Chapter 282: Burning the Corpse to Lead Immortals


Yaya and Fatty huddled together, obviously afraid.

But he still looked at Lin Yu with bright eyes, expecting him to continue talking!

“Because no matter what the officials of the East Gate see, they will see the wife who has turned into a ghost, even if he invites the wizard behind him to come out, and the image of his wife is terrifying every time!

In the end, the high-ranking officials of the East Gate, together with the evil sorcerer who did many evils, were frightened to death together! ”

Hear here.

Yaya and the others applauded loudly, only to feel a savage sigh.

They are pure in their hearts, and the judgment of good and bad is so simple!

The bad guys should go to hell and be punished!

“And then what? Is it gone?”

Sun Honglei interjected.

Having said so much, Lin Yu still didn’t explain clearly what a girl is!

“Hong Lei, why are you in a hurry, let Dr. Lin speak slowly!”

Huang Bo gave Sun Honglei an angry look.

Huang Lei and the others also felt that Sun Honglei was a little impatient!

Didn’t you see that Dr. Lin was about to finish his mouth? Do you stand talking without back pain?

Seeing it provoked public anger.

Sun Hong03 Lei smirked and said, “I’m sorry everyone, I was wrong! Dr. Lin, you go on!”

“Don’t dare!”

Lin Yu waved his hand modestly.

However, seeing that everyone was attracted by his own words, Lin Yu was quite proud in his heart!

This is the advantage of reading more street stall literature!

Otherwise, which round will he perform at this time?

“As for the connection between this story and the character girl, the reason is very simple!

Didn’t I just say that my wife’s resentment has turned into a curse.

This curse did not disappear with the death of the East Gate official!

Since then, all the men who like to hook up with other people’s wives, or the wives who are out of the wall!

Anything you see will turn into a terrifying ghost image!

This is the curse of the female figure! Because of this, the girl has also become an ominous sign! This should be the meaning of female ominous! ”

Listen to Lin Yu finish.

Everyone looked at each other. Although the story is very exciting, does it really mean that the character is ominous?

Why does it feel a little far-fetched?

“Dr. Lin, although I think what you said is good, isn’t it a bit false?

If this is true, how many people would have been scared to death in ancient times! ”

Sun Honglei couldn’t help but say.

In fact, this is also the question in other people’s minds!

They are not three-year-olds, so easy to deceive!

“I know what Brother Hong Lei means, you will definitely think that my story is just made up! Because it is so similar to the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian!”

“Oh, then tell me, what is the relationship between the two?”

Sun Honglei nodded and admitted that he was indeed doubting Lin Yu.

“It’s very simple! Everyone knows that Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian are stories in a novel. In fact, the reason why that novel was written is to break the curse of the female girl!”

Lin Yu said firmly, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

“Cut, I don’t believe it! This must be made up by Dr. Lin yourself!”

Sun Honglei shook his head and said.The others were skeptical, and invariably looked at Zhang Chen!

“Zhang Chen, do you think I’m right?”

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen with hope.

Think about it a little.

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice, “I don’t know if the story you told is true or not.

But the character girl in ‘Woman Ominous’ here should be a special identity, not a curse! ”

Seeing other people’s eyes, they all looked over, with a thirst for knowledge!

Zhang Chen said seriously.

“Everyone knows that people in ancient times were more superstitious and tended to believe in the myth of immortals!

But if mortals want to see immortals, it is naturally as difficult as going to the sky! So those who claim to be able to invite gods to immortals came into being.

Of course, most of these people are liars, the purpose is to seek money!

But there are also those who really have the ability!

The so-called female corpse is a female corpse, but it is not an ordinary female corpse. Before her death, she was a ‘mistress’ who was specially possessed by descending immortals!

This kind of woman is often regarded as the upper body of “immortals, demons, ghosts, and chiefs”.

So it is regarded as a psychic body, not a good thing.

Therefore, it is safe not to be buried in the earth according to the normal burial system after death, otherwise the corpse will be manipulated by monsters and kill people!

And when the real immortals are invited to come, they must first burn their corpses as a light guide before the immortals descend. There was indeed such a custom in Shaanxi Tailing and Bashan Shushui! ”

Zhang Chen’s words are well-founded.

After listening to him, other people subconsciously recognized it!

Even Lin Yu felt that what Zhang Chen said was more realistic!

What he sees from street stall literature cannot be taken seriously at all.

Moreover, the so-called “heroine” was also thought of by Lin Yu himself!

“I see! That candle corpse extinguishing the lights must have caused us to burn the corpse of the girl!

Then the ghost sound in the ancient tomb will appear again, pointing us to the maze! ”

Sun Honglei felt suddenly enlightened.

Immediately understand the meaning of the two sentences in Guanshan Zhifan Fu, “The candle corpse extinguishes the lights, the ghost sound refers to the fan”!

“Where is Nandou’s tomb?”

Yaya asked curiously.

“Far in the sky, right in front of you!”

Zhang Chen said at this time.

“The tombs we’ve seen before.

If it is arranged according to the star map, the tomb at the bottom is the glory of Nandou!

Generally, it is a place to hide the swords and swords of the funeral!

And we all heard the ghost sound in the tomb coming from here!

Moreover, the walls around the tomb are also embedded with stones representing the star map, which is enough to prove that this is the Nandou tomb! ”

967 looked at Zhang Chen who was calm and calm.

Yaya was instantly dazzled and nodded her head in agreement.

“Could it be that if we burn the female corpse in the coffin, can we really bring down the fairy?”

At this time, Lin Yu asked curiously.

Before they have seen the corpse fairy Li Yunyun, the three views have been subverted!

So it’s not unacceptable that there are real immortals coming!

“I’m not sure about this, but I’ll find out soon!”

Zhang Chen smiled mysteriously.

So in full view.

Zhang Chen lifted the lid of the red lacquer coffin, and the female corpse inside immediately revealed its true appearance!

I saw the female corpse lying on her side in the coffin, wearing the female clothing of the Ming Dynasty!

He opened his mouth and stared, his face was distorted, and his death was extremely miserable!

The inside of the coffin lid was marked vertically and horizontally by nails, and there were black and dried blood on it!

I think it was nailed alive in a coffin during his lifetime!

Everyone just glanced at it, and they all felt cold all over!

Everyone says ghosts are scary.

Yaya and the others now feel that sometimes people are more terrifying than ghosts!

“Look, she seems to have a bronze medal on her waist!”

Yaya said with sharp eyes.

Everyone followed the direction Yaya pointed, and sure enough, they saw a bronze medal.

Under Zhang Chen’s signal, Sun Honglei took the bronze medal.

After seeing the words on the bronze medal, everyone was instantly silent! </p>

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