“It seems that you really can’t ignore any family in the Nine Gates, it’s not simple.”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

Here, Innocence was driven out with a confused look.

He met a woman at the door, and he didn’t pay attention.

But the woman looked at Innocence carefully, and her eyes were thoughtful.

“Is he naïve?”

And the fat man on the other side and the Huo family also clashed again, Hi Shao deliberately lay on the ground and touched the porcelain, and for a while it was quite loud.

As soon as innocence came out, he saw this scene.

Because of his preconceptions, he instinctively thought that the Huo family was really bullying!

“Your Huo family, are you so unreasonable?”

When his words fell, he went straight to the fat man’s group.

A Huo family subordinate couldn’t stand it, and directly pushed Innocence, looking at Innocence’s stumbling appearance, he couldn’t help but mock, “This is the little grandpa of the Wu family?” That’s all! ”

“You… Who do you think you are, really think that I won’t do anything about it? ”

The fat man picked up his sleeve and went up.

At the same time, Chen Chengcheng supported Innocence with concern, “Innocence, are you okay?” ”

Innocence waved his hand.

But the eyes that looked at the Huo family had completely turned cold.

At this moment, no one has found it.

Behind the wall curtain, there was a black figure watching the scene in front of him with concern.

The audience saw it clearly.

“It’s little brother!”

“Haha, I know that the little brother will definitely not leave the naïve one behind.”

“The little brother has been ready to come out several times.”

“Yes, yes, but then again, although the fat man has a broken mouth, this Huo family is too arrogant and looks down on anyone.”

“That is, people’s naïve grandma doesn’t even sell Old Lady Huo’s face, how dare a group of them?”

“I understand now.”

“When the Huo family left Southern Sand City, I’m afraid they couldn’t get mixed up, right?”

“Makes sense, very likely.”

“By the way, who is that woman just now, why does she seem to know Innocence, and Innocence doesn’t know her at all?”

“I estimate that it should also be a person from the Nine Gates, to be honest, this naïve young master should be worthy of the name, but it’s a pity that he doesn’t know anything, haha!”

“Is this a serious book of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?”

“Look, the little brother is ready to go out, he seems to be angry.”

“Hmph, it’s time to go out and teach a lesson!”

“It’s good that that group of people bully the fat man, dare to make a move against naivety, the little brother will definitely make a move.”

However, just when a group of spectators were looking forward to it.

The little brother’s footsteps retreated again.

At the same time, at the beginning of the aisle, a shout came.

“What for?”


Two bodyguards, supporting a handsome man, stepped forward.

It was the same man who spoke.

As he revealed his face, a group of Huo family members also directly closed their mouths and no longer spoke.

“You’re just naïve, aren’t you?”

The man smiled and asked innocently.

“Well, you are?”

Naive is a little confused, he doesn’t seem to know this person, right? The man handed out a card.

There are only three words on it.

Untie… Rain… Minister?

Innocence whispered.

Last name Xie?

He seemed to have heard of this gender somewhere, and it was familiar.

It was also at this time that another beautiful figure came out, and the woman called softly, “Yuchen, grandma has been waiting for you for a long time, why haven’t you come in yet?” ”

While saying.

She walked over as she could.

At the same time, his eyes were still looking at Innocence, looking interested.

She said to the subordinates of the God Dynasty, “It’s so lively, I just asked you to pick up people, but I didn’t let you pick up so many people.” ”

That one named Dacheng was the Huo family’s subordinate.

When he heard it at this moment, he hurriedly said, “They…”


The woman gestured with her hand so that he didn’t have to say more.

Fang Cai’s words have already made the face of the Huo family come back, and in everyone’s hearing, it was the fat man and others who deliberately came up.

Although the fat man was not convinced, he had no choice but to secretly say that this little lady was not ordinary.

Outside viewers see it more clearly.

Because they knew how things happened, they couldn’t help but glance up at this woman.

“This woman just called Old Lady Huo grandma, she should be the little princess of the Huo family, right?”

Gu Lao said thoughtfully.

Yang Duo nodded slightly, “That’s right. ”

Then looked at the woman and continued, “Her name is Huo Xiuxiu, she is the only seedling of this generation, and she is also the pearl in the palm of the entire Huo family, and now it seems that it is indeed extraordinary. ”

“This is probably the means of the children of the great family, right? It seems to be a light word, but it directly turns things upside down, and then if naivety wants to provoke things, it can only be that they are vexatious. ”


As Yang Duo’s words fell.

The audience also understood instantly.

Indeed, don’t look at the reprimand of this pair of subordinates, but it contains multiple layers of intent.

First, it elevates the status of the Huo family, and also distinguishes the main and secondary, the fat man and others are guests, they are the master, the guests have the right to be satisfied, but the host is not arbitrarily offended.

Second, reverse things and get the first opportunity, just like Yang Duo’s analysis, and then no matter what, it is they who take the lead.

Third, naturally it is to get off the horse, seemingly reprimanding the next person, but in fact, it is saying that the fat man and others deliberately came up with a dead face, and the sense of oppression came all of a sudden.

Generally speaking, the communication of the children of these big families will not be put on the table for the audience to watch, and now with the live broadcast, they can be regarded as a cool watch.

At the same time, it is also emotional.

At the moment, inside the picture.

After Huo Xiuxiu finished reproaching the next person, he looked at the innocence and said, “You are the guest just now, right?” I’m very interested in what I just said, I wonder if you can tell me? ”

Innocence smiled slightly.

Direct resolution.

“It’s nothing, it’s just some historical issues, maybe you can ask them personally.”

As soon as the words came out.

The audience shouted.

The naïve young master can indeed be, although he has not really cultivated, but this can also be seen, directly opposing the general and the army.

Huo Xiuxiu obviously didn’t expect it, and couldn’t help but flash a different color in his eyes, and he was slightly stunned.

At this time, Xie Yuchen next to him smiled and said, “Xiuxiu, his Wu family… Naive! ”


Huo Xiuxiu had already guessed, but did not dare to confirm it one hundred percent.

Now he couldn’t help but smile and said, “It turns out that you are the little grandfather of the Wu family!” ”

Listening to Huo Xiuxiu and Xie Yuchen’s words.

Naivety was directly dumbfounded.

He looked confused.

What and what, he went straight to the point.

“Why do you always feel like you all know me? And I, I don’t seem to have seen you, right? ”

Huo Xiuxiu smiled slightly, did not answer, but said softly, “My name is Huo Xiuxiu!” ”

Xie Yuchen also smiled, but a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, as if he was treating a damaged friend, deliberately hiding it.

He walked over and patted Innocence on the shoulder.

“You can’t forget me.”

“Recall carefully, little naïve!”

Small table.

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