Chapter 203 The black coffin burst! Sea eyes appear! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was even more surprised, but they came over quickly!

The shock in the eyes quickly turned into surprise!

Their previous memories have all disappeared, and they have no idea what Zhang Qiling means standing here!

“Isn’t this the little brother in the ghost cave?”

“What is he doing standing on it?”

Huang Lei said suspiciously.

“I don’t know…”

Standing aside, Huang Bo also shook his head, staring at Zhang Qiling in surprise.

“The previous reincarnation was all made by these floating coffins?”

Although he was certain in his heart, Zhang Chen couldn’t help but ask.


Zhang Qiling nodded, looking at the floating coffins around, his clear eyes flashed with a deep solemn color.

Zhang “850” Chen looked in surprise and saw that these floating coffins were very strange. From the shape and pattern, he could not see it.belong to any dynasty.

But judging from Zhang Qiling’s demeanor, he seems to know these coffins, and he seems to have a purpose here!

“It should be here!”

Just as Zhang Chen was puzzled, Zhang Qiling suddenly whispered.

His voice was not loud, but everyone was paying attention to Zhang Qiling, so he could hear it clearly!

Everyone was in a fog, and they couldn’t figure out what this little brother was talking about!

However, although he had doubts in his heart, he did not ask!

As a result, the situation is indeed a bit strange now!

Second, they know that this little brother is not easy to mess with!

Everyone stared at Zhang Chen, as if hoping that Zhang Chen would ask, what the hell is this little brother doing!

“A tomb?”

Zhang Chen thought about it, so many coffins floated up from the bottom of the sea, needless to say, there must be a tomb underneath!


Zhang Qiling nodded!

“Whose tomb?”

Zhang Chen waited for a while, thinking that Zhang Qiling would continue to explain a few words, but he did not expect to hear back after waiting for a long time, so he said a little depressed.

“do not know!”

Zhang Qiling shook his head.

“Then what did you mean by being here?”

Zhang Chen is a little anxious, the stuffy oil bottle is well-deserved, and he always asks and answers when he speaks!

“What I need is down here!”

Zhang Qiling suddenly stared at Zhang Chen and said solemnly, “Follow me!”

“Don’t go!”

Zhang Chen suddenly shook his head!

Although Zhang Qiling saved himself when he was in the ghost cave, it was because they had a common enemy!

And according to their plan, they didn’t want to enter the ghost cave. The reason why they came down was because Zhang Qiling cut off the stone cliff with one knife!

If you follow Zhang Qiling into the bottom of the sea, he will really become a tool man!

Everyone was surprised when they heard the conversation between the two.

It seems that I didn’t understand it. Why did the two who cooperated tacitly before suddenly fall out?

“You will go down!”

Zhang Qiling was silent for a while, then suddenly glanced at Zhang Chendao.

“If you can’t go down, I’ll do what I say!”

“Unless you tell me what secrets are hidden under the bronze gate of Changbai Mountain, I will not go down with you!”

A hint of slyness flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes.

“You also know the bronze door?”

Sure enough, Zhang Qiling stared at Zhang Chen in surprise, with an incredible look flashing in his clear eyes.

“Queen Jingjue knows it, why can’t I know!”

Zhang Chen didn’t explain, just asked.

“You can’t know yet!”

Zhang Qiling was silent for a while, then suddenly jumped into the dark sea water.

“You really don’t say it!”

Zhang Chen couldn’t calm down any longer, and hurriedly shouted at Zhang Qiling, but Zhang Qiling’s body was like a swimming fish, and as soon as he entered the water, a splash of water disappeared.

“This little brother is mysterious, let’s ignore him!”

Huang Bo was surprised, he pouted and said to Zhang Chen.

“Yeah, we’ve finished walking the ancient city and exploring the ghost cave. It’s time to go back and have a good rest!”

Sun Honglei also stretched out and said lazily.

“Yeah, I didn’t take a bath during this time underground, and my body stinks!”

Fat Di sniffed his hair and said depressedly… .

“This ship repair may be able to open, if you can get out of this black sea, you can contact the program team!”

Lin Yu got into the cockpit to check, and suddenly told everyone in surprise.

“Really, that’s great!”

“Who among you will repair the ship?”

When Huang Bo heard that there was hope for landing, he looked at everyone excitedly.

Everyone shook their heads. None of them had been soldiers. If they had been soldiers, they might be able to cultivate. Just put hope on Zhang Chen!

But Zhang Chen shook his head.

Everyone thought that Zhang Chen would not be able to repair, and immediately showed a little disappointment.

But Zhang Chen’s next sentence made them all stunned.

“That little brother is right, we may not be able to leave!”

Zhang Chen stared at the distance and said solemnly.

“What’s the meaning?”

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look in the direction Zhang Chen’s eyes were in, and saw a huge vortex slowly emerging!

The ghost ship without power is spinning around the periphery of the vortex. Looking at this, it will enter the sea in a few minutes!

“It must be that guy’s ghost!”

2.2 Sun Honglei suddenly realized and said immediately.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the little brother dived into the bottom of the sea to open some kind of mechanism, causing the seawater to flood back?

As the speed of the eye’s rotation increases,Intensified, the coffins that were floating on the sea slowly moved closer to the ghost ship!

And so many coffins, after approaching, squeezed and collided with each other!

There are many cracked and cracked coffin mouths, and black gas started to spray out!

Zhang Chen hurriedly asked everyone to cover their mouths!

Prevent being smoked by corpse gas!

But it seems that this method doesn’t work either!

I saw when hundreds of coffins were all squeezed together!

“Bang bang bang!”

The sound like a bomb sounded!

Hundreds of coffin lids burst open! .

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