Before Jiangnan's voice fell, the water surface of the river was occupied by dense black shadows.

The piercing sound of the patch rubbing is even more terrifying.

The surface of the water is like boiling water, like a fried pot!

"Damn, why are there so many saber-toothed vipers here?"

"Master Jiang, Lao Hu, Staff Officer Yang, stroke hard! Fat Master, I don't want to stay as a dinner for this kind of!"

The fat man's face turned white at once, and his back was already eroded by cold sweat.

On this trip to the tomb of the king, Jiangnan prepared sufficient thermal weapons for several people.

In the face of that green scale python, their odds of winning are very high, and they can cook it in minutes.

But the school of saber-toothed vipers that went crazy?

Hell, the gun has a!

At this time, the blue-scaled python had been surrounded by the saber-toothed viper in the middle, and the number of fish was very large, enough to count in the thousands, and it was frantically biting.

In a short time, that section of the river was stained dark red with a large expanse of blood.

However, the more blood flowed, the more excited the fish became, and they bit like crazy.

The saber-toothed vipers have two rows of sharp teeth like knives and saws, and they tear off one of the scales and belts from the python's body in one bite.


Seeing this scene, Rao felt his scalp tingle with Jiangnan's psychological quality.

In just half a minute, the green python that had just used them as food had already been eaten by half.

The huge body is full of white bones.

But its massive body gives it a terrifying vitality, and even then it is still not dead.

The snake's body kept flapping on the surface of the water, roaring miserably.

"Jiang Ye, this can't be done, this giant python is not enough for fish to gnaw. "

"We're going to turn into bones in a minute at most, and we'll be the ones who will be surrounded by the fish!"

"One minute, we can't row far!"

Hu Bayi was really frightened at this time, and his face was extremely pale.

This time I'm really in a desperate situation!

"So what... Wait, I remember!"

"I've got a way!"

Jiang Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, he almost forgot a good baby, it is too suitable to use here!

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan hurriedly put down the bamboo pole in his hand and took out a quaint small bottle from his bag.

Under the puzzled gazes of the three people, Jiang Nan cautiously opened the bottle and whistled in a strange tone.


The faint sound of insects spreading their wings was heard.

A thumb-sized crimson weird bug flew out of the bottle.

The insect swayed towards the blue-scaled python and landed on the python's exposed flesh.

Suddenly, a dark color began to spread rapidly on the green scale python from the place where it came into contact with the insects.

In the blink of an eye, the blue-scaled python completely lost its breath, and the python's body floated weakly on the water.

This little thing is incredibly poisonous!

"Master Jiang, what are you doing here?"

"Do you think that python is struggling too hard, and the saber-toothed viper is gnawing too slowly?"

Hu Ba and the fat man were immediately shocked, and looked at Jiangnan's operation with a confused expression.

Although this little thing poisoned the python in the blink of an eye, they were indeed shocked.

But that's not how it works, is it? Is it because they don't die fast enough?

"Wait, old Hu, fat man, take a closer look!"

However, the attentive Shirley noticed that something was wrong, pointed to the fish, and said in surprise.

I saw that those saber-toothed vipers were still eating the discolored flesh and blood of the python after the python was poisoned.

Then the next moment, a surprising scene happened.

All the saber-toothed vipers that devoured the flesh and blood of the giant python turned over and died!

And the living saber-toothed viper did not let go of the corpses of their kind, and rushed up desperately to devour the corpses of the python and its kind.

It's like chain fission, one to ten, ten to hundred, less than a moment.

As far as everyone can see, all the saber-toothed vipers have been poisoned, and they are floating on the surface of the river with their belly turned over!

For a moment, that section of the river was covered with the carcasses of saber-toothed vipers!


Seeing this, Jiang Nan whistled a strange tone again.

The little red insect flew back slowly and burrowed into the quaint bottle in Jiang Nan's hand.

"Jiang Ye, what are you doing, it's so poisonous?"

"It's just lying on the giant python, not only poisoning the python, but even the hundreds of saber-toothed vipers?"

Shirley, Hubayi, and the fat man reacted from the amazing scene just now.

Qi Qi looked at the bottle in Jiang Nan's hand in shock.

This is the most poisonous poison in the Nima world, and that's it, right?

"This is the Corpse Worm King, extremely poisonous!"

"By chance, I once obtained a volume of Miao Jiang's witchcraft and refined it into a Gu worm, adding poison to poison. "

"But I haven't had a chance to use this little thing, I almost forgot that I still have this baby!"

Jiangnan grinned.

This thing is inherently poisonous.

In addition, for so long, Jiang Nan has been feeding the corpse insect king various poisons with the methods recorded in the witchcraft technique.

Cultivated the Corpse Worm King's virulence to a terrifying level, enough to poison an entire school of fish.

But there are gains and losses, and such a terrifying toxicity has been obtained.

On the other hand, the Corpse Worm King's ability to mutate creatures is gone.

"Why, are you going to get closer and take a closer look?"

As he spoke, Jiang Nan put the bottle in his hand in front of the three people's faces.


"Don't, don't, absolutely don't!"

"Master Jiang, you have to take a good look at this little ancestor. "

"If we fly out and give our brother a few bites, we won't have to lie down immediately!"

Lao Hu and the fat man shook their hands again and again, swallowing in horror.

Where is the fate of the green python and the school of sabertooth vipers!

Who has a problem with their brains to take a closer look at this thing!

ps: The Corpse Moth King and the Miao Jiang Witch Gu Technique were both obtained by the Exquisite Ancient City, and the students who forgot it can go back and take a look.

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