Chapter 320: Looking for Pangu Corpse Worms

This content is the first issue of “Pangu Divine Vessel?”

Zhang Chen’s expression suddenly froze.

Pangu knew it.

That is the big man who created the world in myths and legends, and he created the whole world.

Now Zhang Qiling told him that if he wants to deal with Feng Shigu, he must first find the Pangu Divine Vein!

Are you sure Zhang Qiling isn’t teasing him?

Seeing Zhang Chen’s expression, Zhang Qiling knew that Zhang Chen had misunderstood, and he quickly explained.

“Zhang Chen, don’t think about it!

The Pangu Divine Vein I mentioned refers to a corpse vein surrounded by dragons in the Earth Immortal Village…”

After listening to Zhang Qiling, Zhang Chen nodded in understanding.

It turns out that in the underground of Wushan Coffin Gorge, there have been two feng shui-treasure caves with mountains in them since ancient times!

One resembles a head, and the other is in the shape of a sarcophagus without a lid.

There are hills in the coffin in the shape of a headless corpse, and there are black springs in the mountains, pitch-black and rancid, similar to corpse blood, no one dares to approach!

The feng shui situation on the outside of Coffin Gorge can be attributed to “the mountains are high and the water is narrow, and the dragons have no leaders”!

The intertwined caves in the mountains make the dragon veins chaotic and ethereal. Therefore, there are many ancient monuments in the strange pattern of keeping the wind and guarding the water. The core of each dragon vein is the corpse head and the corpse coffin!

And the Pangu Divine Vein that Zhang Chen and the others are looking for is in the “corpse coffin” cave!

“What’s so special about that Pangu Divine Vein, that it can be used to deal with Feng Shigu?”

At this time, Lin Yu gave full play to the good habit of asking questions when he didn’t understand, and asked Zhang Qiling like a curious baby.

Zhang Qiling did not refuse, but answered cheerfully.

“Everything grows and suppresses each other! There are rare Pangu Corpse Insects in the Pangu Divine Vessel!

For the earth immortal Feng Shigu, who was achieved by the order of immortality, it happened to have a restraint relationship.

After Feng Shigu knew about it, he ordered people to hunt and kill Pangu corpse worms. The latter almost went extinct. Later, they all hid in the depths of the ground, and only some Pangu corpse worms survived by luck! ”

Zhang Qiling explained in detail.

Actually, even if Lin Yu didn’t ask, Zhang Qiling would explain to Zhang Chen.

Seeing Zhang Qiling’s smooth tone, it is obvious that he understands this secret, which makes Zhang Chen even more curious about Zhang Qiling’s origin.

This guy really understands what happened in Dixian Village!

“So, it’s not easy to find the Pangu Corpse Insect?”

Being able to survive the pursuit of Earth Immortal Feng Shigu, the difficulty of finding them can be imagined.

“That’s right! For others, it’s really difficult! But for me and you, it’s not as difficult as you think!”

Zhang Qiling smiled and said confidently.

So everyone turned their curious eyes on Zhang Chen again.

Zhang Chen didn’t ask why, he knew that Zhang Qiling would definitely explain it to him.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Zhang Chen didn’t take the initiative to ask, Zhang Qiling smiled bitterly and continued.

“Because you and I both have the Qilin bloodline! The Qilin bloodline is the bloodline of the true spirit, which is very attractive to those Pangu corpse worms!

As long as there is a Pangu corpse worm that sucks our blood, we can feel it! ”

The fact that the two have the Qilin bloodline has long been no secret to everyone.

So Zhang Qiling said it generously.

Even so, Sun Honglei and the others couldn’t help but envy for a while.

They don’t quite understand what true spirit blood is.

But it is very clear that Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling are not at the same level as them.

The blood of the two of them, from a certain point of view, a little more “noble”!

Actually, what Zhang Qiling didn’t know was that Zhang Chen was already a high-level Qilin bloodline.

When he collects the five elements of unicorns, he will evolve into the blood of the holy unicorn.

At that time, he will have the top-level true spirit bloodline, and the benefits are unimaginable!

However, the difficulty is too great. No matter what kind of Qilin bloodline in the bloodline of the five elements, it is an existence that can be encountered and not found!

He only now has the Fire Qilin bloodline in the Five Elements Qilin!

Far from being a real immortal, this is why Zhang Chen is so keen on Feng Shigu.

Of course, he never gave up his dedication to the blood of the holy unicorn.

But I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I have to go step by step.

The step is too big, it is easy to pull the egg!

After listening to Zhang Qiling, Zhang Chen’s goal became clear.

Go to the Pangu Divine Vessel first, find the Pangu Corpse Insect, and finally find Feng Shigu, and win the Immortal Ascension Order!

Of course, it was easy to say, but Zhang Chen didn’t dare to predict what would actually happen.

“Do you know where the Pangu Divine Vein is located?”

Zhang Chen asked the most crucial point.

“I don’t know, I only know a rough idea! But if you lend me “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu”, I should be able to find it!”

Zhang Qiling said truthfully.

Zhang Chen also did not suspect that Zhang Qiling said so much in order to deceive the “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” in his hand.

If it is of such great value, Zhang Qiling will need to spend a lot of time: to get it, Li Hongsu will not give it to him so easily.

After generously handing the “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” to Zhang Qiling, Zhang Chen suddenly thought of a very important question.

“By the way, are Li Hongsu and the others also working on the idea of ​​ascending the Immortal Order?”

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Qiling said sternly.

“That’s right! Besides, this piece of land is actually owned by the family behind Li Hongsu!


Feng Shigu used some disgraceful means to gain the trust of Li Hongsu, and finally deceived the immortal decree with the word ‘land’, and sacrificed Li Hongsu’s entire family to help him become an immortal! ”

Zhang Qiling said calmly.

Zhang Chen was stunned when he heard it.

If it is now, this Feng Shigu is a proper scumbag. Not to mention deceiving the feelings of other girls, he has also destroyed others.

The door is full, it’s too cruel!

That’s not hard to imagine.

How much does Li Hongsu hate Feng Shigu? It is estimated that it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in her heart!

“Is that guy Feng Shigu very handsome?”

Zhang Chen asked suddenly.

Zhang Qiling was obviously stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t expect the place Zhang Chen cared about would be here.

However, after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Qiling nodded and said sternly.

“Yes, he is indeed handsome! Compared with me, it is only a little worse!”

Looking at Zhang Qiling’s serious appearance, Zhang Chen was sure that he was not joking.

Others can’t help but laugh, but Zhang Qiling, who has always been aloof, was a little cute when he said this!

Zhang Chen’s mouth twitched involuntarily, although Zhang Qiling’s appearance was indeed very high.

But if you say that, will it be a little too shameless?

Zhang Chen has never said that he is handsome in public.

“No wonder Li Yunyun called me Feng Shigu when she saw me for the first time, it was because of my appearance!”

Zhang Chen suddenly realized and murmured. </p>

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