Chapter 292: Corpse Jiao | Tomb Robber: 365 days of touching gold with stars |


Zhang Chen and the others looked in the direction Huang Bo pointed, and their hairs stood on end!

Those stone bags are indeed wriggling, but the degree of wriggling is very weak!

If you don’t watch carefully, you will be ignored!

You can recognize it with a few more glances, it is a mollusk like a snake!

But he coiled his body up and curled up into a ball, just like mosquito coils!

Looking around, the rocky beaches on both sides are densely packed, and I don’t know how many!

Yaya sniffed and asked in surprise, “What are those things? Are they snakes?”

Zhang Chen pondered, but did not answer.

Li Yunyun glanced at it and said decisively, “It’s a corpse Jiao!”

“Corpse Jiao?”

Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with surprise.

This name doesn’t sound very good!

“Corpse Jiao, legend is the queen of Jiaolong!

It was brought into the underground by the black sheep king to be buried with him, turned into a corpse to guard the mausoleum, and continued by sucking the corpse gas. This thing is very difficult to deal with, it is best not to provoke it.

And these are all cubs. If they attract the corpse dragon king, I am afraid it will not end well! ”

Li Yunyun said solemnly. 03

“But if you want to cross the river, it’s hard not to provoke them!”

Sun Honglei sighed. When they crossed the river, they would inevitably make a noise.

“If you can’t provoke it, try not to provoke it. If you really want to do it, there’s nothing you can do!”

Li Yunyun snorted coldly.

“Zhang Chen, it’s up to you next!”

At this moment, Li Yunyun turned to look at Zhang Chen.

The corpse fairy can fly, but Li Yunyun is obviously not willing to take so many of them across the river.

Zhang Chen nodded, this time they didn’t use the coffin board as a boat!

Now that he has the Immortal Binding Lock, there is no need for such trouble.

Zhang Chen took out the Immortal Binding Lock from the system space.

I saw Zhang Chen’s wrist flicker.

The Immortal Binding Lock in his hand immediately rose against the storm, and soon landed on the other side of the river, forming a simple iron lock bridge!

Zhang Chen asked Sun Honglei to try it out. It was very strong, and even jumping up would not cause any shocks.

Li Yunyun took the lead on the iron lock bridge, and reached the other side of the river in a few flying steps!

Sun Honglei and the others have no such ability, so they can only hold hands and walk slowly to the other side of the river.

Zhang Chen was at the back and escorted them!

Sun Honglei and the others stared at the calm-looking river.

After all, no one knows if there are corpses hidden under the river!

At that time, they were not prepared at all, and when they were attacked by corpses, someone would definitely be injured.

Be careful all the way, when you reach the middle of the river.

Zhang Chen keenly sensed that something was following them under the river!

“Everyone, be careful, we seem to be being targeted!”

Zhang Chen reminded aloud.

Sun Honglei and the others froze in their hearts, and their expressions became tense.

There is no doubt that there are corpses hidden under the river!

Humans have an instinctive fear of mollusks like snakes!

The appearance of the corpse Jiao dragon looks similar to that of a snake, and it also carries the word corpse, which is extremely ominous!

Sun Honglei immediately used the ghost eyes on his forehead to glance down the river.

When dealing with ghost vines before.

Sun Honglei’s enhanced version shattered his pupil light, which was extremely serious to his mental overdraft!

He didn’t want to use ghost eyes unless he had to!

But right now, for everyone’s safety, Sun Honglei decided to go out of his way. The big deal is to inhale more of the corpse pill!

Sun Honglei’s exclamation sounded.

“Zhang Chen, there are corpses under the river!”

Although they had expected it long ago, after hearing what Sun Honglei said, Huang Bo and the others still felt their hearts twitch.

“how many?”

Zhang Chen didn’t panic, and asked in a deep voice.

“Not a few, but a group!”

Sun Honglei said with tears in his eyes.

When the blood is on the head, Brother Hong Lei can be fearless, but under normal circumstances, he is still very afraid of death.

A group? !

That is too many to count!

Zhang Chen’s expression became solemn.Once surrounded by so many corpses, he himself can be safe and sound, but Yaya Huang Lei and the others are estimated to be more fortunate!

“Don’t panic, keep walking! We’re just a few steps away!”

Zhang Chen calmly said, and took out the seven-star spirit-killing nail from the system space.

The flying sword killing formation composed of the seven-star spirit-killing nails comes and goes without a trace!

Now it can be called Zhang Chen’s strongest ultimate move!

The short distance of more than 100 meters is the test of life and death, Huang Bo and the others’ hearts instantly raised their throats!

Once they are attacked and fall into the water, it will definitely be a near death.

And there was too much noise, those corpses dozing on the rocky beach.

It will also rush up and gnaw them into pieces!

Zhang Chen stared at the surroundings with a wary expression.

The reason why those corpses under the water did not attack must be waiting for an opportunity.

Zhang Chen didn’t know what they were hesitating about, but the sooner they reached the other side of the river, the better.


Maybe because he was too nervous, Huang Lei accidentally slipped his foot, and his body fell into the river involuntarily.

When Huang Lei reacted, he felt that his heart was pumping, his brain was blank, he could no longer have other thoughts, and he felt that he was definitely dead!

“Huang Lei, be careful!”

In desperation, Sun Honglei shouted.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to hold Huang Lei. At this time, Huang Lei’s face was only a few centimeters away from the river surface.

If it wasn’t for Sun Honglei’s regular exercise, it is estimated that he would have fallen into the river with Huang Lei!

He could see clearly the many terrifying flood shadows swimming under the river!

“Hoo! It’s dangerous!”

Huang Lei, who had been behind closed doors for a while, had a cold sweat on his back.

After being pulled up by Sun Honglei, he cast a grateful look at Sun Honglei!

“Hong Lei, thank you!”

“Don’t say this useless nonsense, hurry up!”

Sun Honglei waved his hand indifferently, he was scared to death by Huang Lei just now!

Huang Leizhen fell into the water, and it wasn’t just him 973 who suffered.

At the moment when Huang Lei was about to fall into the water.

Zhang Chen’s attention was all focused, and he was ready to do it!

Unexpectedly, the group of corpses couldn’t open their mouths for the food delivered to their mouths.

This made Zhang Chen confused!

“Is it the power of the Immortal Binding Lock?”

Zhang Chen pondered, and thought of the most reasonable possibility!

“As expected of the magic weapon of Xuanjie! Even these brainless corpses are instinctively afraid!”

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen couldn’t help laughing.

In my heart, I couldn’t help but yearn more for finding the spirit of the immortal-binding lock!

The group reached the other side of the river without any risk, and Sun Honglei and the others heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen made a move and returned the bundle of immortal locks to the system space.

“I didn’t say it, you guys are too slow, right?”

Li Yunyun, who had been waiting for a long time, said a little impatiently.

“Don’t stand talking without your back pain! Do you know how dangerous we are just now?”

Sun Honglei said angrily.

“Oh, it’s not because you are too weak!”

Li Yunyun sneered in a mild manner.

“Okay, let’s talk less!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand to stop their quarrel, looked at Li Yunyun and asked, “How far is the Cannon Temple?”

“We’ll be there soon, but get through there first!”

Looking in the direction Li Yunyun pointed, everyone was instantly stunned! </p>

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