Chapter 306: Qinglong Yanyue Knife

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Li Yunyun was just about to shoot, but glanced over the top of the evil ghost’s head, and withdrew her actions.

The evil spirit was overjoyed when it saw this, it was just about to launch an artillery attack.

However, Zhang Chen fell from the sky and hit it directly with a punch!

The artillery in his hand also fell to the ground, rolled away, and fell right next to Huang Bo.

Huang Bo, who was covered in bruises and bruises, looked at it and was very envious.

He just saw the power of the artillery in the hands of the evil spirits clearly!

If he can get this small artillery piece, he will no longer have to watch Sun Honglei in the limelight again.

But think about it carefully.

Huang Bo still resisted the urge to reach for it.

He knows what doesn’t belong to him, and it’s useless to take it forcibly.

The most realistic point, will he use it when he takes it?


Immediately, Huang Bo’s attention was attracted by a loud noise. “Nine Eight Seven”

I saw Zhang Chen punch after punch, in an extremely arrogant posture, directly dispersing the body of the evil spirit.

There was also a shocking big hole in the ground.

It looks full of violent aesthetics, very enjoyable!

Feeling that it was almost time to vent, Zhang Chen finally used the unicorn fire to burn the evil ghost into nothingness.

Accompanied by the final curse of the evil spirit!

The hall slowly returned to calm.

Originally, Zhang Chen didn’t intend to have the same knowledge as this evil ghost, but this evil ghost wanted to court death and wasted his time.

Zhang Chen knew very well in his heart that all this was done by the voice behind him.

It is very likely that it is the legendary Feng Shigu!

However, it is unlikely that it is the ancient body of Feng Shi, otherwise it will directly attack them, it should be a means prepared in advance.

“Since Feng Shigu tried his best to prevent us from going to the second floor, there must be something important on the second floor!

It is very likely that it is the artifact spirit of the Immortal Binding Lock! ”

Zhang Chen thought about it, and his heart suddenly became uncontrollably hot.

Although Li Yunyun kept reassuring him.

The spirit of the immortal lock is in an ancient painting on the second floor!

But as long as Zhang Chen has not seen it with his own eyes, he will have a trace of doubt!

Besides, Li Yunyun’s performance is a little abnormal now!

Although it doesn’t look like anything on the surface.

But Zhang Chen’s perception is so sharp.

Li Yunyun’s slight changes could not escape his eyes.

Especially when Zhang Chen looked at him before, the coldness lingered in Zhang Chen’s heart!


Zhang Chen let out a deep breath, and his mood returned to calm.

Now that the trouble is over, it’s time to count the spoils.

Zhang Chen’s eyes first fell on the Guan Gong broadsword that was lying quietly on the ground, glowing with cold light!

It is also commonly known as the “Qinglong Yanyue Knife”!

Zhang Chen saw it clearly before.

Whether it was Li Yunyun’s purple crystal or the white hair like a steel needle, it didn’t cause the slightest damage when it fell on the Qinglong Yanyue Dao’s blade!

It can be seen that the material of the knife itself is excellent!

Since the Wujin Ancient Sabre was destroyed, Zhang Chen didn’t have a weapon in his hand, and he just used it right now.

Zhang Chen stepped forward and picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword from the ground.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife started slightly heavy, Zhang Chen weighed it, at least one hundred kilograms!

Ordinary people can’t use one hand at allpick up.

Even if it is barely picked up, it is the limit, and it is impossible to use it against the enemy!

But for Zhang Chen, this is not a problem.

Zhang Chen’s skills were itchy for a while, and he played with a knife, and it turned out to be extremely smooth!

“Nice knife!”

Immediately, Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up, he felt a little in love with it, and couldn’t help but praise.

Unfortunately, this Azure Dragon Moon Sword is not a magic weapon, and its value is limited!

But Zhang Chen took it for himself without hesitation and put it into the system space.

When Sun Honglei saw this scene, he was not too disappointed. This was what he expected.

Treasure swords are like beautiful women, and those who are virtuous live in them!

How can his grandson Honglei and his virtue be able to occupy this treasured sword?

Guess he can’t even pick it up.

Then, Zhang Chen looked at the small cannon that landed at Huang Bo’s feet!

“It turned out to be a magic weapon, although it is only a primary Huangjie magic weapon, it is one level lower than Gu Hunling!

But it’s also an invaluable existence! ”

Zhang Chen picked up the cannon from the ground, looked at it carefully, and his eyes lit up slightly.

He can use formulas to activate any magic weapon below the Xuan rank, and this artillery is naturally no problem.

However, Zhang Chen’s attack methods are enough.

He also got a Qinglong Crescent Sword just now, and firing guns from a distance is not his style.

This cannon is more suitable for others to use!

Zhang Chen’s eyes swept across Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and others?

In fact, Sun Honglei is the most suitable candidate. He has a special physique and should be able to maximize the power of artillery!

However, Zhang Chen thought about it and ruled out Sun Honglei.

He already has ghost eyes, and he keeps the thousand-year-old corpse pill for Zhang Chen, often “guarding himself and stealing”!

Zhang Chen can’t be too fond of one over the other.

Huang Bo and the others guessed Zhang Chen’s thoughts, so they probably wanted to give this cannon to them.

Sun Honglei, Yaya and Fat Di are better, they all have their own adventures.

I’m not too eager for this cannon!

Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Lin Yu are different. They want this cannon most in their hearts!

So the hearts of the three of them couldn’t help beating violently, and they stared at Zhang Chen with burning eyes.

This is the moment of destiny!

Whoever gets this cannon will usher in a turning point of fate.

But no one spoke first!

Because they know that whoever speaks first will lose, which will make Zhang Chen disgusted.

Finally, Zhang Chen’s eyes fell on Yaya.

Except for Sun Honglei, she is the most suitable candidate.

Because activating the artillery requires the support of energy, which can be the energy of the body or the energy of the spirit.

And Yaya is undoubtedly the leader of this group!

When slaughtering corpses on the rocky beach before, Yaya’s performance was also outstanding!

“Yaya, this artillery is a magic weapon! I’ll give it to you! I’ll teach you the 37 motivating formula later!”

Zhang Chen smiled and said to Yaya.

As soon as these words came out, Huang Bo and the three seemed to hear their own heartbreak, and they were all extremely lost.

They naturally know the preciousness of magical instruments, and there may be no such shop after this village!

But they also know that Yaya is indeed an extremely suitable candidate!

And if the artillery is handed over to Yaya, the three of them are more acceptable.

Of the three of them, whoever gets this cannon!

The other two people are expected to be extremely uncomfortable, which means that there is one less person playing soy sauce in this team!

Yaya didn’t immediately accept Zhang Chen’s kindness, but said embarrassedly.

“Zhang Chen, thank you for your kindness! But I don’t like it very much, why don’t you give it to Huang Bo and the others?”

Yaya said cautiously, for fear that Zhang Chen thought she was ignorant. </p>

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