At the moment, inside the recording room.

Li Rou and Lu Guo looked at this strange scene, and the fluctuations in their hearts were no less than those of the audience.

It is obviously daylight, but at the bottom of my heart, there are some hairs.

“Three-Born Stone, should… Wouldn’t fake, would it? ”

Lu Guo said with some trembling.

Ye Rou’s brows furrowed, her fingers were tightly pinched, and she shook her head.

“I don’t know.”

“For so many years, Sansheng Stone has never missed a deal.”

“That… Wouldn’t that be…”

Lu Guo didn’t finish speaking, but the meaning was already obvious.

This is clearly beyond a certain boundary.

Ye Rou did not make a sound, but looked down at the two SSS-level secrets she had rewritten, staring deeply.

Maybe, maybe this wind ringtone, is not so simple, this naïve can be classified as an SSS secret, maybe there are really secrets behind that ordinary people do not know.

Lu Guo said as Ye Rou’s gaze looked, and when the conspicuous SSS words appeared, he also closed his mouth.

Probably, I counted it in my heart.

After a moment of silence, he continued, “Whether or not this matter should be reported, I think this is beyond the scope of our responsibility.” ”

Ye Rou sighed.

“Tell the chief, but I guess it’s useless.”

“Once the Sansheng Stone is turned on, the outside world can’t interfere with all this at all, even if we cut off the live broadcast, it will be broadcast over the city by the projection that comes with the Sanshengstone.”

“That way, the panic it causes could be even greater.”

“Now it can only go on like this, let the chief have a headache.”

Lu Guo nodded thoughtfully.

However, his subordinates still sent everything on these three birthstones to their own director.

Hope nothing happens.

Of course, this comfort can only be self-deception, and it is clear that this thing has become more and more wrong, and next, I don’t know what happened.

How could something not go wrong.

But think about it, it’s really a coincidence.

A trial of sinners can actually turn over the secrets that the country has hidden for so long.


At the moment, the picture.

As the three entered the temple, everything inside was also imprinted in everyone’s eyes.

Banners of flowers and green flowers hung down from above, and the shadows swayed everywhere, setting off the entire temple very gloomy.

The left-hand passage is a futon everywhere, which seems to be a place for monks to rest and meditate.

On the right-hand side, there is an enshrined Buddha statue.

The candles burning underneath were burning vigorously, and the tribute was fresh.


“Is there anyone?”

“Monk, come out with one?”

As soon as a few people entered, they shouted around.

But after walking around, I didn’t even see a shadow.

“It is estimated that the people here have something to go out, you see this tribute, it should be prepared for passers-by.”

The fat man waved his big hand and pointed to the tribute on the table.

Naive and Hi glanced at each other less and didn’t say much.

And at this time, Hi Shao suddenly discovered something.

“Look at it, there seems to be a door behind the Buddha statue.”

Several people hurriedly stepped forward.

Sure enough, the door can be opened.

With apprehension, he pushed the door open, and a bright light suddenly shone in, accompanied by gusts of wind.

“It’s so cold, what’s going on behind this?”

Hi Shao snorted a bit.

However, when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he was completely stunned.

It’s not just him.

The naïve and fat man also widened his eyes.

“This… How is this possible? ”

Innocence looked at the bottomless cliff under his feet, thought about his mouth, and said in surprise.

The fat man hurriedly looked around.

But here is a stand standing above the cliff, surrounded by wooden fences, and there is no other way to go.

“This is really enough to eat, just build the temple in this kind of ghost place, open such a back door, who to go?”

The fat man was also speechless.

Inside the live broadcast room.

The audience was also stunned when they watched this scene.

Sentence by sentence, blurted out.

“God, can a temple still be built in this place?”

“A wasteland in front, a cliff in the back, and this back door is invincible.”

“Haha, do you say that there is a possibility that this back door is reserved for the people under the cliff.”

“Get out of here, don’t talk nonsense.”

“I myself am also a rock climbing enthusiast, but this level of cliff, don’t talk about me, even if it is better than me, I probably don’t dare to go down, right?”

“Alas, I don’t know why, I feel more and more mysterious, this place can have a temple, and the wind chime has not been found after looking at it for so long.”

“You guys have gone off topic, shouldn’t you be in a hurry to escape now?”

“It’s obvious that the back road is broken, the car is out of gas, how do I feel naïve that they are going to be caught.”

“Listening to you say this, I reacted, indeed, lying groove, there is no way here, how else can they run?”

Recording room.

Ye Rou looked at this scene with a frown.

The magical temple building place already represents some different meanings, and the back door opens unexpectedly.

It is worth affirming that in the end, the national treasure must belong to the museum, that….

How did they escape?

The road ahead is chased, but the road behind is broken?

Can someone still fall from the sky and save them?

Thinking of this, Ye Rou rubbed her temples, she was also a little big-headed, and the past of the three birthstones this time really made her confused.


Inside the temple.

The innocent three saw that there was no way back, and hurriedly retreated in and walked towards the door.

The fat man took out his binoculars and took a look.

It was clearly visible inside that the convoy had gathered and began to chase towards this temple.

Putting the telescope down and handing it to Innocence.

He sighed.

“No, we have to think of a way to do it quickly.”

“At their speed, it won’t take long to catch up with the door.”

Naivety holds a telescope and looks at it too.

While thinking about the idea, the fat man said, “Hey, by the way, what is the name of the other woman?” ”

Hi think less.

“I heard their subordinates call her Anin.”

“Ah Ning, huh?”


“The kick that kicked me is really cruel enough, and sooner or later Master will kick her back.”

When the words fell, he walked directly towards the temple.

Innocence follows behind.

“It’s not okay to hide inside, there are so many of them, as long as they surround this place, they will be able to find us out sooner or later.”

“After all, the car is right at the door, we can’t hide it.”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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