Unbelievable though.

But the truth is probably, and that’s all.

The three living stones are strange things descending from the sky, and they themselves have the effect of seeing through people and living in the past.

Later, after scientific research, it was combined with projection, and all the past events were broadcast in the form of movies.

Since the establishment of the Three Lives Trial, there has never been a mistake, and something that even the prisoner himself has almost forgotten will appear from it.

In addition, in the continuous trial process over the years, everyone has an overall rhythm grasp of the appearance of past events and the identity of prisoners.

There is no doubt about it.

The later he appears, the more important that identity becomes.

Moreover, the people who appeared before must have a deep relationship with the prisoners who appeared later.

Sansheng Shi looked at the prisoner’s past life, and it was impossible to introduce others.

It is precisely because of this kind of previous kind that this ridiculous speculation has been recognized by the two elites of Li Rou and Lu Guo.

“If he really is, then this time, I’m afraid there will be a big gain.”

Ye Rou said again.

Big screen.

When the picture turned, the beautiful woman in black leather was holding a headset and talking to her subordinates on the phone.

Her tone was like ice, without a bit of human fireworks.

“A bunch of waste, so many people chasing two students can still chase and lose?”


“They have one more helper, adding up to three people in total?”

“Waste, tell me if you chase it away.”

While on the call, her afterglow swept across the street, where the shop owner was walking toward a compartment with a pile of clothes.

She paid attention, but not much to heart.


The phone hangs up.

She was just about to pick up the wine glass on the table to warm her body, when three bloated unspeakable people walked out of the cubicle.

This scene looks at the audience, and it is called a clarity.

Not the naïve three, who else could it be?

The fat man at the head is fat, but he can’t hide his eyes.

“Cow, cow, this fat master is worthy of breaking into the rivers and lakes, this method can come up with it.”

“I’ll take a go, this disguise is very fanciful, it has that smell.”

“Haha, why do I suddenly want to laugh, this fat man still shakes there with a rattle.”

“I don’t know if this group of people will find out, it looks so easy to expose at present.”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think so, this woman hasn’t seen three people before, so she shouldn’t find out.”

“I feel it too.”

At the moment, inside the recording room.

Lu Guo and Li Rou chatted about the sky.

“What do you think?”

Lu Guo frowned, staring at the screen while asking Li Rou.

Li Rou also looked solemn.

She sighed.

The idea is very different from the audience.

“If it is an ordinary person, there is naturally no problem.”

“But apparently this group of mercenaries is not.”

“Moreover, not to mention that they carry bags in their clothes, which looks very awkward, their disguise is too deliberate.”

“I feel like I’m going to be exposed.”

Lu Guo groaned and did not speak.

And it seems to confirm Ye Rou’s words, and the next moment, there will be a change.

Three, exactly three!

Moreover, the clothes just now were handed in by the boss, and it has not rained these days.

In an instant, the woman in black sensed that something was wrong.

“Stop them!”

A cold drink fell straight down without the slightest hesitation.

Instantly, everyone was shocked.

Only Ye Rou showed a bitter expression, “Sure enough.” ”

“Are you going to be caught?”

“You can see that this group of people is difficult to deal with.”

“Now it’s a big army, can they still run away this time?”

“Don’t be discouraged upstairs, have you forgotten the thick skin of the fat man? I think they’re probably going to keep acting. ”

The three were stopped in place by a group of people.

The fierce man at the head squinted his eyes and looked the three up and down.

Just now Anning asked them to stop him, and he didn’t think much about it.

But when he looked at the three people at this moment, it was obvious that the two people behind him looked flustered, and there was still bulging behind them.

“There is a problem!”

In my mind, this sentence subconsciously popped up.

He probed again.

“Where are you from?”

He said this in Mongolian.

Because the clothes worn by these three people are exactly what the Mongols are dressed in.

Instantly, the scene froze a little.

After being stunned for a moment, the fat man’s expression did not change, and he actually took out a white silk from his chest and hung it towards the man’s neck.


“Yay! Aha, toot la! ”

A string of strange words popped out of his mouth.

As these words came out, there was also a question mark on the barrage.

“Lying groove, what is this fat man talking about, is there a brother who understands Mongolian to come out and translate it?”

“Do you think he looks so good, if he’s friendly?”

“I don’t know if this group of people found out.”

However, the next barrage directly left them speechless.

“Brothers, don’t be deceived by this fat man, I just said that he has a thick skin, and I didn’t find him so thick.”

“People asked him where he came from in Mongolian, this fat man is crooked, completely blind, which Mongolian language is speaking, is it an alien language!”

“Laughed and cried, a burst of serious nonsense.”

“Groove, can you still play like this?”

“Isn’t that going to be discovered?”

Just when the audience is worried.

The fierce man really noticed that something was wrong.

He pointed at the fat man and drank, “What were you talking about just now!” Hmph, you are not a Mongol at all, why disguise? ”


The fat man looked moved.

The next moment, continue to speak.

“Smith Marseille!”

(Japanese, sorry means.) )

As this sentence spoke, the audience outside was also crying and laughing at this scene.

First Martian, then Japanese.

It’s really bad for this group of mercenaries.

What a fool!

“A serious nonsense, I will serve our fat master.”



Innocence and hi rarely saw this, and also silently stayed away from the fat man.

Then he turned around and began to discuss urgently.

“It’s over, doesn’t he know Mongolian, why does he still speak Japanese?”

Hi less want to cry without tears.

Innocence sighed, “This dead fat man is a half-tone, it is estimated that it will be two sentences, put aside that bragging.” ”

“Ah! So what to do? ”

Hi Shao Duo said.

Innocence thought about it carefully, and then thought back to the leading woman, with a certain expression.

“Now, we can only capture the king first, let’s take advantage of it and kidnap the leading woman.”

The two looked nervously discussing.

I didn’t notice the footsteps behind me at all.

The next moment.

A hand passed directly over his head.

Look back.

It is the woman they want to capture!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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