, after returning from the Exquisite Ancient City.

Jiang Nan also looked in the mirror every day, and never noticed any changes in his back.

"The candle shines on the turtle, and it is not cool at all. "

"Chen Tuan is reincarnated, King Wen is reborn!"

At this moment, in the pit behind several people, there was a subdued old voice.

This content is still a set poem!

Hearing this, Jiang Nan couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

Yes, the plot is inertial, Mr. Chen is going to come out to fool people!

Hu Bayi, the fat man, and the big golden tooth looked at each other.

What's going on?

The sound of flushing water came.

Mr. Chen, who was wearing sunglasses, lifted his head to his pants, pushed open the door and walked out.

"Huh~ Old man, your four sentences of the final poem are really enough to pickle your eyes!"

The fat man said with a disgusted face: "Where did you come out of here, scare me like this?"

"The old man doesn't want you to be cut off here, so I make it clear to you here!"

His fingers dotted in the air, and Mr. Chen pretended to be profound.


Hearing this, Jiang Nan rolled his eyes suddenly.

I understand, this Mr. Chen is really thinking of fooling them to help him!

This lord, during the Republic of China, was a man of the hour who almost ruled the world!

Jiang Nan admits that this person does have real skills.

After all, he was the leader of the mountain back then, and his prestige was monstrous, and he couldn't be beaten.

However, since the tomb of the king in southern Yunnan broke a pair of tricks, plus the brothers under his hands suffered heavy losses.

Chen Yulou was disheartened and thought that he had no shame to serve as the leader of the Jieling Mountains.

Since then, he has become a blind man and lives by fortune telling in the market.

"Four, even though the things in this soil are good, they may be able to handle them in a measured manner. "

"Those who have passed away are looking forward to reaching bliss as soon as possible, and no one wants to be disturbed by outsiders while they are sleeping!"

"Of the four of you, three of you have the weight of yin qi on your body, I'm afraid it's going to..."

"Disaster is coming!"

Obviously, a pair of eyes were already blind, but Mr. Chen still accurately identified the location of several people with his head.

The fingers pointed to Jiangnan, Fatty, and Lao Hu respectively.

This can make them stunned.

"Hey, I said, don't play tricks on our brothers. "

"We have something, can we wait for us to finish washing up and go out to talk?"

"You don't think it smells too much!"

At this time, Jiang Nan couldn't help but complain.

Fooling people in the toilet, this is really the first time!

ps:It's on the shelves.,Ask for the first order!Ask for subscription~!Ask for custom~!Ask for rewards!Ask for variety!Ask for support!!

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