“Expect +1!”

“Looking forward to +10086!”

“Okay brothers, let’s not send it so indiscriminately, find a way to unify the problem, so that Miss Yang Duo can reply!”

“Yes, yes, let’s unify the issue.”

“Just ask the previous one, what is the identity of the little brother?”

“That’s right, that’s it.”

“Hurry, brush up with us.”

The barrage is messy, messy.

It took three minutes for this to unify.

And it was also at this time that Yang Duo, who sat down, saw the questions raised by the audience.

(The origin of the identity of the little brother!) )

“This question?”

Yang Duo chuckled, and then she spoke again.

“Before talking about the identity of the little brother, it is necessary for everyone to check the information, an organization called Nine Gates.”

“Nine gates?”

Compared with the audience, it is obvious that this Li Yun is more into the water.

At the same time, he also became the spokesperson of the audience at this moment.

As Yang Duo spoke up, he was the first to raise doubts.

“Yes, Nine Gates.”

Yang Duo repeated.

Perhaps sensing Li Yun’s puzzlement, Gu Lao on the side took the lead in speaking.

“Since the Divine Miracle Bureau chooses to announce it, then I won’t hide it, for the Nine Gates, you may be able to listen to a few words from this old man of mine.”

As soon as the words came out.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Er Gu Lao was also not in a hurry and spoke.

“The birth of the Nine Gates and the Republic of China period, the southern heavy city at that time was a sand city!”

“Back then, Shacheng had nine gates, and it just so happened that this Changsha City also had nine families, and all commercial activities in the southern city had to go through this one to be feasible.”

“Therefore, the world calls it… Nine doors! ”

“The nine gates are divided into the upper three, the middle three, and the lower three.”

“Speaking of the origin of the nine gates, in fact, they all started with tomb robbery, but because the first three doors were whitewashed, they were officials! And Ping Sanmen is to continue the old business, robbing tombs and smuggling cultural relics, so it is called a thief! The last three doors are mainly looking at the sale of cultural relics, which is for business! ”

“How chaotic it was back then, everyone familiar with history should also be clear, and I won’t discuss the merits of the predecessors much here, after all, the past is the past.”

Simply finished telling.

But what was left for the audience was no less than a thunderbolt.

“Lying groove, was Sand City so awesome back then? As a native of Shacheng, I don’t even know. ”

“Me too, I’m next door, I don’t know, it turns out that the Republic of China period is so strong.”

“But it’s also interesting to start with tomb robbery.”

“Okay, this is not important at all, don’t you think there is something very important, Nine Gates, let’s ask about the origin of the little brother, and now Miss Yang Duo mentioned Nine Gates.”

“I see what you mean, you mean, the little brother is actually a person from the Nine Gates?”

“But after so many years, shouldn’t the Nine Gates be gone a long time ago? How could it still exist. ”

Perhaps it is to understand the doubts of the people.

After Yang Duo finished explaining to Elder Gu, he continued, “Everyone also thought about it, after all, the old Jiumen is a product of the old era, and it has long disappeared into history by now. ”

“But everyone must understand that people can be flexible, and the same is true for a family.”


Li Yun couldn’t help but be surprised.

He probably understood.

Yang Duo continued.

“Although history is changing, in fact, the nine gates are gone, but there are still some remnants of those families.”

“For example, Xie and Huo in the lower three gates!”

“Also, Wu of Ping Sanmen!”

“Here I need to tell you one thing, don’t have other psychology for these people because of robbing tombs, these nine families did not sell cultural relics to foreigners, on the contrary, they were the main force of the revolution.”

Speaking of this, I don’t know what I remembered, Yang Duo’s voice began to be excited.

“Back then, the head of the Nine Gates was the Great Buddha of the Zhang Family!”

“Also known as Zhang Qishan!”

“It was he who integrated the entire nine gates, and finally led the entire nine gates, firing the first shot in the south.”

“Therefore, on a certain level, he has also made great contributions to the country.”

