Chapter 249: Raid Shelter


“The mountain collapse that the staff member said before should be here, right? I’ll go, it’s really deep!”

Standing in front of a funnel-shaped deep pit, Huang Lei exclaimed in amazement.

“There is no way, and the monkeys have also lost their way. What should I do now?”

Huang Bo spread his hands and stared at Zhang Chendao.

“Maybe that person didn’t lie to us!”

Zhang Chen, who had been staring at Shenkeng, suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, there was no more way to go, what could that person be if he wasn’t a liar?

They didn’t quite understand why Zhang Chen said such a thing?

Zhang Chen saw everyone’s doubts, pointed to the slope and said, “Did you see the footprints on it?”

“This should be the footprints of the Bashan Shu ape!”

Everyone looked at it in surprise. The environment here is complicated. If you don’t look carefully, it is really difficult to detect the footprints on it!


Huang Lei was taken aback, and his face immediately showed a strong color of doubt: “The key is that if this ape goes down, where can he run?”

Although the hole-shaped collapse pit is huge, it can see the whole picture at a glance, and there is no place to hide at all!

“Yeah, the monkey should run away, right?”Huang Bo also touched the back of his head.

Zhang Chen shook his head again, and carefully inspected the 100-meter deep tunnel: “On the gravel slope here, there are only footprints of Shu Ape going down, but no footprints coming up!”

“Unless that guy has wings, it’s in here!”

Everyone was surprised.

“Why can’t I see it?”

Sun Hongleimeng was overwhelmed, obviously he couldn’t see anything, why did Zhang Chenfei say that Shu Ape was inside?

I saw Zhang Chen pick up a stone from the ground and pointed to the center: “Look, the sand and stones on the surrounding slopes are actually sliding slowly, but the speed of the flow is relatively slow, so you can’t see it!”

Everyone was even more stunned when they heard it!

Seeing that the explanation was unclear, Zhang Chen shook his head slightly and threw the stone in his hand towards the center of the hole!

I saw that the center of the big pit suddenly collapsed again!

Everyone was startled, and subconsciously took a few steps back!

When I stabilized my mind and looked again, I found that a dark round hole appeared in the center of the deep pit!

“I’m going! There’s really a big hole!”

Huang Lei was taken aback, and then he suddenly understood what Zhang Chen meant!

“How did you see it?”

Lin Yu, who had been frowning all the time, was suddenly stunned after seeing this scene.

He stared at Zhang Chendao in surprise.

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly, without explaining, instead he jumped into the cave in one step, and jumped into the hole lightly like a dragonfly in the water.

When everyone saw Zhang Chen’s disappearing figure, they couldn’t help but sweat!

What a daring art master!

This Zhang Chen went straight down despite the danger without knowing the topography of the ground!

“Come down here! This is supposed to be an air-raid shelter!”

While everyone was in doubt, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded again.


Huang Lei breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Huang Bo and suddenly said: “Brother Bo, let’s go down with a rope, the slope here is too shaking, it will be dangerous to go down rashly, after all, we don’t have Zhang Chen’s ability!”

Huang Bo nodded, pulled out the nylon rope from the bag, tied one end to the stone to fix it, and threw the other end to the bottom of the pit!

Everyone grabbed the rope and went down one by one.

Everyone come and enter the cave!

Zhang Chen was already waiting on the spot!

There is a large air-raid shelter. The entrance of the hole is more than three meters away from the bottom of the air-raid shelter, and the left and right sides are also nearly three meters wide. There are gas lights all around!

On the wet wall, you can still see the slogan written by 943 when the slogan was built!

“What a timeless bomb shelter!”

Huang Lei sighed with emotion, he used a flashlight, and actually felt the atmosphere of the 1970s and 1980s in the airtight air-raid shelter.


Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in his sight. He turned his head to look, but saw a black figure running down above the entrance!

The figure is very familiar, wearing a straw hat, wearing a black shirt, with a hatchet at his waist!

“This is?”

“That liar is up there!”

He shouted suddenly!

But the voice just fell!

He suddenly felt a strong force behind him, and the whole person involuntarily fell towards the back!

He didn’t understand what was going on, when he suddenly saw the entrance of the hole suddenly darkened!

Huge stones keep falling from the hole!

The place where he just stood has turned into a stone mound!

“I’m going! You bastard!”

Huang Lei was shocked and scolded in horror. </p>

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