"But... Why did the king use a toad as a mark?"

Shirley asked curiously.

"Who knows, it's a big deal to meet a toad ancestor below. "

"We have the AK provided by Jiang Ye in our hands, and I'm afraid that it won't work, even if the ancestor of the toad comes, we will also make it into a honeycomb!"

Since getting the AK sponsored by Jiangnan, the fat man is simply bursting with self-confidence.

I'm afraid that even if the king of heaven Lao Tzu comes, he will dare to go up and be a shuttle.

"It's better to be careful, although the king is brutal, he is also a pedantic man. "

"There may be something strange in this sacrificial passage. "

Jiang Nan shook his head and said.

As he spoke, Jiang Nan had already grabbed a copper ring, lifted it hard, and opened the stone door with a "bang".

Inside is a narrow passage.


Shirley fired a flare into it, illuminating the darkness inside.

But before that, with the night eye, Jiang Nan had already seen what was inside.

There are countless bones and ivory inside, and this passage is also a large burial ditch.

In the asymmetrical position on each side of the passage, there is a hole.

At the end of the passage, you can see the water waves.

That's the underground water system of the Snake River.

Seeing this, Jiangnan knows that this is the gourd space in the original book.

Inside the water, all TM is a glowing water dumpling, thousands, anyone who sees it at first sight, is a thief Jill is terrified, and his scalp is numb!

I can't stand it without any mental preparation.

Although you know that this passage will definitely not be too peaceful with your ass, the four of them are all good.

And this trip is different from the exquisite ancient city, there is no burden of dragging its feet.

Naturally, there is the confidence to cross this passage.

The underground is connected to the water vein, but the conditions do not allow everyone to build another bamboo raft, so they need to swim across the river with arms.

Some unwanted things are temporarily stored in the mountain temple.

Put on your sharkskin wetsuit and get ready for what you have to bring.

It is worth mentioning that the fat man's wetsuit is a little ill-fitting.

Barely put on his body, the fat man said with a dark face: "Made, the crotch of the shoes and pants is short, who is uncomfortable and who knows it!"

Ahem, man, it's so tight somewhere, of course it's uncomfortable.

After doing all this, the three of them did not waste time and went straight into the tunnel.

Shirley held a King Kong umbrella, flashed a searchlight, and explored the way ahead with Jiangnan.

The fat man and Lao Hu followed closely behind with the equipment in the waterproof plastic bag.

"This old zongzi is too extravagant, right?"

"Inside this passage, it's densely packed with ivory! If you want me to say, when we come back, we can directly serve a pot to Ya!"

The fat man salivated and looked at the ivory around him, hating that he couldn't carry all these things home.

"Then you have to get it! Just a few of us, I'm afraid a huge ivory is enough to choke!"

Hu Bayi also looked at these things with hot eyes, but he still sandidly poured cold water on the fat man.

Ivory, it's a super valuable commodity, it's definitely a good thing, but you can't get it.

It's very uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect that the tomb of King Xian would be so big just because of the burial pit. "

Walking side by side with Jiangnan at the forefront, Shirley also sighed with emotion.

The passage is diagonally descending to the end.

It is estimated that there is a drop of ten meters from the ground.

From here, there is no artificially dug passage ahead, but a natural underground reservoir.

There was a wooden boat at the water's edge, but it had been eroded by water vapor for thousands of years, and it had rotted into mud when touched.

To confirm the direction of progress, a flare was fired forward.

The natural stone forest fossils in this gourd space are amazing and shocked by the miracle of nature.

Jiangnan They pulled the airbags tied to the big backpack, filled them with air, and floated on the water, and the weapons were placed on top so that they could be used at any time.

The person followed into the water, holding on to the air bag on the backpack, and wading through the water.

After walking more than ten meters in the water, your feet can't reach the ground, and the cold and biting groundwater is getting deeper and deeper.

At this point, the flare finally went out, just as Shirley wanted to fire another flare.

Gangnam pointed ahead and stopped Shirley's movements.

Several people looked in the direction Jiang Nan pointed.

I saw a female corpse in white suddenly appearing in front of me with a faint light!

At this look, the three of them immediately felt that their scalps were numb, and goosebumps bulged all over their bodies.


The fat man was immediately frightened.

The female corpse is not terrible, but what is terrible is that there is a blue glimmer on the female corpse, coupled with the hollow and dark underground space.

Anyone who came was shocked.

"This can't be the legendary water ghost, right?"

Huba was also terrified when he looked at the blue glimmer that symbolized death and coldness.

Shirley's expression also changed drastically, and his body instinctively became vigilant.

"Made, whatever, old Hu, get ready for the black donkey's hooves!"

"Fat man, I'll give her a shuttle first, just a water ghost, and dare to provoke the fat man's eyebrows?"

The fat man's face flashed fiercely, and he picked up the AK and was about to shoot.

"No, fatty, that thing has sunk!"

Jiang Nan shook his head and stopped the fat man's move.

A few people looked at it, and it was really as Jiang Nan said.

The glowing female corpse that appeared suddenly, just as she appeared, appeared silently, and disappeared silently.

Several people looked at each other, only to feel more frightened in their hearts.

Feelings, this is not a water dumpling, but really a female water ghost who asks for her life?

Otherwise, how could it suddenly appear and disappear suddenly?

"Don't think about it, that thing must not be a female water ghost, otherwise my hair mound mark will react. "

Jiang Nan's eyes flashed, and he said ominously.

Jiang Nan knew that after seeing the first female zongzi, then the next group of thousands of female zongzi, as well as the troublesome Huo's immortal worm, would not be far away!

"But Jiang Ye, if it's not a female ghost, what is the light?"

"How can there be such a thing as a phosphorus fire in the water?"

Huba asked in disbelief.

When that thing appeared just now, a nightmarish panic appeared in his heart inexplicably.

That feeling is not the same as simple fear.

In Hu Bayi's opinion, such a strange method, it must be a female ghost.

“... That should be the water dumplings that King Xian researched... In short, be careful. "

"I'm afraid the things in this space are already eyeing us!"

Jiangnan's intuition tells Jiangnan that there is something looking at them as if there is nothing!

ps: I'm sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable, I'm dizzy, it's like this for the time being, which one is less, make up for it during the day

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