The words fell.

Some viewers who originally had some hatred for the Nine Families also gradually let go.

As long as it is not sold to outsiders, then everything is good to say.

And, what about that era! All understood.

The most important thing is naturally to fire the first shot, which is very important.

The audience did not speak and continued to wait.

Yang Duo continued.

“As long as everyone seriously checks the information, they can actually be searched, so I won’t say much here.”

“The next thing is the identity of the little brother that everyone is curious about, who is he? In fact, his name is not Lin Xuan, as for why he is called this, I will explain it later. ”

“But here, his name is… Zhang Qiling! ”

Li Yun frowned, “Zhang? Could it be the descendants of that Buddha? ”

Yang Duo nodded and shook his head again.

“The Zhang family is a very mysterious family, they seem to guard a secret, so far, we have not found out what that secret is.”

“Including the entire nine gates, they only know, but they don’t know all of them.”

“The patriarch of each generation of the Zhang family is called Zhang Qiling, which is why I emphasize it.”

“As for myself, I still like to call him little brother, and everyone will do whatever they want.”

“Another point, in the era of Buddha Ye, although he was the head of the Nine Gates, he was not a direct descendant of the Zhang family, but a side lineage, and the real concubine back then was his adjutant.”

“Okay, if you have any questions, please ask them quickly.”

Speaking of which, this is the end of the first question.

But the audience who fell silent was shocked one by one.

“So it is, so it is.”

“Do you remember what Elder Gu said, in addition to the one who was the one who would have this hand, there was also his adjutant, isn’t this the Buddha and the adjutant?”

“That’s right, it turns out that the little brother is from the Zhang family, so it really echoes all before and after.”

“The origin of the little brother is really mysterious, especially this Zhang family, it is also mysterious, each generation of patriarchs has a name, what is this strange?”

“Strange? No, I think it’s cool, you think about it, the patriarch of such a family has always been called Zhang Qiling, does that mean that this family is very mysterious? ”

“Speaking of this, I can probably understand, since they are all called by this name, does that mean that each generation of patriarchs has a common task?”

“Hey, the upstairs seems to be on the point.”

“I know what we should ask next, in fact, the identity of the little brother is not important, what is important is, what is he doing, right? That’s what matters. ”

“That’s right, that’s right, let’s ask this.”

“I approve.”

“Me too.”

“Hurry up and ask, less nonsense.”

Soon, the audience unanimously agreed, and the two questions were sent out again.

(What is the purpose of the little brother, or what is his mission?) Looking at this question, Yang Duo couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

It seems that the eyes of the masses are still bright, and they have grasped the core of the problem at once, and no strange problems have appeared.

But how should she answer? Organized the language a little.

She said again, “Actually, I can’t say that my answer to this question is 100% correct, but what is certain is that this answer is the closest guess to the truth that the Divine Miracle Bureau has gathered all the information in these years of investigation.” ”

“What the little brother wants to do, we don’t know, but it seems that he has always been on his own mission, traveling all over the Dragon Kingdom, compiling all the information, and the most he goes to is also an ancient tomb.”

“Some are invitations, some are on their own.”

“Before and after, since he appeared, every ancient tomb experienced has been extremely dangerous, and it is not inferior to the tomb of King Lu this time.”

“Moreover, according to our information channels, we know that the entire Nine Gates have launched a total of two actions that puzzle everyone.”

“The first time, it was the Buddha, and during the heyday of the entire Nine Gates, the Buddha took most of the people of the Nine Gates to a mysterious place.”

“And when he came back, the entire Nine Gates suffered a major injury for the first time, and many important people died.”

“Because the history is so far away, and the Nine Gates were deliberately hidden at that time, this time, we couldn’t find any useful information at all.”

“And the second time, it was relatively ahead, about twenty years ago, the nine gates again secretly exchanged the exchange rate and launched such an operation.”

