Chapter 288: Zhang Chen, you are sure to fight against me

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“I can not be reconciled!”

Seeing that she was about to be penetrated by ghost vines, Li Yunyun roared in the sky!

Just when Li Yunyun was extremely desperate, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her eyes!

Knocked her out, but was hit by the ghost vine!

“is her!”

Zhang Qiling recognized the other party at the first time, forcibly forced the ghost vine to change direction!

This person is none other than the one who used all his strength to save Li Yunyun!

Originally, the ghost vine that was going to stab Yaya’s heart, because Zhang Qiling forcibly changed direction at a critical time, instead stabbed Yaya in the shoulder

But Rao is like this, Yaya is not feeling well!

He fell from the air and hit the ground hard.

The left shoulder was bleeding even more, and a shocking blood hole appeared!

“Why are you doing this? What a… silly girl!”

Not to mention others, even Li Yunyun herself was shocked!

She only gave them the corpse fairy spirit for the sake of having a good impression of Yaya and Fat Di.

Unexpectedly, but unintentionally, let the other party come forward at this moment!

“what is this?”

Li Yunyun frowned slightly, her eyes showing thought!


Sun Honglei and the others ran to Yaya’s side immediately.

Seeing the injured Yaya, Sun Honglei and the others felt even more distressed!

Zhang Chen also rushed over and immediately stopped the bleeding for Yaya.

Of course, they didn’t blame Zhang Qiling for thinking!

Besides, they just saw it clearly, if it wasn’t for Zhang Qiling’s mercy, Yaya would have turned into a corpse now

“Zhang Chen, can I… ask you one thing?”

The pale Yaya looked at Zhang Chen and said extremely weakly.

“You said, as long as I can help, I will not refuse!”

Zhang Chen had already guessed what Yaya would say.

If someone else spoke, Zhang Chen would probably refuse it without even thinking about it.

But after being a teammate for so long, Yaya never asked him anything!

Zhang Chen decided to give Yaya this chance!

“I want to beg you, help that sister 々”!”

At this time, Yaya turned her eyes to Li Yunyun, who had a complicated face!

Zhang Chen did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Yaya’s request, which was what he expected.

“Zhang Chen, thank you!”

After saying these words, Yaya immediately fainted.

Sun Honglei and the others shouted anxiously, for fear that Yaya would not be able to wake up like this!

“Don’t worry, just because of her body’s protection, she fainted automatically, just take a nap!”

The current conditions do not allow, and Zhang Chen has no better way to help Yaya recover.

Everything depends on her!

At this time, Li Yunyun, who was fluttering in red, came over to Zhang Chen and the others!

Although Li Yunyun has recovered her beautiful and moving image at this time!

But how many of Sun Honglei and the othersA big man, he still hides away like a conditioned reflex!

No matter how beautiful Li Yunyun is, they don’t dare to treat her as a woman!

Li Yunyun glanced at them and didn’t care.

She squatted down in front of Yaya and touched Yaya’s pale cheek with pity!

“After so many years, I didn’t expect that the first time I was moved would be a little girl who has only met once!”

Li Yunyun smiled, like a sigh, but also like a self-deprecating!

Zhang Chen looked at her calmly.

Li Yunyun didn’t say much nonsense, but stretched out her finger and gently tapped on Yaya’s forehead.

Zhang Chen was keenly aware that a strange soft energy poured into Yaya’s eyebrows along Li Yunyun’s fingers!

“Could it be the inheritance held by Li Yunyun?”

Zhang Chen thought silently.

Just being sealed in a coffin can’t become a corpse fairy, Li Yunyun must have her own secrets that no one knows!

This is also normal. It can become an existence that others fear. Who hasn’t got a trump card yet?

Fat Di on the side looked at Yaya with envy.

She knew that because of her hesitation just now, she had already lost Li Yunyun’s favor!

It also means that she has lost the capital to compete with Yaya!

From now on, if nothing happens, she will be behind Yaya for the rest of her life.

But to say regret, Fat Di will not!

She knew that even if she was given another chance, she would not be able to sacrifice her life to save Li Yunyun like Yaya!

With the influx of energy from Li Yunyun’s fingertips, Yaya’s face became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Chen knows that Yaya is starting to get better!

Li Yunyun retracted her fingers, and her breath instantly became sluggish!

If Zhang Chen broke the contract at this time, Li Yunyun would have no way to deal with Zhang Qiling.

“You are not afraid that I lied to my friend, I may not help you at all!”

Zhang Chen looked at Li Yunyun with a half-smile.

Zhang Chen was still very unhappy that Li Yunyun had deliberately mistaken him for Feng Shigu.

Is that guy worthy of comparison with him?

“Haha, isn’t it? Then I can only gamble, anyway, I have no way out!”

Li Yunyun said with a smile.

Zhang Chen nodded in agreement.

If Zhang Chen doesn’t help her, she will be swallowed by Zhang Qiling’s ghost vine, sooner or later!

“” 々 Then, will you help me?”

Li Yunyun said it was easy on the surface, but she was actually very concerned.

“Don’t worry, I’m not someone who doesn’t keep my word!”

Zhang Chen stood up from the ground and looked at Zhang Qiling opposite with a calm expression.

The two who fought side by side before, but now they are about to draw their swords against each other!

It really is unpredictable!

“Zhang Chen, do you really want to be my opponent? I won’t show mercy, you better think clearly!”

The conversation between Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun was clearly heard by Zhang Qiling on the opposite side.

He doesn’t want to start a fight with Zhang Chen, the two of them better be friends!

“It’s hard for me too! But I promised my friend, if you don’t hurt the person next to me, we naturally don’t need to do it”

After listening to Zhang Chen, Zhang Qiling’s eyes flickered and he began to hesitate.

Li Yunyun next to Zhang Chen is also a little nervous!

If you can’t do it, everyone will turn their battles into jade and silk (Nuo Zhao’s), which is naturally the best result!

“Sorry, I don’t want to either! But…”

Zhang Qiling smiled and didn’t say the rest.

“Then there’s no need to talk nonsense, let’s do it!”

In fact, Zhang Chen has long wanted to compete with Zhang Qiling. Look at the two of them today, who is stronger!

Zhang Qiling answered Zhang Chen directly with action.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, the Qilin bloodline erupted, and his figure swept straight towards Zhang Chen!

Out of respect for the ghost vines in Zhang Qiling’s head.

Zhang Chen didn’t keep his hand, and directly summoned his most powerful Thunder Fire Unicorn Armor!

At the same time, the Immortal Binding Lock quietly appeared in Zhang Chen’s hands.

Li Yunyun, who was beside Zhang Chen, was not idle either.

Although she is not the opponent of Ghost Vine, it is more than enough to take the opportunity to trouble Zhang Qiling!

Just hear the “Boom”!

In the eyes of everyone nervous and expecting.

The two people, who were also shrouded in the unicorn phantom, slammed their fists into a lung! </p>

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