The four of Jiangnan continued to move forward, and the river in front of them gradually became wider.

After dealing with the school of sabertooth vipers and the blue python.

There were no other threats along the way, and the journey was peaceful and smooth.

This made everyone secretly relieved.

"Jiangnan, you gave me another surprise. "

"Miao Jiang's witchcraft is just like this king's trick. "

"For thousands of years, there are probably few people who really understand the essence of it. "

"I didn't expect you to know this witchcraft and even cultivate a terrifying Gu worm. "

"Jiangnan, is there anything in this world that you won't do?"

Shirley snuggled in Jiangnan's arms, a pair of beautiful eyes carefully looking at Jiangnan's perfect face.

She intuitively felt that this man was filled with a layer of fog, which made people unable to see or read.

But there is a mysterious attraction that makes her like a moth to a fire, but everything wants to get close to him.

"That's a lot, where in this world are there perfect people?..."

"Shirley, aren't you going to be a lover?"

Jiang Nan chuckled, put his arms around Shirley's flexible waist, and laughed.

As for the two envious, jealous and hateful gazes behind him?

Jiangnan said that he didn't care at all!


"Jiangnan, this time the matter is over, whether you can find the dust bead or not, whether you can solve the curse. "

"I've decided to stay in Sijiu City and stay by your side. "

"At that moment of life and death, I figured it out, life is incomparably short. "

"If you can't live the life you want in this short life, then what's the point?"

Shirley leaned on Jiangnan's shoulder, his tone ethereal.

"Huh, don't you want me to go to the United States with you?"

Jiang Nan smiled dumbly and asked rhetorically.

"Don't mention it, and even, I won't even mention it anymore if you don't want to go to the grave!"

"I can see that although you like money, you like exciting life more than this. "

"At that critical moment, I saw a smile on my face. "

"If I really force you to accompany me to the United States, I'm afraid that the dull days will torture you, right?"

Shirley snorted softly.

Jiangnan is silent.

Shirley was right.

Although it is said that every time you go to the tomb, there is a system reward temptation.

But Jiang Nan is a person who is not willing to be plain and likes excitement.

In the past, it was okay if you didn't have a chance, but now you have this condition.

If he is really allowed to be a rich man in peace, he will really go crazy!



"Master Jiang, Staff Officer Yang, don't get tired of it. "

"Look ahead, you can already see the light, let's get ready, I don't know what is outside. "

Suddenly, the sour tone of the old Hu in the back came.


Jiangnan and Shirley looked at each other and smiled, without any embarrassment.

Looking ahead, sure enough, you can already see a large spot of light in the distance.

Not surprisingly, it should be the outlet of the river.

It's just that...

"Did you hear... The roar of the waterfall?"

Jiang Nan's ears twitched, catching some subtle sounds.

There was a faint sense of foreboding in my heart.

Jiang Nan always felt that he seemed to have inadvertently ignored something.


The three of them were stunned, they didn't have such good ear power as Jiangnan.

"Yes, Waterfall!"

"Damn, I see, the river we're in has a waterfall at the end!"

Suddenly, the corners of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, and his face was stinky.

He remembered.

In the original book, the trio gets their raft crushed because of the saber-toothed viper.

It happened that there was a bank in that section of the river, and they turned into another cave, and when they went out, they went directly to the bank of the waterhole.

But what about them in Jiangnan now?

They went all the way down the river.

Listen to this voice.

The exit of this river is a waterfall with a huge drop!

"Old Hu, fat man, shirley, carry your gear and get ready for your flying tiger claws!"

"Made, we're going to play Tarzan of the Apes!"

Seeing that the light spots in front of me are getting bigger and bigger, the exit is getting closer and closer, and the roar of the waterfall is getting louder and louder.

Jiang Nan didn't care so much, and hurriedly reminded.

Needless to say, Lao Hu and the fat man have seen Jiangnan's kung fu of listening to thunder and distinguishing acupoints.

I know how powerful Jiangnan's ears are.

Shirley was only stunned for a moment, and hurriedly pulled out the flying tiger claws from his bag.

Although she doesn't know how strong Jiangnan's ears are, she trusts Jiangnan!

Just as the four of them were ready, they were already following the current closer and closer to the exit.

Five meters, two meters, one meter...

The next moment, the bamboo raft rushed out with great speed along the current.

Looking down, it is indeed the exit of a waterfall with a drop of nearly 100 meters.

But fortunately, the four of them were prepared.

At the moment when the bamboo raft flew out, the four flying tiger claws had been thrown out at the same time, biting to death on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, the four people of Jiangnan were in the gap between the waterfall and the cliff.

In front of you, you will see a waterfall cascading down.

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, if he really fell down the waterfall, he would be crippled if he didn't die!

When a few people began to fall down the rope, Jiang Nan suddenly faintly heard the sound of the fat man trembling.

"Master Jiang, I... I'm afraid of heights!"

It feels very sad.

Jiang Nan was stunned, looked up, and sure enough, the fat man grabbed the rope and didn't dare to fall down at all.

Made: Forget it!

It's still a waterfall here, and the fat guy is even more afraid!

The roar of the waterfall in this place is very loud, and Lao Hu and they didn't hear it at all, which means that Jiangnan has excellent ear power.

Otherwise, the fat man will really be forgotten by them.

Helpless, Jiang Nan could only climb up again and swing to the fat man's side.

grabbed the fat man and motioned for him to let go.

The fat man didn't say that he had two hundred catties, but at least one hundred and nineteen pounds, plus heavy equipment, it was just a little heavier than the black knife in Jiangnan, and it was not in the way at all.

As if there was nothing, Jiang Nan carried the fat man with one hand, and dragged the rope to slide down.

Not long after, Jiangnan had already come down with the fat man.

Below, Hu Bayi and Shirley, who came down first, saw this scene and smiled bitterly.

They really forgot that fat people are afraid of heights!

ps: Popular science, Kuixing kicking is not a kicking skill, it is a force technique to remove the head of the zongzi and the big vertebrae, for details, see the scene where the last partridge whistle in Nuqing Xiangxi unloaded the head of the corpse king.

ps2: I tried, I really can't write emotional dramas, so stop here, and never write emotional dramas in the future, just be simple.

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