Because Jiang Nan informed several people of the answer in advance this time, and also because of the reasonable arrangement.

This time, the four of them turned the corresponding Ming weapon without any danger and completed the requirements of the organ.

After all, one person is responsible for two walls, and all you need to do is turn the answer you already know.


At the moment when the big gold tooth was the last to turn the golden silk nan wooden miniature screen on the fourth wall.

The shrinking slate beneath his feet stopped completely, and then returned to its original position again.

And the wall full of treasures in front of everyone began to rise slowly.

And the door of the tomb where they came in was slowly opening.

That's when —

"Tsk, it's all said that thieves don't go empty. "

"It's all come this far, how can you watch these treasures take it back?"

I saw that Jiang Nan didn't know when he pulled out his black knife, and under the light of the fire, the edge of the knife became more and more dazzling.

Jiangnan has the essence of the Mohist mechanism inherited from the Warring States Period, which can be seen naturally.

At this time, using some special means, you can still get a few treasures without touching the mechanism.


The fat man, Hu Bayi and the big golden tooth glanced at each other, and saw that each other's eyes were full of joy.

They also saw it just now, and the treasures here are all fixed to the stone wall.

It can only be turned, not taken off.

And if you turn it, I'm afraid that the stone slab under their feet will disappear in an instant, right?

However, Jiangnan's knife is different!


I saw Jiang Nan jumping high, lying on his stomach to fix his body, and the black knife in his hand slashed continuously, while constantly adjusting his body shape, and slashed towards the rest of the dark groove again.

Wait until the stone wall is completely recovered, and wait until Jiangnan lands.

Jiang Nan already has a few more delicate treasures in his arms.

Looking closely, these four treasures were actually taken down by Jiang Nan without touching the mechanism, cutting off the connection between the base and the stone wall.

This is the so-called boldness of the artist.

Without those three-thirds, how dare you go to Liangshan?



After returning to the stone platform in front of the coffin, Jiang Nan focused his attention on the chessboard.


"No, how can there be a mechanism, this TM isn't over yet!?"

Seeing this scene, the fat man was immediately shocked and couldn't help shouting.

Along the way, in addition to the black-faced man, they ran into the mechanism!

Again, it is estimated that the fat man will have a nervous breakdown.

Not to mention the fat man, even Hu Bayi and Big Golden Tooth are a little unsightly at this time.

"Calm down, look, this time something good is out!"

With a chuckle, Jiang Nan gestured to the chessboard.

I saw that the chessboard was folded to both sides, and from the space below was a delicately carved black metal box.


The metal box unfolds automatically, revealing its contents.

It was a dark tortoise shell with ancient symbols carved into it.

In the very center of the tortoiseshell, an eye-like symbol stands out.

The second half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book!

Jiang Nan's face was happy.

At the same time, the system's prompt sounds.

"Ding! Detected the host touching the second half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the second ring main quest: exploring the ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Ding! Now let's start calculating the mission reward, calculating..."

"After the calculation, let's start issuing task rewards: 5,000 exchange points;

"Ding! The quest reward has been distributed, please check with the host. "

"Ding! Release the third ring of the mission: Yunnan Worm Valley!"

"Mission Requirements: Travel with the trio to the Worm Valley in Southern Yunnan. "

Bone shrinking work?

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and vaguely remembered that this bone shrinking skill seemed to be also a stunt of Faqiu's vein.

When you practice to the fullest, you can even shrink an adult to the size of a child, which is incredible to the extreme.

It's just that, just like digging a hole with two fingers, the pain of practicing this kung fu is not something ordinary people can imagine.

According to legend, everyone in the Faqiu lineage was once a dwarf and was short in stature.

It's because of the sequelae of practicing bone shrinking skills.

However, Jiangnan did not have this distress.

After all, his bone shrinking gong system rewards.

At this moment, a stream of heat appeared in Jiang Nan's body out of thin air.

This hot current seemed to have spirituality, and in an instant, most of it merged into the bones around Jiangnan's body, and the remaining small part was scattered into the blood of internal organs, muscles, skin, and skin.

Crispy and itchy, the strange feeling that penetrates deep into the bone marrow, almost didn't make Jiang Nan come out on the spot.

But fortunately, this heat flow comes and goes quickly.

By the time the heat flow disappeared, Jiang Nan was already keenly aware of the changes in his body.

It was a strange feeling, as if his bones had undergone some kind of mysterious metamorphosis.

It becomes more pliable with the same degree of sturdiness.

Jiangnan's intuition told him that now, with just one thought, he can compress his body size to the size of a child.

"It's an amazing feeling..."

Jiang Nan subconsciously sighed in a low voice.

"Jiang Ye, what is this thing?"

At this time, the fat man couldn't see the mystery of this tortoise shell when they looked left and right.

But to be so cherished by the owner of this tomb is a great treasure.

Simply, they didn't bother to use their brains, and asked Jiang Nan directly.

Past experience tells them that as long as they follow the ancient tombs, it seems that there is nothing Jiangnan doesn't understand!

"Ah, this, there is a high probability that it is the second half of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, if you explain it carefully, it will be too troublesome. "

"Anyway, this thing is worth a fortune!"

Calculating the time, according to the development of the plot, Shirley should have brought that Professor Sun to Gulan County.

Not surprisingly, the trip to the tomb of the king in southern Yunnan was ironclad and nailed.

Then, the human skin map in Chen Yulou's hand is something that must be obtained.

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