As Jiangnan speculated.

After about twenty minutes or so, the field of vision in front of me suddenly widened.

At the end of this robbery hole, there is indeed a huge underground cavity.

Several people climbed out of the thief hole one by one, looking around in amazement.

"Jiang Ye, you are really amazing, just let go of so many shots, and then just listen to it. "

"Do you even know what's at the end of this thief hole?"

After getting out of the thief hole and seeing the surrounding environment clearly, the fat man couldn't help but start admiring.

This kind of method, in the eyes of the fat man, is really a fairy-like method!

"Yes, Jiang Ye, although you said that it was a stunt of the unloading of the Lingling line. "

"But after all, it was made from your hands, if you want to practice this kind of kung fu, let alone more than ten years of hard work?"

This hand, not to mention the fat man, even the big gold tooth is amazed.

He can be regarded as well-informed, and he has seen a lot of strange people, so he naturally understands that this kind of kung fu wants to be practiced to this extent.

That's definitely hard work!

All the seemingly miraculous kung fu in this world is piled up with blood and sweat.

Thinking of this, the big golden tooth looked at Jiang Nan with more and more admiration, this Jiang Ye, who is in his early twenties, must have suffered a lot of hardships if he knows so many stunts!

"Master Jiang, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

At this moment, Hu Bayi noticed Jiangnan's abnormality and asked worriedly.

From the moment he entered this hollow, the expression on Jiang Nan's face was very serious.

Constantly looking around by the light of a flashlight.

“... There's something here, and there's quite a few!"

Jiang Nan shone the flashlight on the stone wall and signaled to Hu Bayi.

When I first entered here, my intuition began to have a crazy premonition, and Jiangnan always had a feeling of being targeted by predators.

Look closely, and sure enough!

"That's... We're not going to see the hell, are we!?"

As soon as Hu Ba looked in the direction Jiang Nan pointed, his pupils suddenly shrank.

On the stone wall over there, there was a huge human face imprinted on it, and even Hu Bayi found that the face was squirming!

"What the hell!"

"That's supposed to be a human-faced black-cheeked spider, a giant human-faced spider!"

Jiang Nan shook his head and explained to Lao Hu.

If it's really a ghost, that's fine!

Jiangnan has a treasure blood to protect the body, and the last thing he is afraid of is that kind of dirty thing.

It is this kind of herd of huge animals that Jiangnan feels troublesome to deal with.

Jiangnan doesn't dare to use high-explosive grenades or anything indiscriminately in this ghost place, in case the whole thing collapses, then it will really be dead.

"Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, what are you looking at?"

At this moment, the fat man noticed Jiang Nan and Lao Hu's movements and looked at them curiously.


Before he could shout an exclamation, he was covered by the quick-eyed Hu Bayi.

"What the hell, what the hell are we doing?"

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on the corner of the fat man's forehead, and he said in a low voice.

"No, it's just a giant spider... Fatty, where's Old Kim?"

Jiang Nan explained casually, and when he looked back, the big gold tooth was silently gone!

"Isn't it just in the back... Where's the old Kim?"

"It's such a big guy, and he's still here just now!

Looking back, the fat man was also shocked, and his back was soaked in cold sweat.

This scene is really weird!

Just when Hu Bayi and the fat man wanted to say something, Jiangnan stopped them.

"Shhhh "

Jiang Nan closed his eyes, and his ears began to flutter slightly, catching the faint sound.

"It's like a gagged shout..."

"The sound of something dragging on the ground..."

"I didn't run, it's Lao Jin, here, follow me!"

In the anxious and expectant gaze of Lao Hu and the fat man, Jiang Nan opened his eyes.

The leader ran to the fork in the road.

After twisting and turning all the way, the four of them finally turned into a cave covered with white spider silk.

And the old gold...

At the top of the cavern, a mummy wrapped in white spider silk hangs.

The mummy was still struggling frantically, because his mouth was gagged, and only a muffled snort could be heard.

Listen to the voice, it's the big gold tooth!

The three of them didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly cut off the spider silk with a knife and put him down.

This spider silk was extremely sticky, and everyone tore it for a long time before the big gold tooth was released.

Of course, as a price for getting out of trouble, the clothes of the big gold tooth and the wig were all left in the cocoon.

"Master Jiang, Master Hu, Fat Master, this time my big gold tooth is really thanks to you. "

"If you hadn't come here in time, I'm afraid my big gold tooth would have fed that big spider today!"

The big gold tooth was still in a panic, his eyes were full of fear, and his bony chest was panting like a bellows.

"It's too dangerous to go down here, we haven't seen it yet. "

"Half of my life is gone!"

"I want to go back alive this time, I said that I won't go to the grave again, what kind of energy am I trying to do. "

As he spoke, the big gold tooth couldn't help but want to cry...

"Okay, okay, cry fart, cry, how old is it?"

Jiang Nan can't get used to this, he can even accept people kneeling and begging for mercy, but he just can't get used to seeing a big man shed tears.

The pretty girl shed tears that called pear blossoms with rain, but a big man...

When I look at it, I feel that my psychology is terrible.

"The next time you can't go to the grave, you'll have to go back and talk about it later. "

"And... Who says we haven't seen the tomb?"

"No, isn't that the entrance to the tomb?"

As he spoke, Jiang Nan's face suddenly pointed to the hollow not far ahead.


The three of them were startled and hurriedly looked over.

Sure enough, on that empty cliff face, there is a quaint cyan passage!

Huba hurriedly took out his compass and began to calculate.

"That's right, Jiang Ye! This passage is just facing the thief hole we came from!

After a long time, Hu Bayi shouted excitedly.

"Nonsense, it's the right thing to do... Did you smell anything?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, isn't this inevitable?

But... Fragrance?

Smell the jade!?

Jiang Nan's spirit was shocked, and he hurriedly subdivided the source of the fragrance.

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