Lying down, lying down.

A group of mercenaries looked panicked, as if facing dozens of pounds of C4, and the perennial experience of licking blood at the knife’s edge profoundly told them that there was danger ahead!

The naïve ones also hid behind the curtain at the entrance of the temple and covered their ears, as if there would be a very sensational scene next.

But in fact, it was….

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Until several seconds passed, not a single fart sound happened.

Suddenly, the faces of that group of mercenaries were the same as eating, iron black and black.


This was the first thought that came to their minds.

Look at the other side.

Naively, they also sensed that something was wrong, and when they opened their eyes to check, they found that the lighter was burning quietly a few centimeters from the front of the car.

The air solidifies for a while.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room floated by in a large area.

“Lying groove, didn’t you throw this special?”

“It’s over, this dead fat man just ran away, and he didn’t throw it at all.”

“It’s going to be cool now.”

Recording room.

Lu Guo was speechless and overdone, and the next picture could not bear to watch.

This fat man really served.

What to pretend to be forced at this critical time, can you run in and throw it again? If you have to play handsome, and throw blindly with your back, why don’t you go to the NBA?

And right at this moment.

Ye Rou on the side stared at the screen and said, “No, it seems to have a reversal!” ”

“Reverse? What else can be flipped at this time, don’t tell me, this guy has a second chance to ignite. ”

Lu Guo looked incredulous, but still looked towards the screen.

At the moment, in front of the temple.

Hi Shao was as frustrated as ever, staring at a bitter melon face, and screamed, “It’s over, it’s over, it’s really going to be finished now.” ”

Naivety also gritted his teeth, as if he was making some decision.

The fat man touched his face, and it seemed that he also felt that he couldn’t stand the second forced behavior just now.

But he didn’t panic.

“It’s over, don’t crow mouth!”

While saying, he took out a lighter again.


A crisp sound sounded, flames, on!


“You this…”

Hi Shao stopped crying, and hope was rekindled in his eyes.

Naivety, too, stared at the lighter tightly.


The lighter flew out in a clever arc, flying in the air, flying, flying.

The hearts of a large group of people seem to be grabbed on it.

And then.


Smashed to the ground.

Still, smashed empty.

The air was quiet again.

The audience present looked at me, I looked at you, and for a while I didn’t know what to say.

“How about the fat man conjure up another one?”

Someone said silently.

“It’s impossible, normal people who carry so many lighters.”

“Well, this fat man is considered a normal person?”

Sure enough, before the audience could talk for a few seconds, the dead fat man continued to take out a lighter.

“His grandmother’s, this time must be hit!”

While saying, he aimed at the car again and threw it fiercely.



Another lighter.


Perfect parabola, perfect miss.

Finally, after four full days, the audience was a little numb.

“I kind of understand that this dead fat man is a strange thing.”

“Count the first one, these are five, I haven’t seen him smoke, why bring so many lighters?”

“Cow, cow, I want to see now how many this guy can come out.”

Next, four more were thrown out.

Finally, the fifth time.

Aning, who was squatting behind the car, couldn’t stand it, she stood up, aimed at the car wrapped in banners, and shot directly a few times.

Bang bang!

Gunshots rang out.

I don’t know if it was ignited by a lighter or by a gun, anyway.




A furious aura erupted from around the car, and smoke billowed up from the drums.

Half of the clearing seemed to be covered by a cage.

“It’s here, it’s finally on.”

Hi less shouted in surprise.

“His grandmother’s, blow up a bunch of you bastards.”

The fat man was also Deser yelling.

Only naïve watched this scene and fell into a deep silence.

Can it really succeed?

He doesn’t know.

But he saw that the group of mercenaries and the car were farther away than they were, and this could blow up the ???

“Hey, the car has exploded, let’s run away while it’s chaotic.”

Hi Shao said to the naïve and fat man.

The fat man nodded thoughtfully.

However, when they looked back at that front.

One, two, thirty.

A large group of people, armed with guns, walked step by step towards the hillside.

As for the chaos they imagined.

Not at all.

When the audience saw this, they also pulled the corners of their mouths, and they wanted to slap themselves.

“In other words, which brother said that this plan was made just now?”

“I didn’t say, I didn’t think it was feasible in the morning.”

“Well, me too, I don’t think so.”

“Lying groove, you don’t want to face, obviously you will all agree with it, I think it will definitely be chaotic.”

“Ahem, well…”

Recording room.

Lu Guo and Li Rou seemed to have expected this scene for a long time, and their faces were very calm.

Lu Guo pointed to the blurred figure in the shot, inside a car, flashed.

“This person should be Lin Xuan, right?”

“After holding the binoculars and seemingly saying something, the group of mercenaries began to act.”

“It should be the boss.”

Ye Rou nodded approvingly.

“It should be right, I have long said that bombing the car will not work, but since this Lin Xuan has come forward, then it should be time to let them go.”

Speaking of this, she paused.

“The end has been set.”

Lu Guo smiled.

“This Lin Xuan has this meaning, but if he goes back like this, I’m afraid he will be trained by the real boss behind the scenes, right?”

“It’s actually quite good, if possible, I would like to reduce his sentence.”


Ye Rou nodded slightly, and this time she did not object.


“The people inside listened, if you want to live, hand over the things.”

Anning led a large group of mercenaries towards the temple, drinking as he walked.

Inside the temple.

This time, the fat man didn’t recruit, he couldn’t help but look at the innocence a few times, and spoke.

“I said big brother, or you will sell the bull’s head at a price, it doesn’t matter if you lose money or not, it’s better than brothers dying here.”

However, naivety is a shook of the head.

“No way, I won’t give it to them.”

“The head of the bull belongs to the state.”

At this time, Hi Shao couldn’t see it, “But they have guns in their hands, and we can’t confront them?” ”

“It is.”

The fat man echoed.

However, Innocence still shook his head.

Thoughts flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, he actually pushed open the curtain directly and walked directly outside.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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