It is worth mentioning that after entering the thief cave.

In order to detect something strange in time, Huba lit a candle at intervals.

But just now, Huba was shocked to find that the candle he had just lit was gone!

And in the place where the candle disappeared, a bluestone slab appeared out of thin air!

"Jiang Ye, something is wrong!"

"The candle was fine when it went out, but it was gone. "

"Moreover, a bluestone slab has appeared!"

"Why don't we go back the way we came?"

The first time he encountered such a strange situation, Lao Hu's voice trembled a little.

“... It's useless!"

"There was also a bluestone slab behind me, blocking the back road, and we had to move on. "

Jiang Nan shook his head, his tone still calm and flat.

Just now, a bluestone slab appeared in his hand.

Place your fingers on the stone slab, close your eyes, and peruse.

Sure enough, there was a movement from the slate that was so subtle that ordinary people could not perceive it.

The knowledge of the Thousand Machine Mechanism Technique tells Jiang Nan that this is indeed a large-scale water vein mechanism!

"Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, let's not meet ghosts, right?"

The fat man also heard the conversation of several people, and his heart was a little hairy.

"Yes, Jiang Ye Hu Ye, this can't be the legendary ghost hitting the wall, right?"

The big gold tooth with the least guts, the upper and lower teeth were already chattering at this moment.

Jiang Nan has no doubt that if he throws Ya Yi here, he will be scared to pee directly!

"What the hell is hitting the wall, I've just confirmed. "

"This is a large mechanism driven by underground water veins!"

"The owner of this tomb is a master... In short, fatty, keep moving forward, there is no going back!"

As the backbone of the four, Jiang Nan's calm tone infected several people.

Before it could begin to spread, the atmosphere of panic was crushed to death at the source.

The big gold tooth aside.

In the eyes of Lao Hu and the fat man, since Jiang Nan is still so calm, his tone is flat, and there are no emotional ups and downs in his voice.

That is to say, Jiangnan must already have a way in his heart!

This is the trust of the two of them in Jiangnan after experiencing the exquisite ancient city!

Without further ado, the crowd, who had barely composure, moved forward again.

It didn't take long for the thief hole in front of me to change.

The thief hole in front of them suddenly forked in, and they barely split into three thief holes.

The direction of these three thieves is in the shape of a crossroads with the thieves they came from before.

In the heart of the crossroads, the space was much more spacious.

The four of them were sitting around at this time.

At this time, Hu Bayi was also stupid, and looked at the three thief holes in a daze, at a loss.

"Jiang Ye, should we go that way?"

The three of them looked at Jiangnan in unison.

There is quite a feeling that even if Jiangnan takes them to Dao Mountain, they will follow them to the end...

Gangnam: ......

Looking closely, Jiang Nan was stunned.

These three thief holes are neat and smooth, and there is no trace of panic in the shovel print.

It's hard to tell which path is right.


"Get out of the way, I'll listen. "

Jiang Nan motioned for the three of them to make some room for themselves to come out.

Listening to the thunder acupoint, I didn't expect the skills I just got to come in handy.

In the stunned and puzzled eyes of the three people, Jiang Nan took out a pistol.

"Jiang Ye, let's not talk about the use of you taking out your pistol at this time. "

"That said, this gun... Why do I look so familiar?"

As soon as Hu Ba looked at the pistol in Jiang Nan's hand, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it felt, as if he had seen it not long ago.

"It's Shirley's, she went back to the United States, this thing can't pass customs, so it's just left for me to defend myself. "

“... Cover your ears, this place is small and closed, and the noise will be loud. "

Jiang Nan instructed lightly, then aimed at the three thief holes and fired a shot each.

Then close your eyes and focus all your attention on your ears, which twitch slightly, and listen carefully to discern.

I have to say that the peak physical fitness brings Jiangnan a keen five senses.

And the stunt of listening to thunder and distinguishing acupoints is simply tailor-made for Jiangnan, and the advantages of hearing are brought into full play.

After a short time, Jiang Nan had already put away his gun and opened his eyes.

Pointing to the thief hole in front of him, he said firmly: "Keep moving forward!"

"According to the information fed back by the voice, the robbery holes on both sides are dead ends. "

"Moreover, the distance is not long, only this thief hole in front, and a huge hole is connected not far ahead. "

"Judging by the topography here, I'm afraid it's a hollow in the underground labyrinth. "

"Anyway, let's go over and talk about it first. "

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to react, Jiang Nan took the lead in entering the thief cave in front.

The three of them were stunned, ignoring the doubts in their hearts, not daring to slack off, and hurriedly kept up with Jiangnan's footsteps.

"Jiang Ye, your hand, shouldn't it be the legendary Listening to Thunder and distinguishing acupoints?"

Behind, Hu Bayi couldn't help the surprise in his heart and asked.

"Indeed, Lao Hu, I didn't expect you to know this hand!"

Jiang Nan's voice was a little surprised.

"Well, I heard my grandfather say it when I was a kid. "

"However, isn't this a stunt of the Unloading Mountains? Jiang Ye, you are a Faqiu Heavenly Official, how can you still do this?"

Lao Hu continued to ask.

"emm, Lao Hu, do you know what the characteristics of the four factions of the inverted bucket are?"

"Features?" Huba was stunned.

"Well, the four factions of this inverted bucket have their own strengths, and they all have the skills that have been passed down from generation to generation at the bottom of the box. "

"Let's just say that you touch gold, you are very good at dividing gold and fixing points, to exaggerate, there is no tomb in this world that the captain of the gold school can't find!"

When he said this, Lao Hu and the fat man's faces turned slightly red.

I know my own affairs, both of them are half-, and the gold talisman is still fake!

"And the line of unloading the mountains, in addition to the large number of people, relies on the ancestral stunt - the art of hearing the mountain and distinguishing the dragon. "

"As for moving mountains... The technique of moving mountains and dividing armor is rumored to be miraculous, and in addition, the heirs of moving mountains are also the most capable of fighting. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Nan also felt a little emotional, he was also quite greedy for moving mountains and dividing armor, but unfortunately, the system was not powerful.

Until now, I haven't seen the skill of moving mountains.

"So, what about your hair?"

"Hair Hill?"

Hearing this, Jiang Nan grinned, began to talk nonsense in a serious manner, and said, "Faqiu Zhonglang will be interesting." "

"You have to know a little bit of everything, you have to know a little bit of everything. "

"Otherwise, who is qualified to be called Faqiu Tianguan?"

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