"Ding! Detected that the host has arrived near the Worm Valley. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the third ring main quest: Yunnan Worm Valley!"

"Ding! Now let's start calculating the mission reward, calculating..."

"The calculation is complete, and now the task rewards will be distributed: 1000 exchange points;

"Ding! The quest reward has been distributed, please check with the host. "

As soon as he landed on the ground, Jiangnan received a prompt sound from the system.

A cool sensation welled up from the depths of the brain, coiling around the eyes.

Jiang Nan only felt that his eyes were cold, and something seemed to have changed.

But it's still daytime, and the effect of night eyes can only be experienced at night.

"Ding! Release the fourth ring of the mission: Explore the Lingyun Heavenly Palace!"

"Mission Requirements: Explore the Lingyun Heavenly Palace in its entirety. "

"Ding! System Friendly Reminder: During this main quest, no side quests will be triggered. "

"During the mission, the task reward will start to be calculated based on the performance of the host during the mission. "

"Ding! The system once again kindly reminds that if the host performs well this time, the reward for this mission will be very... Amazing!"

Amazing? Won't trigger the side story?

Listening to the new task that sounded in his mind, Jiang Nan was stunned.

The main quest released by the system this time is obviously different from the previous ones.

But for a while, Jiangnan couldn't figure out what it meant, and it could be evaluated by the system as amazing, how amazing it should be?

I'm afraid that for this trip to the King's Tomb, all possible side quest rewards have been merged into the main quest of the fourth ring, right?

Shaking his head, Jiang Nan stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, when it's over, everything will be known.

At this time, Huba was taking out a human skin map, trying to confirm the route of progress.

"Old Hu, don't look at it, the map can guide us to find the Worm Valley, which has already played a big role. "

Jiang Nan couldn't help but shake his head and stopped Hu Bayi's move.

"Jiang Ye, what do you say?" Huba was stunned.

"The human skin map was drawn in the Han Dynasty, and it has been two thousand years now. "

"The topographical features marked on the map have changed dramatically from the current landforms. "

"Until we find some specific markers or places, the map is useless. "

Jiang Nan explained lightly.

"So what to do?"

"Jiangnan, you and Lao Hu are both feng shui masters, can you guide us to find the way through feng shui?"

Shirley was stunned, walked to Jiang Nan's side, and asked suspiciously.

"Feng Shui, what do you want!"

"To look at feng shui, we need to see the detailed composition of mountains and rivers. "

"But look here, the sky on the top of the mountain is full of clouds and mist, and the eyes are full of dense jungle, and the mountains and rivers are hidden in it. "

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Yes, Jiang Ye is right, in our current region. "

"Even if you invite Master Zu here, you can only see a rough idea, and you can only see what is close in front of you. "

Huba smiled wryly and shook his head.

They never expected that as soon as they passed through Shalong Mountain, they would be full of bags.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and said, "Then what should we do, Jiang Ye, we can't just get into the forest like a headless fly, right?"

"Anyway, just go north. "

"As long as the general direction is correct, you can always find worm valley. "

Jiangnan shrugged and said.

At this point, it can only be counted as one step at a time.



After a short break, several people were no longer in the ink.

Packed up the saluting equipment, and under the guidance of the compass, groped along the edge of the mountain to slowly move forward.

Because of the lack of people, the ecological environment here is very well maintained.

When they arrived here, it was almost sixteen o'clock in the afternoon.

Not long after the advance, the sun began to set, everything in front of him was swallowed up by darkness, and the dense jungle was covered with a black veil.

Jiangnan knew that they couldn't move on.

The danger of the forest at night is more than one degree higher than that during the day.

Finally, they found a large bluestone that was very flat under two large trees.

I made sure there weren't any snakes, scorpions, insects, ants or anything like that nearby.

Several people were already very tired at this time, so they simply set up camp here.

Shirley fetched some clean water from a nearby spring, set up a small camping pot and began boiling the water.

By the way, I boiled the somen noodles I bought from the Caiyun Inn.

In order to avoid the aroma from attracting any troublesome creatures, Jiangnan they simply didn't even put the seasoning.

After a simple meal, Jiang Nan quietly stood in front of the two husband and wife banyan trees in front of him and looked carefully.

Because of the night eye, even in the dim night, Jiangnan can still see clearly.

"Jiang Ye, what's wrong? "

"There is no shortage of this subtropical tree species in southern Yunnan, and you can see dozens of parasitic plants on the trees. "

"I'm afraid it won't be long before these two banyan trees die, right?"

Hu Bayi looked at it curiously.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a coffin inside this banyan tree!"

Jiang Nan chuckled and pointed to the banyan tree in front of him.

"Coffin, Jiang Ye, how can there be a tomb at the feng shui level here?"

"There are clouds in the search for the dragon, the dragon is afraid of loneliness and cold, and it should not be really dangerous to look around, and the lonely dragon in the single mountain cannot be safe, and it is difficult and difficult to see peace. "

"The terrain here is too lonely, a bottomless basin, and it is not suitable for burial. "

"Besides, the most taboo thing about this ancient burial person is that there are old trees next to the tombs in the tombs, and the so-called old trees are the first of the five evils of the house. "

Hu Ba was stunned one by one and looked carefully, but after looking at it for a long time, he never found any mystery, and couldn't help but say.

"That's true, but Lao Hu, take a closer look. "

"If the tomb of King Xian is on the water dragon near here, then this should be a rotten bone cave. "

"Yin does not intersect with yang, yang is not as good as yin, the boundary is unclear, the situation is blurred, and the qi veins are scattered but not gathered. "

"But if the banyan tree is used as a grave, if the body in the coffin does not rot or decay, it can change the pattern of this place. "

"In this way, the rotten bone cave has the feng shui of gathering the prosperous position, which does not destroy the feng shui of the main tomb in the slightest, and even benefits it. "

As Jiang Nan told in detail, Hu Bayi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he also understood the doorway.

If there is really a way to ensure that the corpse does not rot in the rotten bone cave, it does have the effect that Jiang Nan said!

"Master Jiang, sure enough, in terms of feng shui, you are still tall!"

"If there is a coffin in it, then there must be a big man buried in it. "

"Maybe we can get some information about the tomb of the king from the owner of the tomb. "

Huba exclaimed sincerely.

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