Chapter 66 The Black Sutra of the Undead, the Sun Gold Sutra is in hand!!

In the dark passage, in addition to the footsteps of everyone, there was also a sound of crackling coming from the wall of the passage.

Curator Terrence was shocked.

Evelyn asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

“The sound of bugs.”


Terrence visibly trembled when he heard Eleven say the name directly.

“Sir, you know?”

Eleven frowned: “It seems that someone has brought the scarab to life.” Who else is there here besides them? That group of Americans. ”

“Eleven, what is the holy worm?”

Zhang Haiyang asked.

“What do you say, you know the corpse turtle, right? Scarabs are something similar to a corpse turtle, but can live longer and move in groups. ”

Moreover, it is easy to be attracted by life with a heat source.

This thing represents ominousness.

Eleven suddenly thought, what would happen if the Queen Mother of the West replaced the corpse turtle in the corpse turtle dan with a scarab?

Zhang Hike, who led the way in front, raised his hand: “Someone is coming, there are quite a few of them.” Click… The crowd pulled up the bolts. ”

Ten seconds later, a group of people ran out of the passage, the same group of workers hired by the Americans, looking panicked.

It seems that something happened inside.

Eddie grabbed 24 and grabbed one: “What’s going on inside, tell me.” ”

The man said in panic, “Bugs… Also, they opened a holy urn, which will be cursed, and will be cursed, let me go. ”

After saying that, he ran with the crowd.

Holy urn?

The holy urn contained the mummified guts, and the cursed box that the man was talking about should be the box containing the Black Book of the Dead.

yes, it’s still a little slower.

Hopefully, they didn’t find Imoton.

“Speed up, I don’t want my stuff to be held by people who don’t understand.”

Trotting forward, there is a large hall at the end of the passage, and you can see that a pair of giant legs and feet have fallen here, and its body is on the ground.

It was the statue of Anubis that they had seen.

On the opposite side, five people were studying a book made of black metal.

The Black Book of the Dead.

This thing, in this land, can summon the dead, using special rituals and special spells, can achieve resurrection.

It’s magical.

At least now Eleven doesn’t know exactly what kind of principle this is.

Shout…… Syllable!

A flying tiger claw flew out directly, firmly grabbed the undead black scripture and dragged it back.

“Hey… That’s our stuff. ”

The five people immediately raised their guns and pointed at them.

Eleven took the Undead Black Sutra handed over from Aji, it was a real thing.

He could feel a breath above… The magical energy is the same as the energy of the snake god.

It’s amazing, how did all these things appear?

Whether it is the snake god or something else, now the power of Anubis has appeared, which is obviously not a normal force.

With a backhand, the Undead Black Sutra disappeared, and he looked at these five with a smile.

“You opened this box?”

At the feet of the five people, there was a beautifully carved and lacquered chest, as well as several clay pots.

The clay pot is what those who ran away earlier called the urn.

“Yes and how? In the name of gun, you should return that thing to us, Orientals. ”

“Yes, or the guns in our hands should invite you to eat.”

Very arrogant.

Eleven walked straight to a few people and said mysteriously: “Do you know what the price of opening this box is?” ”

“Don’t try to scare us, besides, now my guns are on you, sir.”

“Don’t worry, it is rumored that anyone who opens this box will be found by a mysterious existence and suck the blood and soul of his body.”

“Finally completed the resurrection, gentlemen, what do you think of this news?”

“Hugh wants to scare us, we grew up living in Ameriken, and no one believes it except the trolls in our hands.”

Eleven shook his head, I have to say that sometimes ignorance is also a kind of strength.

Cangxi snorted.

A white light flashed, and everyone except the three brothers squinted their eyes.

The five people looked at the pistol in their hands in amazement.

Or rather, only one handle remains… Gun.

Just now, what flashed by?

The Zhang family glanced at each other and secretly said, such a fast knife, if they faced this knife of Eleven, it was estimated that they would not be able to dodge.

O’Connor raised his gun: “Guys, you should know who the boss is by now.” ”

The five people threw away the guns in their hands and knelt down instantly.

Not a little guarded, not a little bit of discipline.

“I think you can struggle,” Eleven said, a little lost.

“No, sir, we like to kneel.”


“Ms. Evelyn, Anubis has the Sun Golden Sutra inside his other leg, right?”

“Well…, normally, yes.”

Gave Ah Da a look, went down a few times, and directly chopped it to pieces, revealing a space inside the giant leg, and the same small box appeared.

Ah Da glanced at Eleven.

“Don’t worry, there is no curse in this box.”

Directly opened, a book made of gold pages appeared in front of everyone, just like the Black Book of the Undead, the book also has a specific switch.

The Black Sutra of the Undead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun have arrived.

Now, it’s Imerton’s body.

Eleven suddenly frowned, and the sounds around him became more loud, obviously, coming towards them.

“Zhang Hiqi, can you give some blood?”

Zhang Hiqi, although it is said that she belongs to the overseas Zhang family, but because she took over the Southern Archives, her identity is actually not low in the Zhang family.

It is also from the Zhang family of the inner family, so he bears the blood of the unicorn.

Zhang Hi said, “Otherwise, I’ll come.” ”

Eleven squinted his eyes: “Isn’t your tattoo a sentence?” I remember it was the plane tree, three more rain, not to say parting more bitter. A leaf, a sound, the empty step drips into the light. ”

“You’re not Qilin blood, are you?”

Zhang Hike was stunned.

How could it be… Know so clearly?

Then came embarrassment, this sentence, a little… Secondary two.

“What, our overseas Zhang family can be tattooed casually because of its particularity, but I am also a Qilin blood.”

Draw a knife and blood drips out.

The scarabs that ran out of the darkness originally thought that they could have a full meal, but when they were about to approach the food, they felt an aura that scared them.

They were surrounded to the side, not daring to step forward.

Gee! Eleven smashed the mouth, this blood, is still very interesting.

He was curious about how the Zhang family came up with it.

Jonathan opened his mouth: “This, spilling blood these insects dare not come over?” Not scientific at all. ”

Evelyn nodded in approval.

O’Connor didn’t move in the slightest, and now he was more concerned about when his so-called reincarnated guardian identity would be liberated.

“Mr. Eddie, trouble find out Imoton, if I’m not mistaken, it should be right under this foot.”

“Don’t worry, Sir Eleven, we’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”

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