Chapter 310: Xuanjie Magic Weapon


“I’m going, it’s fucking stinky!”

Sun Honglei rushed to the door of the room on the second floor first.

Immediately smelled a stench that was stronger than before!

He quickly covered his nose and looked into the room.

I saw that I was concentratingZhang Chen, the mantra of the magic weapon.

And the scene of a group of corpses besieging Li Yunyun!

Sun Honglei was taken aback, but he calmed down immediately.

“Break it for Lao Tzu!”

Sun Honglei~ gave a low drink in my heart.

The ghost eyes on the forehead opened wide, and beams of shattering pupil light shot out, shining directly on those – fierce blood corpses!

Any bloody corpse that is illuminated by the shattered pupil immediately emits a peculiar sound like corrosion!

The body revealed several shockingly large holes, and even white smoke came out!

The blood corpses that were hit by this thumping, the corpse that was hit by the shattering pupil light, let out a roar of pain!

One by one, they turned their heads fiercely to look at Sun Honglei.

Touching a blood corpse is cruel and cruel, inhumane eyes!

Sun Honglei’s heart suddenly burst, and he couldn’t help but take a step back.

“Hong Lei, don’t be afraid! We’re here!”

Huang Lei and the others, who came panting, saw Sun Honglei’s actions, and immediately said with the enemy.

Sun Honglei nodded, seeing Huang Bo and the others, he felt confident.

Although their combat effectiveness is not much higher!

After seeing the ghastly bloody corpse, the courage of the people who were still full of pride just now disappeared in an instant!

“Ah, they’re coming!”

In the terrified expressions of everyone, a few blood corpse carriers rushed up with a grin.

“Bring me back!”

Then, his head full of white hair fluttered, rushing out like a horse training, and directly tied the several bloody corpses that were thrown out into zongzi.

Then he pulled it back with all his strength, whipping wildly in the room, and a faint stench of blood came out.

Seeing this violent scene, Sun Honglei and the others felt their scalps go numb!

After Li Yunyun took back her hair.

The blood corpse wrapped in it was twisted into a ball, and it couldn’t be seen at all!

Rao, those bloody corpses are still fierce and roaring at Li Yunyun.

Looking at Li Yunyun, she frowned.

I don’t know how these blood corpses were made!

As long as they are not completely destroyed, they can heal quickly, and the healing ability is more exaggerated than her half-corpse fairy.

It looks a little immortal!

Li Yunyun tried all kinds of methods and couldn’t completely destroy them.

Zhang Chen’s unicorn fire may be able to do it, but Li Yunyun doesn’t have this method.

But Li Yunyun noticed it.

The blood corpse that was just attacked by Sun Honglei’s shattering pupil light, the speed of healing has been greatly reduced!

“You, continue to attack them with your pupil light! Attention, mainly attack their heads!”

Li Yunyun pointed at Sun Honglei.

Although Sun Honglei was a little uncomfortable with Li Yunyun’s slightly orderly tone, he still nodded obediently.

Although he is reckless, there is no need to have a conflict with Li Yunyun at this time, his life is important.

So the ghost eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead emitted several beams of shattering pupil light one after another!

The bloody corpses in the photo were screaming, wanting to take out Sun Honglei, but they were stopped by Li Yunyun, and they turned around in a hurry for a while.

Others won’t watch it either, and use eighteen martial arts to fight those bloody corpses!

The scene was once very thrilling, and Huang Bo almost died under the claws of a bloody corpse.

But fortunately, there was a master like Li Yunyun, so Huang Bo didn’t kill Huang Quan.

Zhang Chen also came to a critical juncture, the spirit of the immortal lock finally broke free from the shackles of ancient paintings and came to reality.

Everyone who was fighting with the blood corpse suddenly noticed that a strong sense of oppression came suddenly!

The movements in his hands stagnated for a while, and he looked at Zhang Chen subconsciously.

The same goes for those bloody corpses, with a look of fear in their eyes!

So everyone saw that a chain exuding crystal light emerged from the ancient painting.

“It’s finally done!”

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes showing joy.

No nonsense, Zhang Chen made a move, and the spirit of the immortal locks flew towards him.

Zhang Chen also took out the Immortal Binding Lock from the system space!

Before he could make any move, the Immortal Binding Binding Device Spirit actually merged with the Immortal Binding Lock automatically.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a while, and then he was overjoyed.

Originally, he thought that it would take a lot of effort to integrate the two!

I didn’t expect it to be so smooth, and I didn’t even need to act on my own.

Now Zhang Chen can finally take his shot. He saw all the scenes of bloody corpses just now.

With a move of his hand, the unicorn fire appeared in the palm of his hand, and Zhang Chen just planned to rush out to kill the bloody corpses.

However, I found that the Immortal Binding Lock in my hand was shaking slowly, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger!

Zhang Chen, the owner of the Immortal Binding Lock, naturally had a feeling,The two will merge successfully.

And Zhang Chen finally knew the level of the Immortal Binding Lock.

Beginner Mysterious Rank!

Although it is only a primary level, this is a magic weapon of the mysterious order, which is rare in the world, and there is no one in ten thousand!

Any magic weapon, if you take it out for auction, it can sell for a sky-high price!

Let alone a mysterious magic weapon, its value is immeasurable, but now it belongs to Zhang Chen.

Feel the powerful breath emanating from the Immortal Binding Lock at this time!

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but sighed in admiration, and the confidence in his eyes greatly increased.

But those bloody corpses didn’t care about this, they knew that Zhang Chen was terrible, but they were controlled by the mysterious power in the dark, and they rushed towards Zhang Chen with a strange scream.

The evil murals hanging in the room, and a new blood-red coffin popped up

The bloody corpses lying inside roared open the coffin board one by one and emerged from the painting.

“Just in time for you to try the power of the Xuanjie Immortal Binding Lock!”

The thought flashed by, and the Immortal Binding Lock in Zhang Chen’s hand was simply waved out.

In the envious expressions of everyone, they directly blew up those intractable blood corpses and turned them into a cloud of blood mist!

There’s not even a little room to struggle.

Li Yunyun glanced at the immortal lock in Zhang Chen’s hand, and a vague worry flashed in her eyes!

Therefore, the immortal-binding locks in Zhang Chen’s hands danced wildly, and no matter how many blood corpses were, they were not his enemies.

Soon a pool of blood and minced meat were left on the ground.

The stench in the room is also getting stronger and stronger, Sun Honglei and the others are so disgusting!

I couldn’t help but retreated to the stairs and covered my face with my hands!

Zhang Chen didn’t stop until there were no bloody corpses in the painting, and then burned the paintings!

These paintings have hidden mysteries and are worth studying, but Zhang Chen doesn’t have the time to do so now.

To prevent future troubles, it is better to burn and save trouble.

After doing this, Zhang Chen turned his gaze to the ancient painting with the woman’s back hidden!

After losing the control of the Immortal Binding Lock Spirit, the woman turned around.

Sure enough, as Zhang Chen expected, the woman is not a killer from the back, but a beauty on the front!

It’s just that Zhang Chen’s face quickly filled with astonishment.

How could this woman look exactly like Li Yunyun, like it was carved out of a mold!

Are they two twins?

Zhang Chen knew the answer right away. </p>

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