“This… This…”


Gu Lao thought for a long time, and he had no clue, and finally he could only sigh.

“It’s okay, this question still needs more information to prove that there is really no way to speculate for a while.”

Elder Zi nodded, but she also pointed out something, “Unless there is something strange about this naivety, then our inference will be true.” ”

But she didn’t believe it herself.

Shaking his head and smiling, “I don’t see it at the moment.” ”

“Keep watching, maybe there will be results later.”

Yang Duo suddenly spoke.

“That’s fine.”

Elder Gu agreed.

Soon, everyone stopped talking and looked into the picture,

At this moment, Innocence and the others had already arrived in the tomb just now, and the fat man had already turned around with the light.

“This is not right, what about the things, why is there nothing?”

The monk of the second zhang, scratching his head, probably said that it was him.

“Wasn’t it taken away by Ah Ningshun?”

He guessed.

Innocence and Lin Xuan followed behind, and the two also looked around, and also did not find where the oxygen cylinder and equipment went.

But naivety refutes the fat man’s words.

“No, we all saw it at the time, she entered the tomb alone, if she comes back to get it, unless there is another way.”

“What’s more, she can’t finish the oxygen cylinder of the four of us alone, that thing is not light.”

The fat man nodded, obviously agreeing with his words, but this also made him more puzzled.

“It’s really fucking strange, is it possible to walk around the wrong place?”

That’s it.

Innocence and Lin Xuan also realized something.

“It seems that it is possible!”

Innocence stared around and said heavily.

“Isn’t it?”

“I don’t read much, don’t fool me.”

The fat man looked back at innocence.

“This back and forth is just a road, you tell the fat master how I went the wrong way.”

Innocence did not answer, but pointed to the ground,

“You look at the porcelain around, it was obviously not placed like this when we came, there should be three porcelain bottles, and then one rolled away, and there are two left.”

“Also, we brought in a lot of seawater when we came, and this ground is obviously dry, even if it can seep water, it is not so fast, right?”

At this moment, Lin Xuan also pointed to the corner, “The baby coffin is also missing.” ”

Finally, the three were amazed.

“This… There are quirks! ”

The fat man squinted his eyes and became vigilant.

Innocence flashed his flashlight and walked out of the passage just now, but no matter how he looked, the arrows outside did exist.

Then this passage…

At this moment, he was also stunned, he couldn’t understand what was going on at all, thought for a while, and walked in again to see Lin Xuan.

“Little brother, you knew a lot about the Lu Palace last time, you should have your own channels, right? You look here, have you ever been here? ”

As soon as the words came out.

Not only the fat man looked over.

The audience outside also held their breath deeply and pricked up their ears.

Under the watchful eye of everyone.

Lin Xuan slowly spoke.

He frowned, as if recalling, “Somewhat familiar, uncertain, may or may not have been here.” ”

Listening to this, Innocence glanced at him more, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

And the outside audience is also talking about it again.

“Looking at the little brother’s expression doesn’t look like lying, since that’s the case, then he…”

“Brothers, do you remember the picture? That photo wall has a little brother, remember? ”

“You mean that archaeological team photo from more than ten years ago?”

“That’s right, there is a little brother on it, and in the notebook that Innocence took from Aning, there is also a name and photo of the little brother.”

“I have a bold guess.”

Speaking of which, others also seemed to react.

A terrifying thought arose.

“You mean…”


“That’s right, I guessed that anyway.”

The barrage was quiet, there was no imaginary commotion, and the welcome was quiet.

At the moment, the show is live.

Watch the audience barrage.

Li Yun couldn’t help frowning, “Could it be that the little brother is really an immortal?” Think about it, if the little brother is really immortal, won’t that explain all this? ”

“He has been everywhere, so he has a hundred memories of this kind of place, otherwise why does he feel familiar with places that no one has ever been?”

“And the most important point, even if a person may feel familiar with an unfamiliar thing, can the familiarity of the little brother be the same?” He is already called a prophet. ”

Everything left everyone speechless.

But not this speculation was absolute, so after hesitating for a long time, Gu Lao refuted.

“No, there are many holes in this speculation.”

“If the little brother is really an immortal, then the third uncle will not know? Those who went to the archaeological team with the little brother back then, will they not know? And the state, will not know? ”

“Since they all know that the little brother is immortal, why don’t they find a way to immortalize in the little brother? This is immortality, folks! ”

“Not to mention other people, simply our country, will let such an immortal wander around at will?”

Every word of Gu Lao was on the point.

Indeed, since the state was involved in archaeology more than ten years ago, it is absolutely impossible to let such a person outside more than ten years later, and he is ironclad in the laboratory.

Li Yun was still a little unconvinced.

He continued to defend, “What if it’s because of the negative effect of this immortality of the little brother? For example, he can only live to be forty years old, and what we see now, similar to amnesia. ”

Clearly, his defense pales in comparison.

Even, Gu Lao did not bring it up again.

This is a truth that everyone knows.

Only forty years old? That little brother died long ago.

Secondly, amnesia? Similar to the little brother? What kind of defect is this, you can be so familiar with the previous things, and when the time comes, you will be immortal, and if you recall a little of the previous information, isn’t it all clear?

This is not a vulnerability at all.

A debate came to an abrupt end again, but no one felt that it was over, anything.

All correct inferences emerge in debate after debate, and only in this way can the most correct reasons be found.

And now, although they didn’t find it.

But faintly, there is also a general conjecture in the bottom of their hearts, they have feelings, soon, they almost know the mystery.

After being silent for a long time, Elder Zi suddenly spoke.

She pointed to the picture and faced the crowd.

“Naive, they seem to be trapped.”

“This place is not the same as when they came in, and they went out from that place and back again, and the arrows along the way can testify, they definitely didn’t go the wrong way.”

“Could it be that this underwater tomb can still move on its own?”

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