Lin Xuan did not criticize, but just continued.

“You have to leave before dark, and don’t touch anything here, walk gently and don’t touch the coffin.”

This time, the third uncle and the others had nothing else to say.

After nodding heavily, he walked towards the passage behind the coffin.

On the way through, try to stay away as much as possible, for fear of touching the same.

It wasn’t until he walked away that Innocence breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was puzzled by the third uncle and the others, “It seems that we have never met that group of people, is it not a place to go down?” ”

“If you think about it, they entered the tomb a few hours before us, but there was no trace of the group all the way to this main tomb.”

“There must be something wrong with this, otherwise it would be like this.”

Originally, the third uncle and Panzi had this idea, but it was a smooth journey, so they didn’t mention much.

At this moment, listening to Innocence’s words, they also frowned.

The third uncle thought for a moment and couldn’t help but say.

“If according to the previous inference, they and we hold the same map, they will definitely meet in the ancient tomb.”

“But I haven’t seen it now!”

“It’s very likely that I went to the wrong tomb.”

“No, or rather, it’s not a tomb that entered!”

As soon as the words came out.

Panzi suddenly exclaimed.

“Not a tomb?”


“Could it be that there are still many graves in this place?”

This speculation of the third uncle is a little mysterious, even if it is said that the location of the tomb entered is different, but this is not a tomb….

The map is all one, can it be?

Naive didn’t come up with something, so he continued to look at the third uncle, “You mean…”

The third uncle glanced at the two, then looked around, up and down, and spoke.

“An ancient tomb of this level should have been full of organs, and we didn’t encounter any organs along the way, just an anti-theft wall.”

“Don’t you think it’s too easy to enter?”

Speaking of this, his eyes flashed.

“So I deduced that the tomb in front of me should not be the main tomb.”

“It’s rather… Void Tomb! ”

The third uncle’s voice was unhurried and reasonable.

For a while, the two couldn’t help but look down and think.

That being said, however, this passage into the tomb was cut down from above, and it was impossible to determine whether it led directly to the main tomb.

If it’s really a virtual tomb, it should be a lot of organs, why aren’t there too many organs along the way?

Everything, can only be said to be speculation.

After thinking for a long time, Innocence finally sighed, “Forget it, let’s take a step and look at it.” ”

The passage is straight and wide, with nothing on either side.

At the end, there is another passage on the right hand.

Looking at this passage, Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed, and his lips moved, but he didn’t say anything more.

There were some raised stone bricks on the walls of the passage twice, and the third uncle and the others just glanced at it and didn’t pay much attention.

Go ahead again.

Turn right again at the end of the passage, this time with stone steps one meter long.


There are four statues scattered on both sides of the passage, showing human heads and sharp hair, which are not related to what they are.

And just after everyone walked for a long time, under the wall on the left side of the passage, a small hole with a length and width of one meter suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Look, it’s a hole!”

Panzi wondered.

Everyone hurriedly walked away.

One of the third uncles lowered his head and grabbed a handful of soil, and then looked at the shape of the hole, and couldn’t help it

“This soil is very new, it is a robbery hole that has just been dug!”

“Moreover, it is not like this hole is punched in from the outside, it should be punched out from the inside.”

Listening to his words, Innocence spoke, “This robbery hole was made by that group of people?” ”

“That’s right, this hole is very rushed, very rough, they are well equipped, it shouldn’t be like this.”

There was a pause.

“They should have gone wrong!”

“It’s funny, there has been no trace of this group of people along the way, I didn’t expect to see it here.”

The third uncle squinted his eyes and said in a condensed voice.


Innocence looked at the robbery cave, and his eyes were uncertain for a while.

“If that’s the case, then the minefield ahead should have been crossed, right?”

Panzi guessed.

The third uncle smiled.

“That’s right, it’s fortunate that we were one step late, otherwise we would have experienced these dangers for the first time.”

“Let’s go, hurry up, go see first.”


Innocence nodded slightly.

Soon, everyone walked towards the back of the passage again.

This time, at the end, there was actually a stone staircase that sloped 55 degrees, leading to the ground again.

As everyone walked down, the air began to get colder.

Walk through the stone steps, look to the left, and there is a stone gate again.

Moreover, this stone gate is more than three feet tall, which is quite magnificent.

It is inlaid with green bluestones, which glow green under the light, and the atmosphere is extremely eerie.

Panzi rubbed his hands and sighed.

The next moment.

Together, they saw the stuck place under the stone door.


A flash of essence flashed in the eyes of the third uncle.

Amazingly, there was a jack under the stone door that was struggling to support, revealing a gap that people could squat and climb out.

He hurriedly stepped forward to check.

After a slight fumbling, he said.

“The stone door is opened inside, otherwise it will not appear stuck.”

“It should be that the group of people have a situation inside, eager to escape, and the stone gate that was only broken will have time to collect it in the future.”

Innocence nodded, “Eight or nine is not far from ten.” ”

The crowd moved on.

Turning the corner of the passage, there was actually a bright light on the right side.

And the light was yellow and still shining.

“This is … Candlepower! ”

Panzi exclaimed softly.

The third uncle’s eyes flashed, and his hand immediately raised, “The tomb lamp has not been extinguished, there may still be people here, everyone be careful!” ”

One step, two steps.

When they arrived at the door of the passage, several people stopped their steps and flashlights over.

However, the entire burial chamber… Empty!

There are only a few coffins, quietly placed in the hall!

“No one?”

The third uncle couldn’t help but chuckle.

While breathing a sigh of relief, he also looked towards the entire hall.

The hall is wide.

It can almost be said that it is the widest environment they have encountered since entering this ancient tomb.

Above the head hangs giant meteor hammers, and on the ground, there are some coffins arranged neatly and regularly.

One bite, two bites, seven bites.

The third uncle counted as he walked.

It wasn’t until he finished reading all of this seventh bite that he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

“This… This is the Seven Stars Mystery Hall? ”

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