Chapter 272: The Real Wuyang King


I saw Li Yunyun open her small mouth and spit out two groups of gray gas visible to the naked eye.

This gray gas seems to be very important to Li Yunyun!

Her breath was much weaker than before.


Li Yunyun waved her hand, and the two groups of gray gas made a “whoosh” sound.

One after another, they didn’t get into the heads of Yaya and Fat Di.

“What the hell is this, it won’t hurt them, right?”

Sun Honglei opened his eyes wide and said worriedly.

“Probably not, or Zhang Chen would have stopped it a long time ago?”

Lin Yu still trusts Zhang Chen.

“makes sense.”

Sun Honglei nodded in relief.

Since Zhang Chen stood there and didn’t mean to stop it, he should have seen something!

After the gray gas submerged into the top of the head.

Yaya and Fat Dijiao trembled together.

Their clothes are automatically without wind, and their own breath begins to climb!

“How do I feel, Yaya and the others are becoming different! It seems a little scary!”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

“They seem to be getting stronger! 03”

Lin Yu’s eyes were full of envy.

“Become stronger?”

Sun Honglei suddenly thought of the martial arts movie he saw before.

Originally the protagonist of an ordinary person, he happened to be empowered by the divine power of a superb master!

He became the father of all villains overnight.

Are they going through this kind of thing?

Sun Honglei admitted that he was sour, extremely sour!

Yaya and Fatty regained their calm.

They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes!

As the parties, their feelings are the clearest!

Before, they were just weak girls.

Now their bodies, but I don’t know how many levels stronger.

Sun Honglei and Huang Bo couldn’t catch up with the horses!

They feel that they have endless energy, and they seem to be able to jump three or four meters high!

The altar, which was originally integrated, suddenly split into two halves with a “click”!

A bottomless white jade staircase is revealed!

“Little brother, elder sister will leave first! Goodbye by fate!”

Li Yunyun smiled at Zhang Chenyingying.

The corner of Zhang Chen’s mouth twitched, and it was a response!

A dim light flashed.

Li Yunyun’s figure flew straight into the stone steps below the altar and disappeared.

“Zhang Chen, what did the female ghost spit out just now?”

Sun Honglei hurried over and asked Zhang Chen excitedly.

“She’s not a female ghost, she’s a corpse fairy! It should be the purest corpse fairy essence!”

Yaya and Fat Di are a blessing in disguise this time!If the zongzi gets the corpse fairy essence, it can become a silver armor corpse in an instant!

If ordinary people get it, the effect is not so great.

But it is certain that you will be strong and live longer.

After all, it is a corpse fairy, and it contains a breath of fairy!

“A corpse fairy, what is a corpse fairy, is it also a kind of immortal?”

Lin Yu interjected.

Zhang Chen roughly explained it to them.

Listen to Zhang Chen finish.

Yaya and Fat Di are even more overjoyed, this kind of opportunity is absolutely impossible to come by!

No matter how beautiful it is to be a star, it is only the surface. How can there be any benefits from getting better?

This made Yaya and Fat Di even more determined to go on with Zhang Chen.

This thigh, they hugged!

Seeing that Sun Honglei’s mood was very low, Huang Lei asked with concern.

“What else can I do? He’s sour!

Originally, he was the only one of us who had an adventure! Now there are more Yaya and Fat Di! ”

Huang Bo unceremoniously dismantled Sun Honglei.

“Hey, isn’t it right? Brother Bo, why do I feel like your tone is more sour?”

Lin Yu said to Huang Bo with a wink.

“Yes, I am sour!”

Huang Bo admitted it generously.

“I won’t say that Yaya and Fat Di can get an adventure. Why can Sun Honglei have a third eye, but I don’t?”

“Huang Bo, you finally admit that you are jealous of me?”

Sun Honglei said with a smile.

“That’s right, I’m just jealous of you! What’s the matter with you?”

Huang Bo felt much more comfortable when he said what was in his heart.

Brothers are brothers, it is better to compare!

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, maybe one day you can grow a third eye too?”

Sun Honglei pretended to comfort Huang Bo, but he couldn’t be complacent.

It seems that it’s good to look handsome, otherwise even ghosts won’t look for you!

While laughing and playing, everyone gathered in front of the bottomless stone steps.

“Zhang Chen, are we going this way too?”

“Since someone leads the way, why don’t we go?”

“But I feel it’s very dangerous inside. Li Yunyun is a corpse fairy, so she’s definitely not afraid!”

The gloomy wind was blowing from the depths of the stone steps, blowing Lin Yu’s hair all over.

“What are you afraid of? Wealth and wealth are in danger!”

Huang Bo shouted loudly.

Seeing that both Sun Honglei and Yaya have had an adventure, Huang Bo was really hot.

Zhang Chen made a final decision and walked down first.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei followed enthusiastically, and Lin Yu followed carefully at the end.

He is not so keen on getting adventures and the like, and he is satisfied if he can open his eyes!

With a flashlight, everyone moved forward cautiously on the steps.

After walking for about half an hour.

They finally reached the end of the stone steps!

A splendid palace suddenly appeared in front of them.

On both sides of the wall, there are still lights on it!

“Zhang Chen, aren’t we coming to the palace?”

Sun Honglei smashed his mouth, tsk tsk admiringly.

He didn’t expect it.

An underground mausoleum can be built like a palace in ancient times!

How extravagant was the owner of this mausoleum!

Zhang Chen and the others did not stop, and went all the way to 960.

Walking to the entrance of the palace, there is a pure gold plaque hanging on it!

“Dr. Lin, what is written on it?”

Sun Honglei took a photo with a flashlight and found that he didn’t know him at all.

Lin Yu looked at it carefully, frowned and said, “It seems to be the three words of Wuyang Palace!”

“Wuyang Palace?”

Sun Honglei opened his eyes wide.

The Wuyang Palace is obviously the palace of the Wuyang King!

But didn’t they pass by the tomb of King Wuyang before?

Why is there another Wuyang Palace now?

“Do you still need to think about it? The previous Wuyang King was just to hide people’s eyes and ears. The real Wuyang King should be in this kind of palace!”

Zhang Chen patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder.

The group walked into the palace.

Zhang Chen and the others saw the Wuyang King sitting on the throne!

The other party was wearing golden armor, and he was two meters tall just sitting there.

This time it didn’t wear a mask, revealing a huge wild boar head with bloody fangs!

Looking from a distance, the whole body is full of suffocation!

At the feet of the Wuyang King, there are two men and women with extraordinary qualities on their knees!

The man was wearing iron armor and had a sturdy face. He should be a sergeant-like figure.

The women are beautiful in appearance, dressed in cool clothes, and lookCome and be no different from the favored concubine of the Wuyang King!

“Damn it, even a beast has such a cool life, it really makes me old Lei unhappy!”

Sun Honglei scolded and complained.

I saw the Wuyang King who was motionless, his eyes opened instantly!

The eyes are full of light! </p>

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