Chapter 315: Nine-colored Taurus


Countless rockets flew in the long and narrow tomb!

The whistling sound bursts, the momentum is particularly amazing!

Hearing that, everyone’s scalp was numb.

Ordinary people estimate that they have been scared to pee their pants!

Without hesitation, Sun Honglei opened the ghost eye on his forehead, and a large-shattering pupil light lased out!

With the strange sound of “Zizzi”.

Of those hundreds of arrows, most of them were destroyed by Sun Honglei’s shattering pupil light and burned to ashes!

Occasionally, a few fish that slipped through the net were also slashed by Zhang Chen’s Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

Huang Lei couldn’t help but praise.

Sun Honglei suddenly smiled proudly!

Subconsciously, he glanced at Zhang Chen, as if he wanted Zhang Chen to praise him.

Seeing Zhang Chen’s expressionless face, Sun Honglei retracted his gaze angrily.

Lin Yu tightened the artillery gun in his hand.


Like Sun Honglei, he will also be in the limelight in front of everyone!

After launching a round of “rockets”, the “Honeycomb” agency stopped moving.

Zhang Chen and his party continued to move forward.

I heard a dull roar in the darkness at the end of the road!

It is like a symphony of gold and wood, the thunder rolls, and it seems that some giant beast is panting hard.

Everyone’s expressions became alert again.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the rumbling sound resounding in the tomb passage, getting closer and closer to Zhang Chen and the others.

Lin Yu flashed a flashlight, and his eyes instantly stared at the boss.

I saw a huge white cow suddenly emerge from the darkness!

The head is round and the body is square, and it is unusually strong. The head of the cow alone is as big as a bucket!

The horns on the head flashed with cold light, and the sharp and sharp edges would not let the sword and halberd.

The bull’s eyes are wide open, staring straight ahead, but neither lifeless nor spirited!

I only heard the sound of “clucking” in the belly of the cow.

It turned out to be an ingenious organ cow.

Sun Honglei wanted to repeat the old tricks, but this white bull was surprisingly fast!

Accompanied by a gust of wind, they rushed to Zhang Chen and the others in the blink of an eye.

This tomb is narrowNarrow and depressed, with a width of less than two meters.

There is no room for people to dodge and move!

Moreover, the wooden cow was heavy and sturdy, and the impact was extraordinary!

Really hit it hard.

Except for Zhang Chen, everyone else will definitely have a bowel flow and die on the spot.

“All step back!”

Zhang Chen shouted loudly.

Without hesitation, he held Guan Gong’s big sword and slashed Huashan with force, slashing down!

So in the astonishing eyes of everyone.

Zhang Chen slashed and slashed the mighty organ cow in front of him into two halves!

Just listening to the sound of “bang”, the ingeniously constructed mechanical cow was destroyed.

It actually exploded automatically, and at the same time, strong yellow smoke came out!

Obviously, this yellow smoke is poisonous!

The others quickly held their breaths, walked through the tomb passage shrouded in yellow smoke, and came to the gatehouse.

This time, Zhang Chen didn’t find any organs, and directly used the Qinglong Yanyue Knife to split the gate.

Then he walked in with everyone.

A flashlight illuminated the situation in front of him.

This is a narrow and low bucket room, only slightly larger than an ordinary house.

There is no coffin inside, but there is a nine-colored Taurus!

It is the size of an ordinary buffalo, and the whole body is chiseled with silver and gold, which makes it look honest and luxurious.

There is a female mummified corpse lying on the cow’s back, probably because it was stolen from the outside and moved here!

The ancient corpse dissipated, the face was a little unrecognizable, and the mortuary clothes he was wearing also looked dirty and ragged.

The mummy is holding a gold-painted refined wooden box in its arms, which looks like a jewelry box.

Zhang Chen glanced at the nine-colored golden bull in the fighting room, and seeing that there was nothing special about it, he withdrew his gaze.

However, Sun Honglei and the others stepped forward and looked at it curiously, as if they were trying to figure out a way.

Zhang Chen took out “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” for comparison, and said.

“The exit is in this tomb, everyone look carefully!”

Only then did everyone turn their attention away from the nine-colored golden bull, and looked at the small room.

See if you can find the exit that Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen was also not idle.

But a group of people searched for a quarter of an hour and couldn’t find the so-called “exit”, and the surroundings were completely blocked.

Asking Zhang Chen to violently clear the way is obviously not going to work.

In that way, before he can create the passage, he will be exhausted!

“Shouldn’t be, is this map wrong?”

Zhang Chen looked at the “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” in his hand, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

I just walked a few steps, if it is “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu”, it will not work.

For Zhang Chen, this is undoubtedly a tasteless rib!

“No, I must have overlooked some important details!”

Zhang Chen finally turned his gaze to the nine-colored golden bull that was motionless in the dorm room.

In the entire fighting room, the only thing that can be called special is this golden bull!

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin and looked at it carefully for a moment.

Make sure this is also an organ beast.

“Do you have to touch this organ beast to find the exit?”

He raised his leg and kicked the Nine-colored Taurus a few times, but the latter didn’t respond, and it was the same with the fire.

“Is it voice-controlled?”

After understanding Zhang Chen’s thoughts, Sun Honglei thought openly.

So he imitated the cow herder’s ox drive and called a few times, but the Taurus still didn’t respond.


On the contrary, Sun Honglei himself was a little embarrassed.

“Brother Chen, I think those cattle herders are all sitting on the cattle, do you want to sit on them and try?”

Lin Yu opened his mouth and proposed.

Zhang Chen felt that it made some sense, so he looked at Sun Honglei: “Hong Lei, it’s time for you to act!”

Everyone’s eyes also converged on Sun Honglei, while Huang Bo and Huang Lei were teasing.

On the nine-colored Taurus, there is still a dry female corpse.

It is rare to see Sun Honglei riding with the female corpse!

Sun Honglei’s expression instantly became bitter, and he couldn’t help but glared at Lin Yu angrily.

It’s all to blame for this guy’s bad idea.

However, if it is really useful, Sun Honglei is still very willing to contribute.

He apologized to the dry female corpse, then turned over and sat on it, even sandwiching the belly between his legs!


Sun Honglei shouted with all seriousness in his mouth, how funny and funny that look is.

“Haha, Hong Lei, do you think you are riding a horse? Drive a fart!”

Huang Bo couldn’t help laughing.

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but pursed his lips.At this time, he didn’t know if it was an illusion. He seemed to see the eyes of the nine-colored Taurus and blinked a few times.

Immediately, Zhang Chen was refreshed, and it worked!

next second.

The golden bull was carrying Sun Honglei and the mummified corpse, and rammed straight forward!

Unprepared, Sun Honglei fell off the Taurus and fell directly onto a dog eating shit. </p>

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