The moment I saw the news, innocence was the same as seeing some surprise, and I began to pack up my things in an instant.

He said to Chen Chengcheng and Hi Shao, “I’m going out, Third Uncle is looking for me.” ”

“Third Uncle?”

Hi less have heard naïve will this person, but have never met.

With curiosity, he glanced at the mobile phone that was naïve on the table, “9 o’clock, corns and yellow sand, dragon’s back, come quickly?” What does that mean! ”

Innocence smiled, “This is my third uncle’s code words, the back of the dragon is a good thing, the corn yellow sand is the place name, it seems that this time there are new goods, I have to take a look.” ”

“What, you can still get so mysterious to a courier.” Hi Shao shook his head, indicating that he did not understand.

Chen Chengcheng leaned aside and raised his claws, “I’m sorry, let me ask, what does your third uncle do, how can you send a message and use code words!” ”

“He, an antique, is very good at those words and code words, and he studies whatever he wants, so I think he may be able to understand this book.”

Before leaving, Innocence glanced at the two.

“By the way, let’s talk about something later.”

“Okay, you go quickly, just remember to talk to us after researching.”

Hi Shao waved his hand, I can’t wait for it.

Innocence is gone, won’t he have the opportunity to be alone with the big beauty, hahahahaha!

Seeing this, the three people in the recording room also began to analyze.

“Dragon’s back? Corn yellow sand? Antique business! ”

“This naïve third uncle doesn’t seem to be a simple person?”

Lu Guo sighed.

Ye Rou nodded, “That’s right, ordinary people don’t use code words at all, those who can use this kind of thing are special people who are black and white, I think the naïve identity is afraid to be defined.” ”

At this moment, Yang Duo on the side suddenly spoke.

“Nine doors!”

“Naive is a nine-door person.”

“Nine Doors ???”

“An organization?”

Ye Rou said in amazement.

Yang Duo nodded, staring at the screen with memories in her eyes

“The earliest history of the Nine Gates comes from the Republic of China, and there are nine families in Hangcheng who control the nine gates, so it is called the Nine Gates.”

“There are three of the nine gates, three of the middle, and three of the lower gates.”

“This Wu family is exactly Middle Third!”

Lu Guo sorted out the information and continued to ask, “So, this Nine Gates was very powerful at that time, even after the founding of the country, was it still entrenched in the local area?” ”

Yang Duo smiled bitterly.

“What’s not just big, you have to know that there was only one in the entire south at that time, and everyone knew the name of the nine gates, and everyone knew it.”

“Later, with the appearance of that generation of madman Buddha, the entire Nine Gates faced the first integration, and after that, the Nine Gates shocked the entire Jiangnan.”

“At that time, the first time the south resisted the Japanese invaders was led by this Great Buddha Master Zhang Qishan!”

“In the end, if it weren’t for their lack of political intentions, but instead they came together to carry out a ridiculous operation that cost manpower, financial resources, and can be called salvation, I am afraid that by now, you will have heard the name Nine Gates.”

At this moment, Ye Rou and Lu Guo were really stunned.

They guessed that behind this naivety may not be simple, after all, it is a SSS-level confidential person, but they did not expect that they could actually intersect with such a long history.

However, Yang Duo’s words are not over.

“The state also took into account the contribution of the nine gates that year, and in the end it did not clear it, but left this behemoth behind.”

“But more, because the two consecutive actions of the Nine Gates caused the entire Nine Gates to be green and yellow, gradually declining, there is no longer much threat.”

“Later, the nine gates also went with the flow, integrated into the current society, each doing their own business, and there was almost no much activity other than that thing.”

Ye Rou and Lu Guo keenly captured the information in Yang Duo’s mouth, action! And it was twice.

“So what exactly are they doing? So labor-intensive, actually flocking to it? Ye Rou was puzzled.

Yang Duo glanced at her, “I also want to know this problem, or rather, the country also wants to know, so we also set up a lot of bureaus.” ”

“And what about the end?” Lu Guo asked.


Yang Duo thought about that ending.

“It’s not a success, but it’s not a failure either.”

“It’s just…”

“Forget it, you’ll know if you read on.”

Ye Rou and Lu Guo glanced at it, and finally could only suppress the doubts in their hearts.

At this moment, Yang Duo pointed to the Chen Cheng on the screen.

“By the way, you guys focus on analyzing this woman, we suspected her back then, but in the end, because of insufficient information, we couldn’t decide.”

“Chen Chengcheng?”

Lu Guo exclaimed.

Fang Cai Yang Duo didn’t say, he didn’t pay attention yet.

But at this moment, as Yang Duo pointed out, he seemed to see that something was wrong.

Ye Rou nodded gently.

“Through micro-expression analysis, when she asked the naïve third uncle just now, she was actually not curious, but more like…”

“I have the bottom of my heart.”

Lu Guo said deeply.

There are more and more puzzles.

Of course, all these outside audiences do not know, they just simply think that this book may be hiding, but as for what, they do not know.

Moreover, the identity of the naïve third uncle also made them particularly curious.

“You say, what is in this book, how does it feel very mysterious.”

“Alas, you may not believe it, I am a student majoring in literature, let alone a book, I can’t even understand the dictionary that I really flipped through.”

“Lying groove, is naïve so awesome? I didn’t even see it. ”

“Innocence is indeed very powerful, but the third uncle in his mouth is probably more mysterious, right? Actually notified with code words, and new goods have arrived? What do you mean? ”

“I don’t understand this upstairs, antiques? His third uncle is in the antique business, and the goods that arrive must be antiques. ”

“It seems to make sense.”

At this moment, a barrage reappeared.

The man claimed to be a well-known collector in the world of antiques.

“Wrong, you’re all wrong.”

“This code word does exist in the collecting world, but it is not like this, generally speaking, those who can use this code language are Tufuzi.”

“So, these three naïve uncles are probably really a veritable tomb thief!”

“What… What the? ”

“No, what is said upstairs is really fake?”

“This temperament of innocence, as well as this behavior, how can it not look like it?”

The man continued.

“It’s not like naïve, but have you seen his third uncle?”

“If you don’t believe it, if you don’t believe it, just watch it.”

“I can guarantee that this so-called third uncle must be a native master.”

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