After lighting the large brazier above the temple.

The blazing light brightened the tomb.

"The tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the coffin of the Tang Dynasty, the owner of this tomb is really not taboo at all!"

Looking at the situation in the tomb and the coffin in front of him, which was obviously in the style of the Tang Dynasty, Hu Ba couldn't help but be amazed.

In this case, not to mention the sprouts of a few of them, even the big guys in the circle may not have seen it, right?

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "Do you remember what I said? I'm afraid it's not people buried here, but things!"

"Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, if you want me to say, let's not think so much. "

"Anyway, we're already here, why don't we just go and see it?"

"As long as you open the coffin, everything inside will be clear at once!"

Seeing that the coffin was close in front of him, the fat man couldn't hold himself anymore, and his heart was itching to death.

Jiang Nan smiled and walked over directly.

"It's open, isn't it? I'm going to light the candles!"

Seeing this scene, the fat man was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the prepared candle and was eager to try it.

"Light a candle with a hammer... This coffin is empty, and listening to the sound, it is full of some delicate hidden weapons and other things, densely packed, almost filling the space of the coffin. "

"If you look for death, I won't stop you!"

At this time, Jiang Nan was knocking on the coffin, feeling it with two fingers carefully, and couldn't help but complain when he heard the words.

The coffin of feelings is really used by Li Chunfeng to trap people.

If you are not satisfied with getting the Dragon Bone Book and want to open the coffin, I'm afraid you will be killed in the first place, right?

"Huh? mean, we ran away for nothing?"

"Which grandson TM has nothing to do to do such a tomb!"

The fat man was dumbfounded.

Before, in the desert, they had seen Jiangnan's fingers and the power of the technique.

knew that Jiangnan was just a knock, and everything in the coffin was clear.

"How is it possible? There is a mechanism here, it must be hidden. "

Jiang Nan had already detoured to the head of the coffin at this time, looked at the groove on it, and snorted softly.

Not to mention the content recorded in the second half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book itself is a priceless treasure!

As he spoke, Jiang Nan took out a metal brush from his pocket.

"This thief is not empty, let alone us tomb robbers?"

"It's... In the hall before, was there a brush in Li Chunfeng's relief hand?"

"Jiang Ye, is this thing worth anything?"

The fat man looked at the finely crafted brush and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it's worth the money... Don't move, this pen is still useful, I'll show you it later. "

Dodging the salty pig hand stretched out by the fat man, Jiangnan buckled the brush on the groove, turned it carefully, and aimed at the pattern.

Until a click, the metal brush was stuck in the groove, and Jiang Nan slowly turned the pen barrel.

The next moment, above the metal brush, a bronze medal popped out of the dark slot.

"Is there a word on this?"

As he spoke, the fat man, he pulled the bronze medal out of it.

Jiang Nan looked straight at it, although he knew that this was a certain process, even if the fat man didn't do it, he would take out this bronze medal.

But I still can't help but want to complain in my heart.

Really, the plot is all about fat people?


At this moment, the stone gate where the four people came in began to fall rapidly, and before a few people could react, the stone gate still fell to the ground.

The mechanism continued to run, and with the sound of clicking, a chess table slowly rose in the center of the stone platform in front of the coffin.

"You say there's something that's really..."

The fat man sighed with emotion as if the world was impermanent, and stuffed the bronze medal into his pocket as if nothing had happened.


Lao Hu grabbed the fat man's hand angrily: "Okay, greed, you have to let us see what is recorded on it, and I'll give it to you after reading it." "

As he spoke, Lao Hu snatched the bronze medal from the fat man's hand and handed it to Jiang Nan: "Master Jiang, take a look at what is recorded on it." "

"This is Xiao Seal?"

The big gold tooth leaned over and said curiously.

"Well, it is also called Qin Seal, which is a unified script implemented by Qin Shi Huang after the unification of the six countries. "

"It's nothing, it's just that the original owner of the tomb built by Li Chunfeng is just that. "

Jiang Nan took a simple look, and like the original book, he lost interest and threw it back to the fat man.

The fat man's face was full of smiles, and he hurriedly put away the bronze medal.

"The real good stuff is probably in this chessboard. "

Jiang Nan came to the chess table and tried to find a way.


Jiang Nan didn't know anything about Go, so he could only tell that this black-and-white endgame was Go instead of backgammon.

Well, at least better than a fat man!

Outside the chessboard, there is only one surplus piece.

This intention is very clear, there is only one chance to fall.

Jiang Nan has watched the original drama, but there are a total of 361 crosses between the nineteen vertical and horizontal paths of this chessboard, and there are still many spare parts.

"Lao Jin, it's up to you!"

Jiang Nan decisively pushed the big golden tooth over, here, the only one who knows Go is him.

"No, Master Jiang, my old man taught me a little bit when I was a child. "

"With my three-legged cat's kung fu..."

"Eh, weird, weird, weird!"

Just when the big golden tooth was crying and refusing, he suddenly discovered some mystery and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Eh, my Jin Yeyou, don't rhyme at this time, what's wrong?" This made the fat man anxious, and he shook his head.

"This endgame, although it may have been very subtle at the time, but with thousands of years of research, there have been chess games to crack this endgame. "

"Just drop this sunspot in this position... Eat this piece of white characters, and the sunspot is basically a win. "

As he spoke, he pointed to a position in the chess game and said affirmatively.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, this Li Chunfeng is a pedantic celestial, Zhou Yi gossip, and clever organs, all of which are fine. "

"Such a capable person, if one is counted as one, I am afraid that from the bottom of his heart he is a proud person. "

"Will such a proud person leave a chess game for future generations to win over him?"

At this time, Jiang Nan suddenly spoke up.

"Although the sunspot can win when he falls there, I'm afraid this is not what Li Chunfeng wants to see, right?"

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