Next, after a short rest, the group left the tomb and decided to move on, all wondering what secrets were hidden inside.

The cemetery was still so quiet that only the footsteps of everyone were left, and everyone carefully watched every step under their feet, for fear that they would inadvertently trigger some strange mechanism.

However, after everyone walked a long distance, they found that the entire cemetery did not seem to be as dangerous as they thought.

After walking for a while, everyone came to a winding secret staircase, and large stone steps were piled up to create a stone staircase that swirled downward.

On one side of the stairs is a pitch-black stone wall, which seems to have a special material on the surface, and all the light seems to be unable to be refracted by it, giving people a very oppressive feeling.

On the other side, there is no guardrail suspended in the air, and even from the beginning down, you can only see a circle of stone stairs, winding to the bottom without end, and finally disappearing into the darkness.

“So high…”

Huo Xiuxiu secretly glanced at it, and he was a little palpitated.

Chu Wen didn’t say much, and led everyone to collapse up the stone steps first, now there is no second way in front of them, if they don’t want to return the same way, then they can only choose to collapse for a long time.

The stone steps are neither wide nor narrow, just enough to accommodate two people walking side by side on them, but for safety, everyone still walks on the stone steps in line one after the other.

“Everyone be careful.”

Chu Wen reminded everyone in a loud voice, he walked in the front to explore the way, step by step through the stairs, all very cautious.

Behind him was the stuffy bottle.

Originally, Luo Que volunteered to be the first to explore the way, after all, he wanted to protect Chu Wen, and did not want Chu Wen to be the first to explore the way, but in the end, he still failed to convince Chu Wen, and was arranged to the end, after all, the last person also needs to bear the burden of being vigilant against the danger from the rear.

In this way, the group walked slowly on the stairs as if in line.

Stone steps are piled up, and there are countless of them.

They walked for two minutes and were still on the stairs, and Wu Tianzhen couldn’t help but stretch his head and look at the other side of the stone step, and then immediately put his head back.

“What do you see?” The fat man said and followed Wu Tianzhen’s action and reached out to look, but with only one glance, his face changed slightly and he put his head back.

“Too tall, dazzling.”

What the fat man saw just now was in the darkness, because a little bit of light revealed a little truth.

The winding appearance of the stone steps made him feel dizzy and want to vomit.

Don’t dare to look, don’t dare to look.

Chu Wen did not have that concern, and glanced at it generously, but he felt that this thing was a little inexplicably familiar.

“It’s been ten minutes, why are we still on this stairs.” Wu Tianzhen was a little unsteady, he only felt that he had been going down the stairs since he walked into this staircase.

What he saw around, except for the stone steps of the same size, was only pitch black, and he felt that after walking like this for ten minutes, it seemed that the whole person was a little numb.

All I think about now is the stone steps, repeating them over and over time, as if I can’t remember what I’m doing or why I’m here.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Chu Wen instantly became alert, when personal thinking gradually formed inertia, then he would feel that all disharmony would become natural, so that he would lose his vigilance, and when danger came, he would not be able to react at all.

Or perhaps, before they step out of this strange staircase, they will be driven crazy by this dark and oppressive staircase that does not see the way ahead.

Sure enough, if he continued to walk, there were already several people in the team who were in a state of impetuosity, and even Chu Wen himself felt a little unstable.

Chu Wen immediately made a decision and directly signaled everyone to stop.

“This is indeed as I guessed, it is the design of that old guy in Wang Zanghai, the Hanging Soul Ladder.” Chu Wen said what he guessed.

In addition to here, there is this kind of hanging soul ladder in the underwater tomb.

Hanging soul ladder, you can know what it means by listening to the name, walking on this kind of stairs, over time, the whole person’s soul seems to be leaving the body in that whirlpool, slowly making people get lost in it.

However, this kind of weird mechanism is also very easy to crack, as long as a person’s mental power is concentrated, his willpower is firm, and he insists on walking through it, it is nothing.

Not only Chu Wen, after walking in before, the fat people felt an inexplicable familiarity, but they didn’t think about it for a while.

Before I thought that I had walked into some ghost wall, walking around or always on the stone steps, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous and anxious.

In this way, everyone rested for a while and began to continue on their way.

This time I had prepared in my heart, knowing that this hanging soul ladder would only make people feel like they had entered the maze because of its ingenious design, and they were relieved, and they each firmed their faith, followed Chu Wen step by step, and slowly walked down.

After having prepared in their hearts, everyone was much calmer, and even if there was still a stone step in front of them, they did not have the same feeling as before.

Huo Xiuxiu and Xie Yuchen let go of the anxiety in their hearts at this moment, but they were interested in this magical design, what an ingenious design, it was really very novel.

After walking for about ten minutes, the picture in front of everyone’s eyes finally ushered in a change.

“Whew… Finally came out. ”

Looking at the stone steps that had come to the end, the fat people who had always felt very depressed finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn’t wait to jump directly down the stone steps.

Below is a platform, the ground is relatively flat, jumping down from above is not afraid of getting on your feet because of the uneven ground.

Chu Wen glanced back at the stairs behind him, and secretly sighed with relief, and finally walked out of this hanging soul ladder, which can be regarded as passing safely.

Compared with the previous encounters, this level is a lot easier.

“Let’s go.” Chu Wen said.

The crowd continued walking. After walking for a while, the sound of “booming” water came from my ears.

Obviously, there should be a water source not far ahead.

Several people quickened their steps and walked over, and sure enough, they saw a babbling underground river not far away.

“So, are we already down to the bottom of the mountain?” The fat man muttered as he pointed to the underground river in the distance.

Chu Wen thought about it and felt that it should be.

They found the entrance on the mountain before, and after entering through the entrance, they kept going down.

Chu Wen calculated in his heart that the distance they had traveled was almost the location at the foot of the mountain…….

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