Chapter 229 The crisis is coming! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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The high temperature burst in the air instantly, and a unicorn phantom composed of golden flames suddenly appeared in everyone’s field of vision!

Facing the red tomb, Zhang Chen didn’t dodge at all, the fire unicorn phantom automatically protects his body!

The huge mouth of flames instantly smothers the red pot.

As soon as the red pottery naan came into contact with the flame, it was burned into nothingness by the high temperature of the golden flame!

A trace of disdain flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, just now he just didn’t want to use the fire unicorn, otherwise this red **** would not survive now!


Just when Zhang Chen thought it was completely resolved, there was a sudden sound of “nine nine zeros” in the air!

Zhang Chen’s heart suddenly tightened, and his eyes looked at the dome!

I saw a sea monkey hiding in the dome, whose figure suddenly turned into a black line, and shot at Huang Lei and others!

Zhang Chen’s secret passage is broken!

This sea monkey has a very high IQ. Knowing that he and Zhang Qiling are not easy to mess with, he aimed his attack at Huang Lei’s group of guests!

And it’s still taking advantage of him and the red cockroach to return to the neon stupidity.

Zhang Chen was so flawless that he didn’t notice it at all!

Seeing the figure of the sea monkey at this moment, it is too late to stop it!

Although the sea monkey is not as strong as the red chariot, it is not something that the guests can compete with!

Coupled with the extremely fast speed, the guests could not react at all!

Zhang Qiling frowned slightly. Although he was relatively close, he had no intention of stopping him. In his heart, his remaining vitality could only be used to help Zhang Chen share his worries.

He will not interfere with the life and death of the guests!

It seems cold-blooded, but it’s not!

The underground world has the rules of the underground world. Even if Zhang Qiling can save them for a while, he will not be able to save them forever!

He, who has experienced countless lives and deaths, will instinctively make choices in such matters!

The slow-reacting guest group also instinctively felt threatened when the sea monkeys approached!

Huang Lei’s face turned pale, staring blankly at the sea monkey with long teeth and sharp claws!

The speed of that sea monkey has exceeded the reaction speed of ordinary people, and a strong sense of despair enveloped everyone!

“I rely on!”

Sun Honglei shouted, and hurriedly rolled his head to one side. After half a year in the ancient city of Jingjue, he made his reaction speed surpass that of ordinary people!

But Huang Lei, Huang Bo, and other comatose people didn’t react in time!

The claws of the sea monkeys are here in an instant!

But right now!

The eyes of the Queen Jingjue suddenly changed!

A golden light flashed by!

There seems to be an invisible barrier above everyone’s head!

After the sea monkey’s sharp claws touched the barrier, it broke instantly!


After a painful scream, the sea monkey’s body was ejected into the air by an invisible barrier!

Seeing that Queen Jing Jue saved them, Huang Lei’s pale face regained a trace of blood!

Sun Honglei, who rolled to the side, secretly said, “Fuck me!”

Zhang Chen flicked his fingers, and the golden flame swept an arc in the air, instantly burning the sea monkey’s body into nothingness!

“Scared me!”

Huang Bo wiped the sweat on his forehead. Just now, his focus was on Zhang Chen. He didn’t see the sea monkey rushing towards them until he heard Hong Lei’s voice.

Even though his skills are much stronger than before, he couldn’t react just now.

Fortunately, Queen Jing Jue shot at a critical moment, otherwise they would be torn apart by the sharp claws of the sea monkeys!

Zhang Chen gave the Queen Jing Jue a somewhat surprised look. He didn’t expect the Queen Jing Jue to take action!

But the ability she just displayed seemed to drain the vigilance queen’s strength. I saw a pretty white expression on the face of the queen of Jingjue, and then she suddenly closed her eyes and slowly fell to the ground!Zhang Chen was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to check it. He found that the stripes of eyes appeared on Chana’s forehead again!

“Is she alright?”

Huang Lei stared at Zhang Chen worriedly and asked…

Although Queen Jingjue is a zongzi, she just saved them, and she still used Chana’s body, so everyone had to worry.

“It’s just that the physical exhaustion is in a coma!”

Zhang Chen nodded and signaled everyone to be optimistic about Zhan Na, then walked to the coffin again, preparing to continue opening the coffin.

But at this moment, Zhang Qiling’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Let’s start together, time is running out!”

Zhang Chen turned his head to look, only to see Zhang Qiling clutching his forehead with his left hand, trembling slightly, and beads of sweat dripping down!

A very painful look!

4.1 “You are…”

Zhang Chen was shocked, he was fine just now, why did Zhang Qiling suddenly become like this?

Zhang Qiling raised his head tremblingly and stared at Zhang Chen with a painful expression: “The death energy in the coffin has awakened the things in my body!”

“I can barely suppress it now, but I don’t know how long I can hold on. Once that thing comes out, including you, everyone will die!”

Zhang Qiling’s voice clearly entered everyone’s ears!

Especially the last sentence, everyone will die!

Make everyone feel terrified! .

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