"Isn't this the temple of the underworld, why can't there be a coffin?"

As soon as he entered the door, the fat man was dumbfounded.

He was so excited that he was dying before he came in, and he didn't see the coffin when he came in, and some of them wilted.

"The temple of Hades, since ancient times, is the place where the coffin of the tomb owner was placed. "

"The Tibetan scriptures make it clear that the underworld is the core of the mausoleum, whether it is a single burial or a joint burial. "

"Jiang Ye, this tomb is evil, not to mention that the periphery is the characteristics of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the inside is the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty. "

"Why isn't there a coffin in this temple?"

Huba also wondered for a moment, this is different from what the book says.

Hades, how can you just put an armillary sphere?

Could it be that this armillary sphere is still refined, and this tomb is where the armillary sphere is buried?

"Hades Temple, a hammer!" Jiang Nan complained with a roll of his eyes.

"Eh, Master Jiang, how do you say this?"

Lao Hu was stunned for a moment, faintly realized... Did you make a mistake?

"I roughly calculated how far we were from the Fishbone Temple. "

"After comparing it, it should be a little far from the feng shui treasure we saw before. "

"In other words, this should be a side hall leading to the Hades Temple. "

Jiang Nan is looking around for the important "metal brush".

"Oh... yes!"

Lao Hu took out his compass, calibrated the bearing, and after estimating, he nodded stunned.

When I saw this hall for a while, I was a little excited and forgot about it!

Moreover, there are indeed several stone gates around here.

I just don't know if it's the right door, and where is the mechanism to open the stone door.

"Master Jiang, why am I a little messy, look at this mural. "

"The court clothes of the characters depicted above are the five-grade court clothes of civil officials in the early Tang Dynasty. "

"However, when we saw the passage before, why is it full of reliefs from the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

The big gold tooth looked at the murals around him carefully, and couldn't help but ask.

"That's right, this scale structure, square, angular and angular, with a yurt-like dome overhead. "

"It is the intention of taking the sky and the round place, and it is a high-standard tomb in the Tang Dynasty. "

Jiang Nan explained while searching.

"So, those Western Zhou reliefs outside? There will always be no one in this world who builds their own tombs on other people's tombs, right?"

"This is a big taboo to bury people!"

The big gold tooth still can't figure it out.

"Although it is said that since ancient times, multiple burials in one cave have been taboo among taboos. "

"However, I'm afraid this treasure cave is a pretty great top-level treasure cave, and besides, this tomb... It doesn't have to be a person who is buried!"

In fact, Jiang Nan has always been puzzled, in the original book, the coffin in the underworld has not been opened.

In addition, the name of the system mission is - to explore the ancient tomb of the Tang Dynasty, not the tomb of Li Chunfeng.

Coupled with what was recorded in the original book, Jiangnan already had a speculation.

Eighty percent, this tomb that Li Chunfeng built with all his heart, I am afraid it is to place the lower part of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book!

"No, Master Jiang, we have seen this treasure cave before, and it can only be said to be excellent, not top-notch. "

"The owner of the tomb should not be guilty of building his own tomb on someone else's tomb for the sake of a good treasure cave, right?"

Hearing this, Lao Hu only felt that there were more and more doubts in his heart.

There's something weird about it here.

Everything didn't match the common sense of the tomb he knew, and it was simply subverting his worldview.

Fortunately, Jiang Nan was here, Hu Bayi simply gave up thinking and turned his head to ask Jiang Nan.

"Well, from the outside, the feng shui here can only be said to be excellent, but..."

"Old Hu, don't forget, what we encountered before were all large institutions driven by underground water veins. "

"If there is an extra spring in the temple of the underworld, what will this feng shui become?"

Jiang Nan chuckled and reminded.


A flash of lightning flashed through Huba's mind, and he exclaimed, "No wonder it's hidden!"

"In this tomb in the feng shui level, if there can be such a spring, it is really the best!"

At this time, Jiang Nan walked to the original version of Li Chunfeng's sixty elephants pushing back pictures, and his heart was itching.

This is a real artifact!

There is no way, this thing is huge, or carved on the stone wall, it is impossible to take it away.

Helpless, Jiangnan could only use the camera to take pictures of it as a souvenir.

"Found it!"

Not long after, Jiangnan had already discovered the relief of Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang's deduction and deduction of the back picture.

Without saying a word, Jiang Nan simply took down the metal brush in the hands of the relief figure.

The next moment.


A stone door on the side opened, revealing a small side hall inside.

In the center of the side hall, there is a boxy Tang Dynasty-style coffin.

"Hey, isn't this coffin right here?"

The fat man was so happy that he couldn't help but want to rush in and touch the corpse.

"Don't go in, fatty!"

"Have you forgotten, we are still some distance away from the Hades Temple, and we have not yet reached the Treasure Cave. "

Jiang Nan hurriedly stopped the fat man, but he knew that the coffin was full of mercury inside!

"Jiang Ye, what do you mean?" the fat man was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Mechanism, I can feel it, the mechanism here is still running!"

"And, just to be on the safe side, bring gas masks!"

As he spoke, Jiang Nan took the lead in taking out a gas mask and bringing it to his face.

Inhaling mercury in large quantities is no fun.

But the embarrassing thing is that if you want to open the way to the Hades Temple, you really have to let this mercury mechanism activate!

It's very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, within a moment, the mercury mechanism here was up and running.

Inside the side hall, the coffin board began to beat abnormally.

", what the hell, we haven't touched him yet, and the lord in the coffin can't lie down?"

Seeing this scene, the fat man was immediately shocked, he had never heard of a corpse being cheated because of the breath of a living person.

But now that they haven't entered the side hall at all, the lord in this coffin can't sit still?

", that's a mercury trap!" Jiang Nan shook his head.

In the main hall outside, the eight dragon heads on the dome also began to spit mercury from their mouths.

In the blink of an eye, mercury poured into the intricate grooves of the ground.

At the same time, the mercury in the coffin accumulated to the limit, the coffin board was pushed open, and the mercury gushed out of the coffin like a spring, and the stone door was slowly falling.

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