Wu Sansheng didn't know when he came over, he grabbed Wu Ling's wrist as soon as he grabbed it, and his eyebrows frowned into a small Sichuan character.

He had found out about his little nephew's injuries before, but he never found a chance to come and ask.

This stinky boy is either a cat or a dog.

He finally pulled his eldest nephew to the side and came to the side of the little nephew, and the stinky boy went to play with snakes again.

He waited aside for a long time, but this stinky boy didn't even glance at him, so that he didn't have any sense of existence at all.

In fact, it's no wonder that Wu Ling didn't look at Wu Sanxing, but his attention was all on that beautiful little snake.

Now I saw Wu Sanxing, who was originally separated by a position, sitting next to him.

Wu Ling was quite surprised, Derpy Mao trembled, and raised his hand to greet him: "Hey, Third Uncle, why are you here, why did you come here before?"

Wu Sanxing, who was just about to ask about Wu Ling's wound: "......"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Wu Ling helplessly.

Good boy, you don't even know when I came over, is my sense of existence so low?

But although he was a little puzzled in his heart, Wu Sanxing saw Wu Ling's lively appearance now, and the worry in his heart relaxed slightly.

But the frowning brow did not relax.

He held down Wu Ling, turned his head to Pan Zi in front of him and said, "Pan Zi, you give me the medicine box under the seat." "

Panzi noticed the wound on his little master when he was at school, but he never had time to ask.

At this time, when he heard Wu Sanye's words, he did not slack off at all, and hurriedly responded in his mouth.

"Okay, third master.

Soon he handed the medicine box under his feet to Wu Sanxing, "Third Master." Wu

Sansheng took the medicine box from Pan Zi's hand.

But he looked at the dense wounds on Wu Ling's body and was a little difficult, and he didn't know how to start for a while.

It's not how deep the wounds on Wu Ling's body are, but because there are so many wounds on his body that they almost cover his whole body.

In particular, the scars on the neck looked like they had been strangled with countless ropes, red and purple, and even dripping blood at this time.

Wu Sanxing had not seen this kind of posture in the previous decades.

Even if someone's intestines were beaten out in front of him, he could stuff that person's intestines back into his stomach without changing his face.

But at this time, he looked at these wounds on his little nephew's body, felt that his hands were a little shaky, and he couldn't get off his hands after holding a medical cotton swab for a long time.

He took a deep breath, kicked Wu Xian, who was probing this side next to him, and said in his mouth: "Stinky boy, you come."

"Okay. "

Wu Xian was a little unable to sit still when he was pulled to the side by Wu Sanxing before.

At this time, when he heard Wu Sanxing's words, he directly took the cotton swab out of his third uncle's hand, hunched his body, took a step with long legs, and half-squatted in front of Wu Ling.

However, because the space in the car was a little narrow, he could only half-kneel on one knee on the ground, so he could barely squat next to Wu Ling.

Wu Ling's eyes lit up when he saw his brother coming in front of him, and he just wanted to rub it forward, but he found that the thing in his hand seemed to be writhing.


glanced down at his hand with some confusion, and found that the little green snake had reached his arm at some point, and even tied his two hands together.

Wu Ling blinked.

The next second.

The little green snake was pinched by him and held it in the palm of his hand as if he was holding a chopstick.

was even tapped on the head, "Bud Mi, don't make trouble." "

Snake:"...... "


Who is Bud Rice?"

The green snake tilted its little green head in confusion.

It pondered for a moment, then reacted.

Oh, bud rice looks like it's me.

Thinking of this, the green snake silently looked at the exquisite scales on his body.

It arched its neck, slightly retracted its fangs, and pressed Wu Ling's palm with its little green head, and the snake's tail swiped a little irritably, as if to say:

"You are the bud, your whole family is bud, and the scales on my body are worth millions!"

Shen Yunxi, who was in the front row, looked down at the snake he had raised for more than 20 years.

His gaze paused slightly when it fell on the tree viper, the little paw that was clenched by his own little master.

Then the next second, he casually set his eyes on his little master.

Green Snake: "......" Lao Shen, you have changed, you are not the person who loved me the most before.

You are high, you are criticized, you take my life to coax our little master.


Wu Ling held the snake in the palm of his hand, he moved his little ass and rubbed it against Wu Xian.

He grabbed Wu Xian's sleeve with his other hand, and shouted obediently: "Brother." Maybe

even Wu Ling himself didn't know that he inadvertently had a certain dependence on Wu Xian.

It's the kind of feeling that although I haven't seen you for a few seconds, when I see you again, I'm still very happy, and I want to stick to you all the time.

Maybe this is what people often call the 'fledgling plot'.


Wu Xian's mouth responded, and he lowered his eyes and glanced at the green snake on Wu Ling's arm.

He knew that this snake was a snake that Uncle Shen had raised for many years, and he had touched it when he was a child.

But at this time, I don't know why, Wu Xian was a little unhappy in his heart.

But this kind of unhappiness was well covered up by him.

Wu Xian's gaze fell on these old brothers, he noticed Wu Ling's little finger, and he didn't know when he grabbed his sleeve again.

When he noticed this scene, Wu Xian almost cultivated the habit of Xi, and made Wu Ling grasp it more comfortably.

At this time, because he squatted down, his height was almost parallel to that of Wu Ling, who was sitting.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he could see the terrifying wounds on Wu Ling's neck.

For Wu Xian, who is usually afraid that Wu Ling will be injured, every time he does something, he has to do it himself, and he can't wait to hold him in the palm of his hand.

At this time, when he saw these wounds, his lips pursed and he was a little silent.

Only the hand of his left hand clasped together revealed that he was in a somewhat uneasy mood at this time.

He took a cotton swab and dipped it in some of the disinfectant iodine handed over by Wu Sansheng next to him, stretched it slightly towards Wu Ling's wound, and said softly in his mouth:

"Don't move."

"Okay. Wu Ling nodded obediently.

He had a lot of itchy flesh, and at this time he felt a faint itch and a cold feeling coming from his neck.

Wu Ling didn't move, and his sitting posture was extremely well-behaved, just like the children in kindergarten.

It's just that in the place where Wu Xian couldn't see, his little dishonest feet rubbed directly forward and were next to Wu Xian's feet.

Wu Xian's expression remained unchanged, but the movements in his hands became extremely light.

Wu Ling shook his little feet, looked down at the place where his brother had been given good medicine, and let out a "wow" in his mouth.

His sudden little exclamation frightened Wu Xian's fingers, and he immediately raised his head and asked, "What's the matter, does it hurt?"

His voice not only scared Wu Xian, but even attracted the attention of everyone in the car.

Wu Ling, who was being watched by everyone, smacked his lips a little deeply.

He held up his little paw that had been coated with medicine, and with some novelty, he slammed it in front of his brother, and said with great interest:

"Brother, you see that my hand looks like a braised pig's trotters. "

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