"It's a pity... Now is not the time to open the coffin. "

"There is a big tomb in front of me, but I can't do it for the time being, and I feel uncomfortable!"

As he spoke, Huba sighed regretfully.

I just feel that my heart is itching, this kind of torture is really enough for the inverted fighter.

"Yes, if that's what I expected, the landscape has changed. "

"This is not a feng shui treasure cave, it's still night, and now the coffin is opened, and ten percent of the corpses are going to be raised. "

"And we've been tossing for a day, and now people are sleepy and tired, and someone will be injured if you're not careful, and you can't row!"

"Let's wait until the sun rises tomorrow and everyone is rested before opening the coffin. "

Jiang Nan nodded and agreed.

"Okay, now that the goal has been determined, Lao Hu, you go to rest first, I'll guard the first shift. "

"Tomorrow morning, as soon as we wake up, we'll be working. "

After the two discussed, Huba went to rest first.

Jiangnan was left alone to sit by the fire and keep vigil.

In addition to the insects and birds in the forest, there is only the thunderous snoring from the fat man.

"It's late at night, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Is it my majestic figure when I close my eyes, tossing and turning, and I can't sleep anymore?"

Jiang Nan added some dye to the fire, and suddenly laughed and spoke.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's true that you're the figure when you close your eyes, are you satisfied?"

Shirley, who was lying down, opened his eyes and snorted softly.

He simply walked out of his sleeping bag and sat down beside Jiangnan.

His head rested on Jiang Nan's shoulder, looking at the fire in a daze.

"If only I could close my eyes and think of you. "

"As soon as I close my eyes now, my mind is full of the people in the cave. "

"The more I think about it, the more nauseous I become, and I can't sleep at all. "

Suddenly, Shirley sighed and said tiredly.

His arms unconsciously hugged Jiangnan's arms.

"It's okay, since I can't sleep, I'll accompany me, it just so happens that I'm a little lonely to keep vigil alone. "

"Chat, when you're sleepy, you'll fall asleep naturally. "

Jiang Nan chuckled and said.

This is psychologically uncomfortable, Jiang Nan is not a psychiatrist, and he does not understand this knowledge.

It was up to Shirley to adjust herself, and Jiangnan would distract her at most.

Otherwise, you can't let her drink more hot water, right?

I'm going to be killed!



When Huba came to pick up Jiangnan, Jiangnan fell asleep with Shirley in his arms.

I slept until dawn... It's weird.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Nan was suddenly gently pushed awake.

"Fatty, what's wrong?"

Jiang Nan opened his eyes, and his groggy consciousness immediately woke up.

"Jiang Ye, do you listen to this voice?"

The fat man's voice trembled a little.

Jiang Nan was startled and hurriedly listened.

I only heard a sudden whimpering sound from the surrounding forest, which was extremely poignant.

At first glance, it sounds like a woman's mournful crying.

In particular, the voice is erratic, high and low, far and near.

Coupled with the pitch-black forest, it's no wonder that the fat man was scared.

Moreover, the nearest location is on the branch of the big banyan tree in front of you.

“... This is the cry of an eagle owl, not a ghost crying..."

Jiang Nan sighed speechlessly, he thought something was really wrong.

Feelings, the fat man was frightened by the bird's call.

"Eagle owl?

The fat man was stunned for a moment, but when he heard Jiang Nan say that it was not a ghost crying, his mentality immediately relaxed.

simply sat down beside Jiang Nan and lit a cigarette for the two of them.

Jiangnan saw that the sky was already faintly bright, and the sun was about to rise.

I'm too lazy to sleep anymore, and the fat man is smoking a cigarette and chatting with each other.

"It's a nocturnal bird of prey, and you just think it's a night owl. "

"Oh, yes, it almost scared me to death, I almost burned my tongue when I took the cigarette butts upside down just now. "

Knock! Knock!

As the fat man spoke, suddenly there was a strange tapping sound from the banyan tree in front of him.

And it's getting bigger.

The fat man shuddered, and said in a trembling voice: "Jiang... Jiang Jiang Jiangye, I heard it right this time, it's not a bird's call, right?"

"I did hear something crashing!"

"Well, I heard it too, but this time it's not the sound of an eagle owl..."

"Fatty, go wake up the old man, it's time for us to get to work. "

"Made, this bastard is not willing to be lonely, and now he wants to make trouble. "

"Since you want to die so much, then go and send him to Hades as soon as possible!!"

A cold color flashed in Jiangnan's eyes, waking up Shirley beside him.

Intuition tells Jiang Nan that it is different from the original book, and the things in it have to move!


The fat man didn't dare to slack off, and hurried to wake up Lao Hu.

“... Wait, Jiang Ye, you mean, there's a coffin in that tree?"

Just woke up Lao Hu, the fat man was excited, and suddenly reacted.

At this time, there was any panic in the fat man's eyes, full of desire for the Ming Weapon!

At the same time, Shirley also cast a puzzled gaze.

After a brief explanation.

"No, Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, you guys aren't interesting enough!"

"You found out that there is a large tomb near where we sleep, and you didn't tell me!?"

The fat man looked at the two with a sad and angry face.

"I told you, with your temperament, you were afraid that you didn't secretly dig that tomb last night. "

"What if something happens?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said

"Alright, fat man, it's not too late to know, prepare your weapons, and get to work!"

Lao Hu also smiled helplessly, urging the fat man.

What kind of temper the fat man, they know too well!

As he spoke, the movement inside the trunk grew louder and louder.

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