“Because a large part of our information comes from naïve, that is, the story of the person in the past of the three lives, we don’t know much about this time.”

“The reason is simple, naïve he doesn’t know.”

“He only knows that his grandfather is doing a very important thing, and it is also this matter that finally caused the second great injury of the Nine Gates.”

“After this time, the entire Nine Gates have completely disappeared from the world.”

“It is precisely because of these that our divine and strange bureau combined the secret of the Zhang family, and finally guessed, it is very likely, that this little brother is the same, following the traces of his predecessors and doing that.”

A word is more amazing than a word.

The audience thought that Yang Duo, a person with a strange situation, appeared, and they would solve their doubts.

But I didn’t expect it…

The doubts were not solved, but increased.

At this moment, it also made them cry and laugh one by one.

“Alas, I really don’t know what to say, I thought it was the secret of the little brother alone, but now, lying in the groove, it is actually connected decades ago.”

“Nine doors, nine doors, and so many families and so many people are involved, my head is about to explode, how can this be guessed.”

“Yes, yes, isn’t it really unknowing, people don’t know a nine-door person, let’s guess where to go.”

“Alas, the real drunk, now more and more mysterious, my heart is like a cat scratch.”

“Hey, by the way, why didn’t they appear naïve, the program team let the people of the Divine Bureau come forward, naïve they should also come out, right?”

“It seems to be right, this look at the picture, how can I look at my good, spoilers are not fragrant?”

“Groove, upstairs is interesting.”

“How about we ask spoilers in our next question?”

“This… There can be. ”

The topic gradually crooked.

But the next moment.

The problem on the screen also made Yang Duo cry and laugh.

(Kneeling little sister spoilers, we want to know what happened next and which graves they went to.) )

Looking at this question, Yang Duo did not answer immediately.

Instead, she thought seriously.

Finally chuckled, “Spoilers or forget it, although I know some things, but these things are not necessarily right, there is too little information, naïve they do not provide much.” ”

“So, to some extent, we are all a starting line, and we all need to find the truth through the past of three lives.”

“In order not to mislead, spoilers will not be spoilers.”

Speaking of which, the audience is actually a little disappointed.

Fortunately, Yang Duo has additions.

“But what.”

“There’s one more thing I deserve.”

“In fact, we guessed back then, maybe what this task was, this group of parties may not know.”

As soon as the words came out.

Not only was the audience stunned, but even Gu Lao and Zi Lao, who were sitting, couldn’t help but look at Yang Duo.

The information that the two of them knew also came from the Divine Miracle, so many things were not understood.

But what is certain is that the Divine Bureau should not know about it? What does she mean by this?

A hint of cunning flashed in Yang Duo’s eyes, and he said with a smile, “Actually, I just figured it out, after all, this conclusion is really a bit outrageous.” ”

“There is no mission, so why should they use such a large amount of resources to go?”

“I don’t know…”

“But… Please pay attention. ”

“How did Grandpa Naivety go, let’s not mention it for the time being, but you see that Innocence and this action of the little brother.”

“Look, naïve, it’s the Wu family, right? Little brother, it’s the Zhang family, right? And that Chen Cheng orange, is it the Chen family? ”

“Nine doors to three families, and they are all of the younger generation.”

“Now, do you still think it’s a coincidence?”

“No, it’s not.”

“Therefore, there must be a pair of hands pushing behind this, and these parties do not know it.”

“Even if they are already on this task, moving forward.”

Scales fall from one’s eyes!

I’m afraid it’s everyone’s state of mind at this moment.

They widened their eyes and stared at the screen.

But in his eyes, thoughts flashed.

That’s right.

Everything Yang Duo said was correct.

This is no coincidence!

“It seems that things are more complicated than we thought.”

Gu Lao glanced at you Zi Lao and couldn’t help sighing.

“Yes, no wonder they didn’t want us to participate in the first place, it seems that this is the reason.”

“I don’t know what the big hand behind this is.”

For a while, the audience fell silent.

