The ghost ship is extremely secluded, and from time to time, under the cover of thunder, there is a terrifying monster scream.

Aning’s whole person was dragged out of the air by those red hands, and it was only a moment’s time.

“No, Anin!”

Innocence yelled, and Na Aning was already on deck.

The decaying deck was a little overwhelmed, making a creaking sound and was about to collapse.

At this time, even if Naive already knew that there were real monsters, he was less afraid in his heart.

He wants to save people.

“Rope, where is the rope?”

Shouting like crazy.

“Go on!”

Suddenly, the fat man shouted, used all his strength, threw out a chain, turned in a large circle, and finally firmly tied it to the opposite pole.

“What are you going to do!”

“That’s a ghost ship!”

“Don’t go, she’s dead!”

“You’re going to kill a whole boatload of people!”

In times of crisis, the hearts of people can be seen.

Aning was arrested, except for naivety, none of the people in the ship thought of saving her, but each only wanted to live.

Innocence took a hard look.

“I will definitely save her!”

Boom, heavy rain poured down, innocence along the deck, little by little came to the rope, and then actually climbed directly up, he wanted to follow the rope to save people.

The wind, roaring.

The whole person is wobbly and at risk of falling at any time.

This scene is not a taste in the eyes of the outside audience.

“Alas, this day is so silly!”

“It’s a man, it’s a pity.”

“Ah Ning is the one who calculates him, he actually risked his life to save people, I really don’t know what to say?”

“Is this the retribution of virtue among the saints?”

“Speaking of which, Aning also saved him.”

A little, a little.

Innocence finally crawled along the rope, and just as he was about to take Anin’s hand, the hand behind her began to force again.

He dragged her towards the back.

“No, hold on to me!”

Innocent and hurriedly drank.

Anning wanted to grab it, but he had no strength, “You go, leave me alone!” ”

She said to Innocence.


“Quick, catch me!”

And that’s the moment.

Suddenly, crunch! Rumble!

The decaying cabin collapsed, and the two disappeared directly from everyone’s sight and moved into the cabin.


The fat man shouted anxiously.

But he still had to grasp this end of the rope at the moment, and he couldn’t get over at all, he tried his best, little by little closer to the tricky pole next to him, he wanted to tie the rope.

And at this moment, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

“Can it hold up?”

The fat man looked back and saw that it was the bald man.

At the moment, his eyes were looking at the rope.

The fat man gritted his teeth, “Fat master, I’m not that weak. ”

“That’s good.”

Zhang Bald said lightly.

Then, he jumped up directly in the fat man’s surprised eyes, stepped on the rope several times in a row, and the next moment, the whole person flew directly to the opposite ghost boat.


With a crashing sound, he also fell into it.

“This bald man!”

The fat man was shocked and scolded casually, but in his eyes, there was expectation.

“It’s the little brother, the little brother made a move.”

“I wasn’t supposed to do it, right? Probably because of naivety. ”

“That’s not sure, Aning will die when he dies, naivety can’t do.”

“With the little brother here, it should be fine, right?”

“I don’t know.”

“What was that red hand just now, why are you so cautious.”

“It’s like a ghost, and I haven’t seen anyone, it’s too terrifying.”

“I estimate that after reading it today, I estimate that I will not dare to go to sea tomorrow…”

“Upstairs, calm, calm.”

This is the moment.

As Ning and Innocence landed, the space seemed much quieter.

“The hand?”

There was no time to look, and when Innocence looked at Aning, the hand on her shoulder had disappeared.

“I don’t know, I was caught by it just now, and I lost my strength.”

Aning still didn’t look back in amazement.

It happened so fast.

She still hasn’t reacted.

“This ship… Something strange? ”

Innocence suddenly spoke, he looked at the surrounding environment, secretly analyzing.

“Strange? It should be a shipwreck, which is all decayed. ”

Anning glanced at it and said directly.


“No, it can’t be.”

“The sunken has long been filled with sand, there is nothing in it, maybe it has not sunk at all, but has been wandering on the sea.”

Innocence pointed around.

However, just as he turned back.

Anin had an accident again…

Her back was controlled by one or two hands, and the whole person had come to the opposite door, and she was turning the lock with difficulty.

It seems, what is turned on?

“Aning, no, Aning, come back quickly!”

She was clearly under control.

No matter how naïve is called, there is no response.

Innocence glanced around, picked up a wooden board and rushed over, but did not wait for him to hit that hand.


There was a sound of water and the door was opened.

“It’s a water monkey!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the air.

Where they fell, come down alone.

“Baldy Zhang?”

Innocent and amazed.

Zhang Baldy did not answer him, but shot directly in front of the door.

Bang bang!

Three shots fell, and there was a roar of pain.



Innocence hurriedly went over to drag Aning down, and then walked towards the vast expanse, and when there was no way to retreat, he looked at Anning while looking at Zhang Bald.

A few more seconds passed.


The iron door was knocked open, and a humanoid monster with a dark green body walked out just like that.

The head, like a monkey.

But the whole body is like gelatinous, and even the nose is degraded, but there are some organs like gills.

“Sea monkey, is that the name of this monster?”

Naivety thought silently.


One shot.

The sea monkey was hit in the arm again, and the blood flowed directly, and it yelled in pain.

The body collided and disappeared into space.

But Zhang Baldy did not let down his guard in the slightest.

Sure enough, not for a while.

The sea monkey reappeared.

It’s behind Zhang Bald.

See, you are going to hit him.

It was also at that moment that Zhang Baldy suddenly turned around, took a step ahead of the sea monkey, and turned around with one shot, two shots, three shots.

The moment you turn around.

Innocence had faintly seen it there, and it seemed to be very familiar, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Zhang Bald didn’t stop until he poured out all the bullets in the magazine.

And the head of the sea monkey was also beaten into a hornet’s nest, and the dead could not die anymore.

“It’s okay!”

He said to Innocence.

Innocence nodded and took that special feeling back.

“Let’s go back quickly!”

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