Chapter 227 Seven Stars Suspect Coffin! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Why is the palace built underground?”

Huang Lei was taken aback, he always thought this was a tomb, but he didn’t expect Zhang Chen to say so!

The palace built under the ground, reallyIt’s incredible!

Huang Bo’s pupils shrank, and he hurriedly walked to Zhang Chen’s position. He stared at the mural with a solemn expression, and when he took a closer look, his face also showed shock.

“It really is!”

Huang Bo lost his voice, Hong Lei and Huang Lei saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to check!

I saw that the contents of the mural on the picture recorded the scene of the volcanic eruption in the center of the island!

After the eruption, the whole island is also sinking!

Xu Fu discovered an underground cave and led the people to build 21 caves!

Everyone is amazed!

Judging from the content recorded above, it seems that this place is really an underground palace!

Until the end of the mural, everyone did not see the content of Xu Fu’s death and burial. It seems that Xu Fu who took the elixir of immortality can really live forever!


As if thinking of something, Huang Lei suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise: “Didn’t you just say that the yin wind was caused by corpse aura?”

“If Xu Fu hadn’t died, why would there be such a big corpse aura here?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. It was true. If what was recorded on the mural was true, then Xu Fu should be an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, not a big zongzi!

“I don’t know, but you should be able to know after you go in!”

Zhang Chen shook his head, there are many possibilities now, and he can’t draw conclusions casually.

“Go in and have a look! I would like to know that this Xu Fu is not as good as the legend!”

Sun Honglei took a deep breath and said solemnly.

The atmosphere suddenly became depressed!

There are only heavy but fast footsteps and suppressed breathing in the tomb passage!

As everyone went deeper, the sense of oppression in the air became more intense!

The atmospheric pressure here is several times higher than outside. Not only is breathing drowsy, but even the flow of thinking and blood seems to be slowing down!

The darker sight will undoubtedly magnify this sense of terror!

Everyone’s breathing became heavier!

Especially Huang Lei, who is almost holding on at this moment!

It is possible to have a mental breakdown at any time!

It’s just this time, no one spoke up!

They know that once they speak, the breath in their hearts will be removed!

Finally, I don’t know how far I have gone, and Zhang Chen, who is at the forefront, suddenly stopped!

All three stopped and looked at Zhang Chen!


Zhang Chen’s solemn voice sounded in the tomb passage.

The three of them sank in their hearts and seemed to have a sense of relief!

But immediately, the tension in my heart became more intense!

The legendary people, they are about to see it!

I saw Zhang Chen take a step forward, the darkness in front of him suddenly dispersed, and 247 huge underground palaces appeared in everyone’s field of vision!

That palace is huge!

Carved beams and painted buildings, the construction is extremely luxurious!

In terms of scale, it is no worse than the imperial palace!

The huge stone pillar carved with the black dragon extends all the way to the depths!

At the very bottom of the palace, there is a dark dragon collapsed!

And in front of the dragon collapse, there are seven black coffins!

A coffin has been opened!

Fat Di, Yaya, Lin Yu was lying on the ground with unknown life and death!

Zhang Qiling has disappeared!

“Seven Stars Doubt Coffin?”

Zhang Chen’s eyes jumped! .

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