A few minutes later, the group washed up and put their things back in their rooms.

Wearing a vest, big pants, and hanging slippers, they walked to the courtyard together.

Chen Yulou's fortune-telling stall is in the courtyard.

"Master Jiang, do you know that blind... The fortune teller?"

"How do I feel that the way you look at him is wrong. "

"And you think you're pretty polite to talk to him?"

Halfway through, Hu Bayi couldn't help but ask.

"I know him!"

"That guy was a big man in our line when he was young!"

"Although I later suffered misfortune, I was discouraged, and I lived by telling fortunes in the market, but after all, I was an old-timer. "

Jiang Nanyi smacked his tongue and explained.

It's not a secret that can't be said.

"Hey, I can't really see it!"

"Just that old man, how many of our brothers are fooling around in the toilet, and they are still big people?"

"Fat man, I can't see it!"

The fat man shook his head again and again, half-convinced.

That's what Jiang Nan said, let others go, and the fat man has to laugh at him for a long time.

While speaking, several people had already arrived in front of Chen Yulou's fortune-telling booth.

Jiang Nan was not polite, and sat on the only stool in front of the stall.

Behind him, Lao Hu, the fat man, and the big gold tooth put their hands behind their backs side by side and straightened their waists.

It's like the Three Protectors Vajra, of course, the body of the big gold tooth is a little bit tasteless.

"Old man, dare to ask what you call it?"

Even though he knew that the other party was probably fooling them, Hu Bayi still asked in a gentle tone.

"The old man is a blind old man, blind, just call me Chen Blind!"

Chen Yulou was as good as a stream, and said softly.

"Hey, you say, why didn't we arrest you when we swept away all the ghosts, snakes, and gods?"

"Tell me clearly, why are we in a big disaster?"

"If you can't tell me clearly, do you believe it or not, I'll smash your fortune-telling stall?"

The fat man had such a temper, and his fist was lightly hammered on the stall, looking full of arrogance, and threatened.

"Alright, fatty. "

Jiang Nan couldn't help but smile and stopped the fat little hooligan's behavior.

"I'm not here to play pantomime games with you, it's boring. "

"If we have something, let's just make it clear and say, okay?"

looked at Chen Blind, the expression on his face was correct, Jiang Nan didn't have the heart to play a little game of fooling and being fooled with him.

"You junior, the old man doesn't really understand what you mean. "

"Where did the old man fool you? Obviously he was kind enough to show you a way out!"

However, Chen Yulou was unmoved, and the old god was at ease pretending to be a master in the world.

Looking around, it was already late at night.

There was no one else around except a few people.

Jiang Nan simply made it clear.

"Okay, then I'll just explain it to you. "

"In the early years, I heard about you, and I knew that after you came back from southern Yunnan, you got acquainted with a captain on the bank of the Yellow River, and the relationship was irreversible. "

Later, I heard that the captain had died in an ancient tomb on the bank of the Yellow River, and his body was nowhere to be found. "

"In the toilet, you're afraid you smelled the earthy smell of our brothers and guessed our identity, so you fooled us. "

"If my guess is correct, do you want our brothers to explore the ancient tomb for you and collect the body of that golden captain?"

"I'm right, the leader of the Jieling Mountains-Chen Yulou, Mr. Chen?"

Jiang Nan stared at Chen Yulou's face and told the secret story.

With Jiang Nan's "speculation", behind him, Hu Bayi and their faces changed when they looked at Chen Yulou.

This is actually the leader of the Jieling Mountains, one of the four factions of the Inverted Dou? That's really a big shot!

And Chen Yulou also changed his face.

The look of "outsider" on his face had long since disappeared, and he was replaced by a serious look.

"This junior... No, this little brother, dare to ask for your surname?"

Knowing more is also a kind of ability.

can recognize the identity of the incognito Chen Yulou at a glance in this market.

I also know some old things that have been sealed by time.

These are enough to prove that Jiangnan is not simple.


Jiangnan responded softly.

"I don't know where Brother Jiangnan learned about these old things?"

"You don't care about this, there are so many ways, just tell me, my guess is correct, right?"

Jiang Nan didn't answer, but asked.

“... That's right, what Brother Jiangnan said is right. "

"My friend is also an amazing person, and I don't know how many graves have fallen in his life. "

"Who knew that something happened on the bank of the Yellow River, and I couldn't see the corpse, and I couldn't get over it as a friend. "

"I know that the tomb where my friend died must be dangerous, but..."

Chen Yulou sighed and said.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Nan: "This job, our brothers have taken it!"

Jiang Nan knew that the ghost mound of the Western Zhou Dynasty under the Fishbone Temple must be explored down.

Whether it's touching the golden talisman, or the lower half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book!

In this case, it is not impossible to sell Chen Yulou a favor.

In Chen Yulou's hand, there is a "human skin map" of the tomb of the king of Dian that was found out of the tomb of the king of Dian.

"Wait, Master Jiang, don't be impulsive, we don't know what's going on there. "

Hu Bayi hurriedly stopped Jiang Nan and persuaded.

"Yes, Jiang Ye, this dead old man didn't even say anything about the payment, why did you just agree?"

For fat people, there is more attention to remuneration...

"The captain who touched the gold is named Jin Suan Pan. "

Jiang Nan chuckled and said to Lao Hu and the fat man.

"Kim saun pan!?"

"Jiang Ye, what do you mean..."

The two of them were stunned for a moment, remembering that in the desert before, Jiang Nan told them about the Captain of Touching Gold and Touching the Golden Fu.

"So, old man, as a reward, the gold talisman on the body of Jin Suan will belong to us, no problem, right?"

Jiang Nan knew that Lao Hu and the fat man had already understood what he meant.

Genuine touch gold talismans are real treasures, and there is no reason to miss them when they meet them.

This gold talisman is enough for them to walk.

Didn't you see that the eyes of the old bearded fat man had changed?

That's a look of interest!

"Okay! just do what you say, Jiang Ye, our brothers will take this job!"

Hu Bayi and the fat man glanced at each other, nodded, and said in a deep voice.

As for how to divide a gold talisman... Then the meat has to be in the pot.

Unbeknownst to them, Shirley had already come to them with two other gold talismans.

Now that the matter has been clarified, the people in Jiangnan are naturally reluctant to spend time with the old man in ink.

After saying goodbye, he turned around and left.

Don't give Chen blind a chance to tell their fortunes and touch their bones.

Healers do not heal themselves, and in the same way, there are similar taboos in the profession of divination.

And touching the bones...

Jiang Nan swore that Chen Yulou hadn't washed his hands at all since he came out of the toilet!!

ps: There's one more later.,The rest.,Update during the day~ How many more chapters can be made... It depends on the situation.

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