Chapter 317: The Legend of Tibetan Heaven Official


“An irresistible gift?”Zhang Chen’s heart moved.

To be honest, there are very few things that can interest him now.

But looking at Zhang Qiling’s confident appearance, it’s obviously not a joke.

Besides, it shouldn’t be too difficult to help Zhang Qiling get the Millennium Longevity Grass!

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen agreed to Zhang Qiling’s deal.

“Yes, but I want to see the gift you said first!”

Zhang Qiling readily agreed.

I saw him fumbling for a while from his arms and took out a parchment-like thing.

And he handed it to Zhang Chen generously, not afraid that he would regret it after he got it!

Zhang Chen took the parchment and looked at it carefully, and found that it was an old map.

There is no text description, only some terrain and a few lines!

It’s really rudimentary!

“That’s it?”

Zhang Chen raised the parchment in his hand towards Zhang Qiling in disappointment.

Originally, he was still full of expectations, but he didn’t expect Zhang Qiling to fool him with this kind of stuff.

Do you really think he is a three-year-old child?

Who knew that Zhang Qiling smiled, as if he had expected Zhang Chen to have such an expression.

“Zhang Chen 03, do you know Zang Tianguan?”

Zhang Qiling asked mysteriously, staring at Zhang Chen.

“Hidden Heaven Official?”

Zhang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and his breathing became much heavier.

“Is there really a Tibetan Heavenly Official in this world?”

He looked at Zhang Qiling suspiciously.

Tibetan Tianguan, in the legend, is a super bull’s fork title!

Only the most powerful tomb robbers deserve this title.

The legend of Zhang Chen’s ancestors has been circulated for generations, but no one has seen it with their own eyes.

It is said that the Tibetan official Niu Cha is because the identity of the other party is recognized by God.

If there is no approval from God, no matter how oxcha is, it can’t be regarded as a Tibetan official!

In other words, if you don’t get the approval of God, you won’t be the most powerful tomb robber!

The scope of its tomb robbery is no longer such a low-level man-made cemetery!

It’s all kinds of immortal tombs, god tombs, celestial tombs and the like.

Although the ancient tomb of Dixian Village carries the word “immortal”, it cannot be regarded as an immortal tomb!

Because immortal tombs are formed naturally!

“I can tell you with certainty that there are indeed Tibetan Heavenly Officials in this world! As for the number of Tibetan Heavenly Officials, it is unclear!”

Zhang Qiling nodded solemnly.

“Then what do you mean, this map has something to do with Tibetan Tianguan?”

Zhang Chen looked at the parchment in his hand thoughtfully.

As for becoming a Tibetan Heavenly Official, Zhang Chen is very self-aware and does not dare to have such an idea.

Because in the legend, there can always be only one Tibetan Heavenly Official!

If a new Tibetan Heavenly Official is born, it means that the old Tibetan Heavenly Official has died!

“That’s right! There are traces left by Zang Tianguan there!”

“Why are you so sure?”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling suspiciously.

“I have my own method to verify, you don’t have to doubt it!”

Zhang Qiling said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Where is that place? Also, what exactly are the traces left by Tianguan Zang?”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling eagerly, and asked like a cannonball.

Because he is really interested in Tibetan Tianguan, there is no need to pretend to be reserved!

“In Qinling! As for where it is, I will take you there.

I can’t tell you what the trace left by Tianguan Zang is yet, you just need to know that it is a treasure that countless people dream of! ”

Zhang Qiling answered Zhang Chen’s two questions in succession.

Sun Honglei and the others listened with interest.

Don’t dare to be distracted at all, for fear of missing some important information!

If only they had heard this before.

You will definitely think that Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling are just two mental illnesses, what are they talking about!

Now, nothing can attract them more than these!

At the same time, I also faintly felt that a huge new world was slowly opening its doors to them!

“How is it, are you interested in working with me now?”

Zhang Qiling said to Zhang Chen with a smile but not a smile.

He knew that as long as Zhang Chen’s head was normal, he couldn’t refuse the news he disclosed!

Zhang Chen was silent for a moment.

This feeling of being led by the nose is really a little uncomfortable!

If there is no accident, Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling will go to Qinling after leaving Dixian Village!

Who knows if this guy has dug a hole there and waited for him.

But Zhang Chen really has noFa refused to hide the temptation brought by the news of Tianguan!

Don’t use people who are suspicious, don’t use people who are suspicious!

Zhang Chen readily stretched out his hand and held it with Zhang Qiling.

“OK! Happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

Zhang Qiling also smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhang Chen’s strong support is willing to join forces with him, which makes him very satisfied!

“What’s the origin of this thousand-year-old longevity grass?”

Zhang Chen asked casually.

After talking about the benefits, it’s time to get down to business.

“You should know about the nine-death shocking armor, right? This is the core material for making the nine-death shocking armor, and it has the same effect as the immortality medicine. Eating it can make people immortal!”

Zhang Qiling explained without hiding it.

Hearing what Zhang Qiling said, Sun Honglei and the others all lit up!

Immortality is what many people dream of!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Chen’s high-level Qilin bloodline and the ability to live forever, it would be difficult for him to resist this temptation!

“So, you came to Dixian Village for this?”

Zhang Chen asked thoughtfully.

When he was in Xu Fu’s tomb before, Zhang Qiling was looking for the elixir of immortality, but unfortunately he didn’t get it in the end.

“That’s right, that ghost vine has been rooted in my head for too long, although you have removed it! But the sequelae it has brought to me are too great. If I can’t get this longevity grass, I don’t have many days to live!”

Zhang Qiling happily admitted.

“But this only accounts for half of the factor! More importantly, the mystery of Feng Shigu’s immortality!”

Zhang Qiling threw another blockbuster.

“I remember this! Feng Shigu seems to have obtained the Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram, and then realized the method of becoming an immortal!”

Lin Yu has a very good memory. In the cave before, the last words of the head of the group were clearly written!

Zhang Qiling glanced at Lin Yu in surprise, wondering where he got this news from 990.

“You’re right, Feng Shigu was indeed able to become Earth Immortal because of the Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram!”

Zhang Qiling nodded, agreeing with what Lin Yu said.

Lin Yu smiled shyly, and the pride in his eyes disappeared in a flash!

That appearance is similar to the elementary school students who were praised by their teachers in class.

“Hey, Dr. Lin even knows this kind of secret thing, but I am impressed!”

Sun Honglei smashed his mouth and sighed with admiration.

“Hong Lei, what kind of memory do you have? Isn’t that clear in the last words of the head of the regiment?”

Huang Bo made fun of Sun Honglei.

“Who is the head of Feng?”

Sun Honglei scratched his head and asked with a confused expression.

Seeing Sun Honglei’s serious appearance, Huang Bo Yaya and the others couldn’t help laughing.

“What’s the situation, I really don’t know Head Feng, can someone explain it to me?”

Sun Honglei is even more stunned, and he is only one step away from becoming angry!

Fortunately, Zhang Qiling spoke at the right time, attracting everyone’s attention.

“But he was only half right just now! The Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram did not make Feng Shigu become an Earth Immortal, but he found something through the Zhoutian Dragon Bone Trigram…”

Halfway through the words, Zhang Qiling closed his mouth and sold off.

It seems that no matter who it is, this kind of bad taste is inevitable.

“Little brother, tell me quickly, what is it?”

Sun Honglei and the others hurriedly asked.

To make a person become an Earth Immortal, that must be quite an amazing thing, right? </p>

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