“Lying groove, why is Lin Xuan there!”

“Lama Jia, he formed a team to rob the tomb, this Lin Xuan came to rob the tomb?”

“Blah blah, don’t insult my husband upstairs, he is obviously here to protect the treasure, this is a righteous action.”

“In other words, Lin Xuan is so handsome, he can’t get tired of seeing it!”

“Okay, don’t interrupt a group of you girls, aren’t you curious why Lin Xuan is also here? He looked as if he always had his own things to do, how could he be idle and have nothing to do to protect the treasure. ”

“It’s also true, but what puzzles me is why Lin Xuan is there every time where Innocence is, and it doesn’t look like they know each other!”

“No, in fact, Innocence should not know Lin Xuan, but it is difficult to say whether Lin Xuan recognizes Innocence or not, have you forgotten that he took special care of Innocence a few times ago?”

“My brain is buzzing now, completely confused, what is the identity of this Lin Xuan, why did he come, and, we also checked before, there is no such person, what is he doing?”

“To be honest, this time the past of the three lives is the most incomprehensible I have ever seen, there are mysteries everywhere, and I can’t see it clearly.”

“It’s good to be naïve, at least there are various reasons for walking in one step, we can see it, and this Lin Xuan, not only is his identity a mystery, but every time he acts without a trace, people can’t guess at all, and they can’t figure it out.”

“The most infuriating thing is, why are these three living stones always naïve and mainly them, what did Lin Xuan do during this time, why didn’t he show it?”

“Speaking of this, every time he is alone, he always feels that he seems to be very lonely in his heart, hiding too many things.”

Everyone, you have a word, I have a sentence.

In their eyes, Lin Xuan was like an extremely mysterious treasure, which always had the value of excavation.

But what made them uncomfortable was that it was clear that the treasure was in front of them, but it was completely impossible to excavate it.

It’s very uncomfortable.

Recording room.

Ye Rou and Lu Guo glanced at each other and analyzed each other.

“It seems that Lin Xuan should also come for this ancient tomb, otherwise with his personality, he would not participate in this kind of action.” The road country takes the lead.

Ye Rou nodded.

“That’s right, it’s only possible now, but what makes me curious is what he wants to do!”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Yang Duo on the side, and her eyes flashed with expectation.

Yang Duo shook his head, “In fact, we don’t know what he will do, but what he wants to do is the same thing that Jiumen did back then.” ”


Lu Guo was stunned.

“Doesn’t that mean that this Lin Xuan has something to do with the Nine Gates?”

This time, Yang Duo did not refute, but nodded, “Yes, and the relationship is very deep!” ”

As for what it was, she didn’t say much.

Ye Rou analyzed the information she knew, “If that’s the case, then if we continue to look, we should be able to know what they are doing, but why the ancient tomb?” ”

The last sentence was always puzzled by her.

For this sentence, Yang Duo glanced at her more, hesitated, and said in a deep voice, “Because many truths are buried in history, not only this one.” ”

The words fell.

Ye Rou and Lu Guo looked at each other again.

They seemed to understand something.

“It seems that the state still has many secrets, and it has not been told to the public, since it is history, then …”

“If you think about it, it’s a little scary.”

Ye Rou said bitterly.

Yes, if there is truth hidden in history, does that mean that some history today is false! More, not as everyone understands this?

She didn’t dare to think anymore.

Sometimes, when living in false time, you dare not touch the truth.

She’s just a small clerk.

For a while, the air in the entire recording room was a little depressed, and the three fell silent and stopped talking.

The projection in front of the three living stones continues.

The third uncle came to Lin Xuan, “Little brother, we will leave when the guide comes.” ”

Lin Xuan glanced at it and nodded slightly.

The third uncle seemed to be used to it, so he didn’t say more, and after a soft hum, he turned back to Panzi and ordered some matters.

Innocence looked at Lin Xuan, and his heart was a little inexplicable.

But he is a warm-hearted person.

He came up and said hello, “What a coincidence, we met again.” ”

Lin Xuan didn’t speak, not even nodding his head.

Just watched, then turned his head and looked at the sky again, as if there was what he needed to pay attention to.

Ignored again, naïve can only smile to hide embarrassment.

“Naive, he doesn’t seem to know us anymore.” ”

Innocence was stunned, but in the bottom of his heart, he saw what Lin Xuan looked like when he rescued him that night.

He remembered very well that when he finally pulled him up, that kind of look was obviously very friendly.

Come to your senses.

Although he didn’t understand why Lin Xuan took care of him, he still didn’t get angry, but smiled and said, “What are you looking at?” ”

Still, no reply.

As the sun sets, the sun shines in mid-air, and the scattered clouds above the sky slowly float.

Outside the window, there is a green view.

Occasionally, there is a birdsong.

Lin Xuan was immersed in his own world, turning a deaf ear to the outside world.

Innocence sighed helplessly, and slowly turned around and walked towards his third uncle.

When he got closer, he pulled the third uncle and asked in a low voice, just like a wronged child, “Third uncle, what is the origin of that person, it feels so cold.” ”

The third uncle glanced at the window, and then looked at the innocent face, where it was not clear that he was eating.

I couldn’t help but smile and said, “He, in fact, I am not familiar with him, he was introduced by a friend over there in Changsha, and they all call him little brother!” ”

“Little brother?”

Innocence pinned his mouth, “I see it’s almost the same as calling him a stuffy oil bottle.” ”


The third uncle smiled and ignored it.

And this scene is also a strong approval in the eyes of the audience.

“Hahaha died of laughter, the title of stuffy oil bottle is really appropriate.”

“Who said it wasn’t, this Lin Xuan didn’t say a word, if it weren’t for the fact that I asked who the bullhead was on the edge of the cliff before, I would really think he was dumb.”

“This naïve is quite a talent for naming, not bad, I will be called Lin Xuan stuffy oil bottle in the future.”

“To be honest, I am a depressed person myself, but I don’t know why, when I look at Lin Xuan, I feel that he seems to be more sad than me.”

“You guys look carefully, Lin Xuan’s eyes looking at the distant landscape, does there be a yearning inside?”

“It feels like a bird in captivity, inexplicably lonely.”

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