Chapter 300: Many Organizations


In fact, not only Sun Honglei, they are also greedy.

The flesh of the Corpse Flood King is a great tonic!

“You don’t have to look at me like this, we are friends, what is a little corpse flesh!

However, let me remind you in advance that the flesh of the corpse king should be hard to eat, so you better prepare yourself mentally! ”

Zhang Chen said with a serious face.

Seeing that Zhang Chen was not angry, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Honglei said with joy: “What’s the fear of being unpalatable, I’ll be satisfied if I can taste it!”

The corpse pill smells fragrant, even if the flesh of the corpse king is unpalatable?

Now Sun Honglei’s taste~ is how much heavier he is.

As long as he can become stronger, it is estimated that he will be allowed to eat zombie meat!

Others were hesitant.

Since the name is corpse Jiao, there must be a carrion smell in the meat, and it must not taste much better!

Zhang Chen and his party walked into the Broken Dragon Gate!

Seeing the daunting huge broken dragon gate above his head, Sun Honglei couldn’t help shrinking his neck.


After seeing Li Yunyun, Yaya immediately greeted her happily.

Li Yunyun smiled softly at her with love in her eyes.

Seeing Fat Di, Li Yunyun nodded slightly as a greeting.

It’s just that he is far less enthusiastic about Yaya!

As for the others, they were ignored by Li Yunyun gorgeously!

Sun Honglei, who was a little floating, no longer had the fear of Li Yunyun before.

Seeing Li Yunyun’s defiant appearance, he was a little upset!

So he whispered to Huang Lei beside him.

“Cut, don’t you just live a few hundred years longer? What’s there to be proud of!”

“Hong Lei, don’t talk nonsense! That woman is not easy to mess with!”

Huang Lei was startled and said in a low voice.

Sun Honglei pouted, obviously not taking Huang Lei’s words to heart.

He is Zhang Chen’s person, will Li Yunyun really kill him?

As soon as the idea of ​​Sun Honglei appeared, he felt like he was flying.

Immediately afterward, it slammed into the surrounding mountain walls!

A sharp pain suddenly came from behind, and Sun Honglei bared his teeth in pain, slowly sliding down the mountain wall.

It looked a little embarrassed for a while!

“If you can’t speak, talk less!”

Li Yunyun glanced at Sun Honglei lightly and said coldly.

cough cough-

Sun Honglei’s face flushed with embarrassment.

The corner of Zhang Chen’s mouth twitched, and he looked at Sun Honglei with a little sympathy.

It’s not good for you to provoke anyone, but it is this old woman who provokes me. Now I’m not necessarily her opponent!

Others pretended not to see, and looked at the nose and the heart.

Before you don’t have enough strength, it’s best not to say hi, Sun Honglei is an obvious lesson!

Seeing that no one came to help him, Sun Honglei staggered to his feet.

Honestly returned to the team and dared not say more.

“This road is a dead end. If you want to find the way to the Cannon Temple, you must first lower the Broken Dragon Gate!”

Li Yunyun said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn’t doubt the truth of Li Yunyun’s words.

Shen said: “If you want to lower the Dragon Broken Gate, you must first find the machine bracket! Do you know where the machine bracket is?”

“That’s good! After the Dragon Breaker Gate is lowered, there will definitely be a steady stream of various killing organs. Don’t run around at that time, surround us, and Li Yunyun will protect everyone!”

Zhang Chen looked around the crowd and said with a serious expression.

Sun Honglei and the others nodded heavily, and their expressions instantly became tense!

“Then I’ll start.”

Li Yunyun said lightly, and reached out to grab a stone at will.

She looked up and looked forward, taking a look at the direction!

About five minutes later, Li Yunyun threw a stone, which hit an inconspicuous bump on the ground with precision.

If you don’t look carefully, can’t find it at all!

Presumably Li Yunyun suffered a lot to discover this unusual feature.

Realize that strange and unpredictable dangers will come next.

Sun Honglei and the others held their breaths, they didn’t even dare to breathe!

After waiting for a while, there was no movement on the mountain wall, and it was still lifeless!

Zhang Chen turned his questioning eyes to Li Yunyun.

“Shouldn’t be, am I wrong?”

Li Yunyun was slightly embarrassed, she frowned and muttered.

Losing her hand in front of everyone’s eyes, even if Li Yunyun has lived for hundreds of years, she still feels a little humiliated!

“Shh! Listen carefully!”

Zhang Chen made a silent gesture.

Sun Honglei and the others kept their breathing to a minimum, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Soon they heard the slight “click” sound of the machine turning from the mountain wall!

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the solemnness in each other’s eyes. The unknown danger is the most tormenting!

If they knew what kind of organs they would face next, they might not be so nervous.

“Look! The Broken Dragon Gate has come down!”

Yaya suddenly exclaimed and said, pointing to the huge broken dragon gate above her head.

Everyone looked up immediately, was startled, and quickly stepped back.

In fact, they have already passed the coverage of the Dragon Break Gate, and the reason why they avoided it was completely subconscious behavior!

So in the shocking expressions of everyone.

The huge Broken Dragon Gate smashed to the ground with a whistling sound.

Like a meteorite coming!

In an instant, the land collapsed, and the air shook!

The whole mountain wall shook a few times. Fortunately, the mountain wall was strong enough to prevent it from collapsing!

Right now, Zhang Chen and the others have truly lost their way out.

Sun Honglei and the others have a feeling of being a turtle in a urn for no reason. Right now, they can only pin their hopes on Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun!

Broken Dragon Gate is down, all the organs are out!

“Everyone be careful!”

Zhang Chen reminded in a deep voice, and looked around vigilantly.


The next second, Zhang Chen and the others heard a bubbling sound coming from their feet.


Zhang Chen looked down.

A layer of black viscous liquid appeared on the ground at some point, with an unpleasant smell!

“What the hell is this? Shit?”

Sun Honglei was startled, and quickly jumped back while covering his nose.

What kind of messed up organization is this, to use this kind of thing to disgust people!

“This thing can burn, not shit!”

Li Yunyun glanced at it, obviously she had seen it before, and reminded everyone.

“Can burn, could it be oil?”

In the gaps in the surrounding mountain walls, wooden faucets protruded one by one!

“Zhang Chen, destroy them!”

When Li Yunyun saw these wooden faucets, her face changed suddenly, and she suddenly reminded Zhang Chen loudly.

Without Li Yunyun’s reminder, Zhang Chen rushed over almost as soon as the wooden faucet appeared!

Li Yunyun’s movements were not slow, she waved her hands again and again, and the stones shot out one after another, rushing towards the wooden dragon heads.

But those faucets seem to have souls, and they can automatically avoid danger.

When Zhang Chen and Shizi attacked, they shrank their minds and disappeared in place.

Immediately it appeared from another place!


Seeing this scene, Li Yunyun sighed.

So under everyone’s astonished eyes, those wooden faucets all opened their mouths and suddenly spewed out a scorching flame!

Affected by this, the black liquid on the ground burned violently, and it instantly became one piece, and the fire skyrocketed instantly.

“It’s over! Are we going to be burned here alive?”

Everyone’s faces were pale, and their eyes couldn’t help but feel a little despair.

In this case, his ghost eyes are completely useless! </p>

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