Lin Xuan also saw this scene.

He immediately reminded in a cold voice, “Forbidden women are afraid of fire!” ”

Innocence reacted and hurriedly pressed the forbidden woman with fire.

The thing screamed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The fat man was shocked and called out what kind of thing this was.

Lin Xuan slowly opened his mouth to explain, “The forbidden woman is a poisonous jellyfish with hair, and once people come into contact, they will hallucinate. ”

“So it is.”

Naivety thoughtfully.

And then, the crowd continued to look around.

Innocence found the exit, just when he was excited.


A roar sounded, followed by a monster covered in green skin and like a gel, rushing over.

Exactly the sea monkeys!

He couldn’t react and was grabbed by the thing.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan was the first to see it.

An arrow rushed up, stepped on the fat man’s body and flew directly over, pulling down Innocence.

Immediately afterwards, he swooped up again and became entangled with the sea monkeys.

But I have killed this thing before, and this time I encountered it, almost three times five divided by two, and the agile one killed the sea monkey in seconds.

What they don’t know, however, is.

A figure was silently monitoring their every move in the shadows.

When the camera hits.

The spectators from the outside exclaimed again.

“Aning, it’s Aning!”

“It seems that she really knows something, and she can actually ignore the operation of this ancient tomb organ.”

“This woman is so yin, has she been watching it for a long time.”

“I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be too late to watch this scene.”

Show live.

Gu Lao couldn’t help but speculate out loud, “It seems that Anning left on purpose, in order to change himself from light to dark, so that he could observe the actions of Innocence and Little Brother.” ”

Elder Zi thought thoughtfully, “Almost, but I’m a little puzzled, since she knows so much about this ancient tomb, then why don’t she act herself?” Could it be that what she needs to do, she can’t do herself? Must be naïve for them to come? ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

And that’s the time.

Elder Gu exclaimed again, and he said with great joy, “I understand, I understand.” ”

“That’s right, this is it.”

“You guys think, why are they all calculating along the way, the boss behind Anning has two hands to layout, one hand is naïve here, the other hand is outside to attract attention.”

“The reason is simple, it’s this matter, you have to let the naïve come.”

“Although, I don’t know what is the difference between innocence, but you can see from the little brother that he can live forever, and there is something strange about that innocence, it should be justified, right?”

“So, the third uncle, the boss behind Aning, Jude Kao, them

Although the surface has always kept naïve from going to the grave, in fact, it is all using naivety to let him do something. ”

“King Lu Palace, is that so? This underwater tomb, is it still like this, isn’t this obvious? ”

As Gu Lao’s words fell, everyone also took a long breath of cold air.


It’s the same as what Gu Lao said.

If this matter is carefully investigated, it is indeed like this, they let the naïve not contact him on the surface, and even stop him, but one is the third master of the Wu family, and the other is a transnational smuggling company, really there is nothing they can do about an ordinary person?

This is not obviously driving him into the ancient tomb, into the ancient tomb.

Everything, on the surface, looks like naïve himself exploring, but in fact, it can find out the traces of pushing from the details.

At this time, Elder Zi spoke again.

“If so, then I’m afraid our speculation will be disrupted, if the innocence is pushed forward, the little brother is amnesia, it must also be pushed to go, what about the fat man?” Who is the fat man? ”

Listening to this, Gu Lao smiled slightly.

“Do you remember the first time we guessed? At that time, you and I both thought that the fat man was most likely a person of the state. ”

“And now it seems that one hundred percent is, since they know such a mysterious thing, they will definitely send someone, after all, the first appearance of the fat man is too bizarre, just like specifically to save people.”

Maybe it’s open.

Elder Zi looked at Yang Duo.

At this time, Yang Duo did not refute, but nodded.

“Wang Banyue is our man, but whether he was ours from the beginning is unknown.”



Yang Duo didn’t say that it was okay, as soon as this word came out.

Gu Lao and Zi Lao frowned again.

Listening to the meaning of Yang Duo’s words, could it be that the fat man may have other identities? Think about it carefully.

The first time the fat man appeared, and then the performance in the tomb, there seems to be nothing special.

Put a label on him that belongs to the state, and all actions are justified.

But Yang Duo did say it.

That can only mean one thing, this fat man, there is really something out of the ordinary, or in other words, he has escaped the control of the state.

Yang Duo did not speak.

Just frowning, recalling a certain fragment.

She was whispering lightly.

If anyone can hear it, they will see that it is a word.



Naivety found that this is the hot burial chamber of the Heavenly Palace, the top of the underwater tomb, looking at everything here, Naive doubted that the Genting Heavenly Palace was real.

And the other side.

At this time, Aning reported to the boss that Innocence had arrived at the main tomb and saw the model of Genting Heavenly Palace.

The boss told Aning that their plan should continue to be promoted, and he was sure that Wu San Province would take care of naivety.

Once they introduce innocence into the bureau, Wu San Province’s actions will be contained, and more and more flaws will have to cooperate with them, unless Wu San Province can really ruthlessly ignore the naïve.

Anin was distressed that he hadn’t found the other two snake-browed copperfish, but Jude Kau said it was expected.

Instead of blaming Ah Ning, he told Ah Ning not to do unnecessary things, as long as he paid attention to innocence.

Suddenly, Jude Kao saw the situation behind Aning through the video, and quickly told her to be careful.

However, when this conversation arises.

Gu Lao at the scene was dumbfounded again.

“Are all speculations wrong?”

He couldn’t figure it out.

On the contrary, Li Yun, who had been silent, said with a smile at this time.

“It seems that the second elder speculated too deeply, but let himself fall into it.”

“In fact, things are not so complicated, such as naïve things, it is clear that the third uncle knows something, and Jude Kao wants to cooperate with the third uncle, and finally uses naivety to coerce.”

“As for why Ah Ning is watching, it’s not just a matter of guarding their safety while staring at not letting them escape, so that it can be used as a bargaining chip to escape.”

I have to say that under the influence of the soul for so long, Li Yun has really improved a lot, a lot.

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