Everyone is thinking.

Until half a day later.

Yang Duo spoke again, “Okay, the little brother has also appeared, let’s continue to look at the picture, there is his past of three lives, many things just need to be seen, the truth may be found soon, right?” ”

As soon as the words came out.

Countless people nodded.

Then they set their eyes back on the picture.

At this moment, because of Yang Duo’s delay, Lin Xuan and Innocence had met for a while.

Moreover, a completely unexpected figure also appeared.

That’s right, it’s Anin.

That black leather clothes, as well as the beautiful appearance, and cold heart, everyone simply don’t remember it too deeply.

She just flashed through the doorway.


Lin Xuan flew directly and kicked.

He kicked the gun in her hand to the side.

At this time, everyone also paid attention.

“Is she?”

The fat man exclaimed.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, he stepped forward and picked up the pistol that flew to the ground.

When they turned back, the women did not resist and lay limply on the wall.

But he doesn’t care so much.

What if there is fraud.

Take three steps and do two steps to come to you.

He pointed the gun at it, “It’s good to say that it falls into the hands of the master, say, how do you want to die?” ”

“I remember the kick in Tibet, it was ruthless!”

However, he could not say more than two cruel words, and was interrupted by the innocence behind him.

“Fatty, she’s hurt.”

Swish! As soon as the words came out.

The fat man turned his head directly.

“I said naïve, you are also too naïve, right? The tiger is injured again, she is not a sheep, you forgot when you hunted you? ”

However, naivety is unwavering.

He stepped forward and continued.

“She no longer has the ability to resist, let’s treat it first.”

This will, the fat man is really speechless.

He kind of saw it, this naïve… Pure innocence!

“Gotta go, you talk, I don’t mix.”

With a sullen stomach, the fat man walked crookedly to the side, Panzi still needs someone to take care of it, he can’t be idle.

Naivety wanted to check the wound, but unfortunately was directly rejected by Aning.

And at this very time.

Lin Xuan, who had been silent, came over.

Seeing this, Innocence hurriedly made way for him.

Lin Xuan didn’t speak, just stared.

Until half a day later.


“You have corpse turtles in your body.”

Simple and simple sentence.

Then, in the shocked gaze of everyone.


One palm turned over Aning.

Wait for her to faint.

Only then did he check the wound on her leg, wash his hands with alcohol as he had done with Panzi’s wound before, and then take out the corpse turtle.


He lightly stretched out his hand behind him.

Seeing this, Innocence also hurriedly took the bandage over.

After taking the bandage, Lin Xuan was half-squatting like this, winding it little by little.

One lap, another lap.

Obviously there was no expression on his cold face, but I don’t know why, all the audience felt that Lin Xuan at this moment was so gentle.

It was peculiar and comfortable.

The fat man behind him was also a little puzzled, “Little brother, it’s really stupid that day, after all, people go to their names, how can you save her?” ”

Lin Xuan was silent.

Until a few more seconds passed.

That’s when he spoke.


“Like me!”

As soon as this reason came out.

The fat man just shut up.

Well, you boss, you feel free.

The innocence on the side did not know what to think in his heart, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This little brother… It’s more fun than he thought.

“Ahem… Cough! ”

Suddenly, Anin woke up from the pain.

The moment she opened her eyes.

“Don’t move!”

It’s still Lin Xuan.

It’s just that after he finished speaking, the movements in his hand had already been done, and he didn’t say anything more, got up directly, and came to the side.

And this scene.

It is also so that the audience in the live broadcast room floated a barrage.

“Haha, sure enough, the name of the stuffy oil bottle makes sense, a sentence like me, too talented.”

“I lean, there is a melt ah!”

“Little brother is too charming to be gentle.”

“Ahem, speaking of upstairs, where did you see that the little brother was gentle?”

“That’s whether you are superficial or not, the little brother has no expression, and it doesn’t mean that there is no movement in the bottom of the heart.”

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